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Authentic sound & weapon Mod

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Changing the voices would require a lot of voice acting. I am a german and you would hear that if I record such sounds.

Won't be as bad as Arnold Schwarzenegger, though  whistle.gif

If there is more interest in voice changes, I need voice actors with good pronounciation, I can't use texas drawl.

British, american and australian accents would be my choices for that.

What about some voice generators? It is not so real but for some cases you may find them useful:


This web demo is quite good cause you can select even different languages. There was another one in which also whisper and shouting was possible but I can´t find it now...

Just try wink_o.gif

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Its a big job to change to voices, perhaps theres an easier way to do it, some general sound change, if you are in doubt of where I want to go with this, download the radiochatter files from ofpnam and take a listen, its not necesarily the voice that has to be changed, maybe there is a way to put the radio effect onto it, but I have no idea how to mod arma so I'll leave the experts to figure that one out...

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Changing the voices would require a lot of voice acting. I am a german and you would hear that if I record such sounds.

Won't be as bad as Arnold Schwarzenegger, though  whistle.gif

If there is more interest in voice changes, I need voice actors with good pronounciation, I can't use texas drawl.

British, american and australian accents would be my choices for that.

What about some voice generators? It is not so real but for some cases you may find them useful:


This web demo is quite good cause you can select even different languages. There was another one in which also whisper and shouting was possible but I can´t find it now...

Just try wink_o.gif

Sorry, I just found it...


Here you can select lots of voices, shout, whisper and change speed and pitch but the results are not always so real

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I will try to record another combat scene with the current sounds.

The new damage model does not really help in that, even a T-72 will shoot down an AH-1Z, so I need to re-play the demo-mission again and again to get one decent cut.

If anybody still got input, criticism and suggestion, just shoot.

If anybody got first hand experience with any of the weapons featured in ArmA, let me know. Could need some feedback on how to improve the weapons config for the cfg version later on.

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I would propose to have a bit louder sound for tank shells. When they explode close to the vehicle the volume is still quite soft. In my opinion you should "notice" a shell exploding so close to you as you do when an aircraft bomb comes now with your current config.

As a general comment the sounds are veeeery nice. I like the rockets explosion sounds: short but robust biggrin_o.gif; and the rifles too. Niceeeee!


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I might have found some people that can help you with recordings, they did a sound mod for Counter Strike a while back, in which they recorded all the guns with high quality equipment. (And yes, you can listen to the sounds without having CS:S)


It's only 3 megs, so I figure you can download it to see if you like the way they sound. Unfortunately I couldn't figure out how to get into contact with them. I will however, keep trying. It doesn't sound like much at low volumes, but crank it up a little and it's pretty cool. Unfortunately, the sounds mostly only come in single shot, so I wasn't able to tell how they'd sound in full or burst.

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Burst and/or fully automatic fire won't be necessary since 1.07 features a soundBurst parameter which recreates any burst out of a single shot sound.

And thanks, will look into that ASAP.

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Chammy, you gotta put the m249 v5, thats a sweet sound really rough an crackily (not a word, but it fits) notworthy.gif


M249 v5 (Sweet notworthy.gif )

M240 v2

pk v5

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Have you seen the video at dslyecxis website about authentic sounds?? I dont hear the cracks of the supersonic rounds I hear a woosh if the round is in close proximity to me ingame. heres the link..  http://dslyecxi.com/bestoftactical3.html

at the bottom of the page there is a video in the section about authentic sound. Just wondering why I dont hear this kind of sound in the mod...would love to hear a loud crack when rounds are near, is this not achievable with ARMA??? If you have already seen the video please disregard the link. Is there a reason why I'm not hearing it?huh.gif

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There is a supersonic crack. The *woosh* is a subsonic ricochet passing.

I got some video footage on YouTube (early beta version), just take a look.


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I checked out the video you linked I enjoyed it very much the A 10 is as darth vader would put it, most impressive! but it didnt show me an in game fire fight that is similar to the one shown on the video I mentioned in my earlier posts.Have you seen the video to which I refer predator??? are the sounds in that video possible in ARMA?huh.gif? Thanks in advance for your time and answers. Keep up the good work!

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Thanks, for the correction. why does the crack sound so weak? I think it should be louder and have some echo to it. It doesnt sound anything like the live fire video I asked you about.. How do you think they compare to the video of supersonic rounds during the firefight. When you hear that crack it should be loud enough to make you jump. depending on proximity of course. I just dont think that it sounds like the video. video = scary game sound = weak is there any way to intensify the sound so its more like what you hear in the livefire video?huh.gif?? Thanks again for your timely responses its the only area I feel is lacking in this mod.

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I'd like to...but the sound engine is really below any standard.

This said, you hear the crack far away from the actual path of flight, so it does not really scare you at all.

Reducing the hearing distance also decreases the volume of the sound. Raising the volume of the sound itself will produce clipping.

You can test that even in vanilla ArmA.

Put a civilian between a machinegunner or sniper and place an enemy car or truck a distance away. Force the shooter to fire at the target. Lie down and listen to the cracks. Now move away from the line of fire...you still hear the cracks several meters away. I was aprox. 20 m away and still had the sound of bullets passing. This is hardly some sort of immersion...it sounds stupid.

You will also notice the poor sound engine in a different way. The report of the gun is played with some delay (which is good) but it is not dynamic. The gun shot is not really changed by distance, should be more like a diffuse cracker going off. Nope, sire, in ArmA they sound the same on distance.

So how should I make a bullet passing sound scary, if the engine does not allow such things?

I have good contact to the BF2 Project Reality Soundartist and talked alot about sound effects. BF2 got a better engine, stereo sound (wohow..stereo! what a sci-fi-game is that???) and more events for sounds to be played...

ArmA got mono sounds, no dynamics...no fun.

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Thanks again predator! Its really a shame that in this day and age of dolby digital and THX certified sound cards that developers of a game of this magnitude fail so miserably at providing a good sound engine. Its only one of the key ingredients in an immersive environment. Kinda like garlic bread without da garlic banghead.gif almost pointless. Once again thanks for all your hard work and your timely responses to my querys. looking forward to your next release hope its soon smile_o.gif

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The author of the sounds I posted recently just relayed his permission for use of any and all sounds from any of his 'Real Recorded Gunshots' mod.

If you could compile a list of weapons you would like to get high quality recording for I can ask about getting them recorded, though I can't guarantee results.

Edit: He would like to be credited for anything used though. The name he used for the mod was 'jclewis'.

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I like the m16 and m4 sounds (havent really fully researched ur mod, but i play it with my beta patch) I think the sounds just needs something maybe base or something to make the gamer feel the power of the gun...

at is perfect now.. yay.gifyay.gif

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I like the m16 and m4 sounds (havent really fully researched ur mod, but i play it with my beta patch) I think the sounds just needs something maybe base or something to make the gamer feel the power of the gun...

at is perfect now.. yay.gif  yay.gif

I think the only weapons that need more bass are the Harrier GAU-12, Cobra M197 and the Hog GAU-8. They need lots more bass.

Other than that this is the best sounds I've ever heard in Arma.

Outstanding work thumbs-up.gif

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this and colonel sanders replacements: it's starting to look like it should be smile_o.gifsmile_o.gifsmile_o.gif

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just like to say a big thankyou to everyone involved in this Sound Mod.

Certainly makes the game much more realistic in every way , so hats off to all you.

Looking forward to the finished article immensley.

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Quote[/b] ]the only weapons that need more bass are the Harrier GAU-12, Cobra M197 and the Hog GAU-8

This could be tough...

I enhanced them with more bass, but they do sound just the same.

EDIT: Removed links, no difference.

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Though you might be right on many points Predator, as I am not an Audio Expert in any way...

"So how should I make a bullet passing sound scary, if the engine does not allow such things?"

I remember that even in OFP time, the guys of ECP made modifications with bullet whizzes and all kinds of stuff. It was pretty cool though uncertain how realistic.

What i'm trying to say is; How sure are you about your mentioned "Engine Limitations"... as even recently things that were called "Engine Limitations" either got researched and found untrue, or are workarounds made for smile_o.gif

Btw, as I said before I'm not a sound artist whatsoever, but I don't understand why a stereo source for a SOUND is better than a mono source. Isn't it logical that a device makes a Mono sound? I mean, an object only makes sound kinda in 1 channel right?

Isn't it the task of the engine to determine your position and direction and as such delivering your sounds in a natural way into your Stereo, 4.1/5.1/7.1 whatever setup?

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the GAU12 sounds like if you are touching the cables on the back of a stereo, a little lighter and with an echo

the first GAU8 sounds great, the echo sounds really good, I think it needs to be a bit louder.

the other one sounds good too but it sounds like its fired inside a hangar or something.

I can't tell much different with the M197.

the G36 sound is good, but It will need an ingame test to show how good it really is.

Peronally I think You should put a lot of work into the bullet passing sound it can give just the right feeling to the game, should also be a realistic sound but ofcourse, its not something you can just record.

I have heard a bullet pass my head and it makes one hell of a scary sound, it would be cool if you could get that into Arma.

Btw. I haven't been in a battle or anything, I just live near some very dumb hunters.

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@ Sickboy: Well, I am new to modding this game and don't have experience with OFP either.

The mentioned limitation is just what I experienced while playing with the engine.

A bullet passing creates a sonic shockwave which is damn loud (like a whip cracking above your head). This sound travels some distance, beyond the actual path of flight.

In ArmA, it seems, that the hearing distance is linked to the volume (makes sense). Increasing the volume also increases the hearing distance.

For a supersonic crack caused by a bullet, it is necessary to limit the effect to - let's say - 3 meters. In this zone, the sound should be at 100% volume, therefore achieving a scary *snap* sound. Beyond that range the sound should fade out pretty fast, otherwise the snap would be heard several meters away from the actual bullet. Might be realistic, sound is not limited to a specific area, but it will reduce the threatening nature of the supersonic crack.

Imagine you are under fire and you hear the sound even if you are not in danger. You will get used to the then annoying sound and don't really bother, because the sound of a bullet passing is no indication of a threat.

To the stereo issue: Every sound is 3 dimensional. Even if the source is singular. You can always hear where the sound is originating (except some occassions where the sound is reflected and distorted).

A mono source will always sound the same, moving around does not alter the sound at all. Normally walking around an area you hear a lot of sounds reaching your ear. Most of them can be located just by the stereo effect of your ears.

The other thing is, one single sound can change the channels, left to right and vice versa. You have the possibility to achieve a 3 dimensional environment by one sound only. Now put 30 sounds, like vehicles, birds, gunshots and voices into that scene and you feel like being in the middle of something.

Mono sources will be split to both front speakers (for 5.1 systems all three front speakers) and they sound like they are direktly ahead. Modern sound engines can alter the volume of each speaker to simulate distance and position. But the sound is still the same all the time.

It is difficult to explain such things in a language I don't speak perfectly.

Anyway, a stereo sound contains more nuances to recreate the actual event.

@Agamoth: This sound comes close to the GAU-12, a test firing sound I found is useless, I'd love to have a video showing the harrier firing the GAU-12...

GAU-12 Testfire

Both GAU-8 sounds are authentic and open air fired. I like the first one, but with a 2 second burst I had to use two different samples. I hope I'll receive a high-quality video soon.

There is no difference heard, and that is another issue of mono sounds. Limited possibilities of editing the sound.

Stay tuned for updates, progress is quite slow, though.

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Thank you kindly for this great explaination Predator!

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