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Wishlist for the next 1.06 patch

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I wish a few fixes for AI behaviour and collision detection.

- AI still walks through objects and eachother.

- AI walks in the middle of the street.

- AI shoots at empty vehicles when the crew disembarks. empty vehicles don't shoot back, crew or cargo does.

- AI thats able to fire over obstacles like sandbags and such.

- AI viewblocking smokegrenades. I know we got MAPfact_misc atm, but these things should be in the standard game imo, because it's doable.

- Limping when you got shot in one leg.

A new SP mission, Blood, sweat & tears is a good one. smile_o.gif

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I think that if we're doing this that we should be realistic. They're not going to change models or anything like that.

I think that it would be nice to have helicopter blade damage when the blades of the main or tail rotor intersect something. I also think it would be neat to have tracers where appropriate (like 1 every 3 for machineguns) and no tracers where they aren't appropriate. I would like there to be an appropriate level of zoom on crew served weapons and a computer controlled cannon on the hokum... oh, and support for crossfire ^_^

I would like to add inclining and declining rocket mounts on the helicopters so we can fire rockets in a hover.

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What I think BIS are doing is making ArmA less attractive than VBS2, so there's more reason to buy VBS2...

Still, I want better performance (AND THIS GODDAMN SHADOWS BUG TO GO AWAY (Linky))

I suggest you inform yourself before you are posting such comments. ArmA is for entertainment use, VBS2 is a military training simulator.

Furthermore there are currently no plans to sell VBS2 to the public (e.g. private users).

I also ask you not to write in all capital letters and stop the swearing in your posts.

I let you slip away this time but you better read your posts twice before hit the 'Add Reply' button.

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I also think it would be neat to have tracers where appropriate (like 1 every 3 for machineguns) and no tracers where they aren't appropriate.

Yeah! I'd like to see tracers specified in the type of magazine you use. Also, there could be a toggle for realistic tracers so you could have them for all weapons like now or just for those with tracer ammo. Then everyone would be happy smile_o.gif

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Fulll 360 rotational view when driving and flying. I hate not being able to see behind me.

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I hope BIS fixes that damn helicopter rearm bug. Reported it back in 1.02.

(Fire all rounds of ammo, try to reload @ ammo truck = impossible)

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-Iron sight for m203


-Altough AI engaging targets have been improved, much more work to do still

-FIX the dam sound BUG!! (no sound, or only few souds in Mp banghead.gifbanghead.gif )

oh and I like the idea of adjustable sights yay.gifyay.gifyay.gif

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Infantry surviving grenades and getting shellshock, not just dieing instantly when 10m away from it whistle.gif

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- Fix headshot.

(even if crosshair it at guys head and distance is 2m, the shot goes to upper torso)

- Ability to climb over obstacles. (small fences & sandbags etc.)

- Broken / flat tire texture looks like its been smeared with HP sauce.

...and few addons: Mi-24hind, Mi-26, T-80, T-90...well just release the tools and community will do them.

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There is still a big disadvantage present in ArmA with user made contents. The distribution of addons is still the same like in OFP and therefore proven as suboptimal - imho and afaik.

Having something like OFPWatch built in to ArmA, would be a good step. The best modding tools are no use without a proper distribution channel within the game. The chaos with Flashpoint is still present and most of the modders would find it very userful to distribute their stuff directly via a gameserver instead of serving it through pages, pages, pages, pages which results in lessened spreading, because the way is either connecting to a server and getting kicked because of missing addons or the other way around, downloading some addons with having no server with those addons currently available.

To get the addons on demand, for the session you want to join in, could be a good feature to have. Limitation: True for addons in average filesizes. Full-Conversions would be quite too big to offer them through the gameservers of course.

To find the happy medium is what i wish most from any next patch - besides walkable vehicles ;-)

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Oh, and if BIS gets time after all that lot maybe they could throw in a few wild animals.

.. And on the subject of wild animals .. some pretty women too please!  tounge2.gif

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i just hope they fix this god dam crashing problem, i not been ab le to play since 1.05 release:(

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1. please add some kind of minimap so player will be able to easily point directions to move for his squadmates and other teams. This will be extremely usefull in towns, really.

2. add shorcuts for selecting diffrent teams ("red", "green", "blue" etc) like <alt+1>, <alt+2>...

3. now your teams ("red", "green", "blue" etc) do not move in ordered formation for some reason. For example if I say <column copmpact> only my team will move in such formation while teams "red" and "blue" move like a crowd of peasants or something. This should be fixed.

Thank you!

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Some suggestions so far have been good, others are over optimistic. But then this is a wish list. I wish BIS would implment neural integration with my brain.... ok thats taking it too far.

Anyway I would like to see

-Grass overdraw problems solved (in Zoom)

-Better sounds (or I'll just make my own sound pack as I have done for many other games).

-An incumbrence system

-The return of the Bradley IFV

-Better MP client prediction and interpolation (its ok, but could be improved)

-MP servers to have proper mission rotations with maps that start when the server does, regardless if there players online.

-Javelin to be fixed and working in MP.

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-more realistic flames, the ones we got are oversized

-removal of X-box icons (back to old ofp mouse wheel commands...plz) it totaly ruins immersion

-slower anims for the building destruction

-as in OFP, boats are a no for covert insertion as even empty they keep engines on. fixable?

-great game BIS notworthy.gif

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