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1.05 Causes performance Hits.

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major performance hit

had to lower most of my settings and cancel out one core for tha game to run right

pent D 3.2 dual core

bfg 7800 gs

1 gig of ram

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BIG performance drop !!

The patch only made the game much and much and much worse, instead of making it better.

Me too is having but only problems with the game.... f***ing polygon error, and now this....NOOBISH patch ! Without the polygons in my screen I had FPS about 30-45, but with the 1.05 it's more like 10-25 ..... As I read all of your posts about performance hits' I came to the conclusion that ArmA/BI can suck my balls !! I'm throwing away the game, or even better: burn it !

Hastelavista BI, seems you can't ever make ArmA better than OFPR has ever been. One-day-fly.

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I've got just about every error imaginable. Performance starts off fine then quickly drops off, followed by texture problems and low poly models, and usually ending in a CTD and/or bluescreen.

It's a real shame, I loved OFP and I built a new machine pretty much for Armed Assault. Yet here I am 3 weeks later and I still can't play it confused_o.gif

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since install of 1.05 im having a REAL bad time the game runs well the only way i can explain it slow ive got that running through treacle feeling going on . I lose my sound straight away the only way i can get it back for few minutes is to shoot at the ground in front of me .

The animation when firing lags behind the actual sound

And i lag lik F**K when i play on a server with more than 24 peeps on huh.gif?huh.gif??

WTF is going please huh.gif??

xp pro (tinyxp rev5 retestrak)

3.2 pentium d

2 gig ddr 400

radeon 1950xt 512mb

asus p5pe-vm

1024*768 at 60hz refresh rate

all setting at default

creative audigy2 zs

10mb dstream 1mb upstream connection

AND Ive got all the latest drivers for all my components?huh.gif


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Same here, gone from alot of fun and getting my friends to buy it (104) to total disaster (105).

In 104 I had everything maxed out (except post processing) at 1280x1024 with 1200m view distance. I only experienced the bush problems, but in 105 I have to run at 1024x768 with most at normal and some low to get decent frames.

I actually tried to go all the way down, everything low or deactivated with 500m view distance in the second single mission in the 505 version. The Ambush-mission. I got 30-60fps. But then the game looks like its from 1995.

What the ...? What kind of monster pc is required to play this game at det optional settings? (specs in sig)

And dont come and say its the engines fault, the game looked and behaved much better in 104. I went back, but the iron sights messed up my head after the (short) bliss of the new ones.

Right now I`m not playing this game, as I dont want to destroy the feeling I initially got, and hope to see these issues adressed soonish.

I`ll browse these forums and play other games in the meantime.

Good luck, BIS!

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In ArmA the textures must be gradually moved to the video memory since there are no "level" changes. But because there is no loading, there is also no memory cleaning from useless textures.

Well, not everyone is experiencing it so this cant be true, and while im not a programmer im sure the ingame memory cleaning can be done, IIRC neverwinter nights used a similiar system as ArmA and didnt have problems with memory clearing either. smile_o.gif

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Apologies for posting this in many threads, but I have no other choice.The thread will be deleted ASAP by the "admin" and this gives more people the chance to read it. That brings me onto my first point.

1)The admin rules for this forum were setup by a Communist Dictator. There is no room for free speech anywhere. You say something that doesn't help Beta test VBS2 (Sorry ArmA), your Out, banned, bye bye , thread is locked down. These rules are also made worse because they are enforced by a group of 12 year old Hitler Youth who can't hold a conversation together.

2)"You didn't buy anything, you invested. Remember, this is an investment people" I'm sorry, did I miss that? Was it printed on the box somewhere? 3 words, WHAT-THE-FUCK. If you believe that, you have some kind of mental disorder. Serious. I work with people who have mental disorders.

I go to McDonalds, "Cheese Burger and Fries please" I ask politely. "Certainly Sir, Here you are" He places some potatoes, a live cow and some flower on my tray. "WHAT THE FUCK" I say. "Well you have to invest in it. You know, cook it, milk the cow, need the dough yourself. Its an investment" He says. "Fuck You!" I say.

Get my point? Why do people think it is acceptable that BI have served us up this plate of Uncooked bullshit?

The game has THE largest amount of bugs and shitty code I have ever seen and I have been PC Gaming since Wolfenstein 3D. One good thing that comes of this. At least I know it can never get any worse than this.

3)This game only seems to run on piece of shit computers. If you have a quad core, 4 gb, 2 x SLI GFX 8800GTX Cards etc like i do, you have no chance of running it. BI must be in real financial shit if they can't afford to test it on new technology or something apart from their own machines that they write the "CODE" on (I use that word very lightly).

4)Bohemia, if your listening. If you can't produce the goods, don't bother. You people obviously haven't got what it takes to make it in the industry. Only 2 games in 5 years and you still can't produce the goods. Ohhh no sorry wait, you have VBS 1+2 which you get users of OFP and ArmA to beta test for the US Army. You are a bunch of Eastern Block conmen. Please don't try to take PC Gamers for fools (I know there are a lot of fools on this site who you like to have lick your ring pieces) But i for one am not one of them.

There is tons more I could say but I don't want to over do it. The average user of this forum probably lost me after the word "choice" on line 1 of my rant.

I guess that's it from me. In a few moments my account will be disabled, I will be draged away and shot by Stalins henchmen and all trace of me will be removed forever.

Viva La Revolution!!!!!!!

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What you said was true in part, about for example people have to do beta tester for BIS... but today is the same thing for all games.

I think BIS will work to another patch that can be resolve more of troubles we have with the game at 1.05, otherwise they have just lost a consumer... like many others in future...

Like I just sayd before... is not possible play with a 6 hundred euro's VGA and reach 25 FPS for maximum... was not sow in never game before...

this is my second game of BIS, after OFP obviosly, but ArmA that can have a future with a new wonderfull graphic, can't go on like now, better... no have future for players loving play in multiplayer and not only for singleplayer.

Now, I think also that the same thing you have wrote can be sayd in more appreciacing terms.

Sorry for my EN, is not my mother language.

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I just call upon all people to boycot 1.05, reinstall the game and play with 1.02/ 1.04 and wait for BI to solve this problem.  

BI: PLEASE test your patches properly before bringing them out to reach some deadline... We waited a long time for this game, and personally I don't care if there's going to be another month or so before some patch comes out, only if it's an improvement to the game... but DON'T bring out a patch that s***s ***.

Thanks again.



Oh and maybe off topic, but the dictators closed the forum: 'They' say with Catalyst 6.7 drivers I won't have the polygon-error, but I DO....what the hack ??

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In ArmA the textures must be gradually moved to the video memory since there are no "level" changes. But because there is no loading, there is also no memory cleaning from useless textures.

Well, not everyone is experiencing it so this cant be true, and while im not a programmer im sure the ingame memory cleaning can be done, IIRC neverwinter nights used a similiar system as ArmA and didnt have problems with memory clearing either. smile_o.gif

Have your read this thread at all? It depends of your system and ArmA settings. If you are using low tuned ArmA settings there will be no problems. There are already enough "everythings is ok, runs like a dream"-like comments from the people who play with normal or low settings with 1.05. Half of them even doesn't tell their Arma settings. Guess what: My computer gives a shitload of fps when I put the settings to normal!!! whoo-oo. With low settings this is smooth as hell. But that is not the point. ArmA is also playable smooth some time with higher settings too until ArmA memory management glitches. This is not a question about HW quality, the point is that ArmA memory management cannot deliver with high texture settings but only a short time. Of course people who play with normal quality levels does not notice anything.

1.05 fu**ed up postprocessing, now it drops half the frames.

With low-normal levels we are graphically near OFP+FFUR level and they beat ArmA 100-0 in gameplay or actually in every aspect.

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post processing rapes my system on 105, in 104 it didnt create any appreciable drop..

im seeing the wierd memory issue too.. but not in as sever of way as many...

what do You make of this:

I turn on fraps enter the game and start myself just outside of a large city, looking away...

upon starting.. looking away from the city FPS are ~55 I turn and look at the city and they drop to 30 quickly.. but not below 30..

then I look back away again... back up to 55.. then I turn and look back again.. this time they drop to 25 for a sec or 2 then back up to 30..

I keep doing that and every time I look back at the city.. the system seems to get hit harder.. untill after 10 or so times my FPS is dipping as low as 20 before leveling back out at 30..


64 4000+

GF 7900GTO

2gb PC5000 RAM

5 mb PF on C:, 3000MB PF on D:

onboard sound


I generally run .. or should i say RAN it with everything on high or very high at 1024x768 at ~2008 view distance.

now I run it with same view distance (less didnt make major difference) and at the same res, but have to have some things like terrain on normal and of course ost processing is on low or I get gangbanged..

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I have this memory trouble too in 1.05  confused_o.gif

I can play normal about 15min and it all goes to hell

And weird thing is that when i installed v1.05 and started playing it in different terrain it ran very smoothly, and i played about 3hours icon_rolleyes.gif

Next day i got this memory THING!

Media Center

3800+ 64Athlon

GS 7600 512Mb

1Gb Ram


1024x768 32




everything else is Low

viewdistance 1700

And i don`t wanna but terrain dex to Low

Fix it Fix it and then i can be an happy non camper  whistle.gif

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I have similar performance drop with 1.05. Its about 5 to 10 FPS.

System specs:

AMD Sempron 2800+ 2.0 GHz

1.5 GB RAM

Radeon 9600 PRO


















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I go to McDonalds, "Cheese Burger and Fries please" I ask politely. "Certainly Sir, Here you are" He places some potatoes, a live cow and some flower on my tray. "WHAT THE FUCK" I say. "Well you have to invest in it. You know, cook it, milk the cow, need the dough yourself. Its an investment" He says. "Fuck You!" I say.

Sorry guys, but that IS funny. Whether there is any truth in us beta testing VBS2 or not, despite the games problems ArmA is a fun game. Yes it has problems, both features and performance, but last night I played for 5 hours straight on one Co-op mission. Don't know many other games at the moment that could make me do that so that speaks volumes in my book!

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I go to McDonalds, "Cheese Burger and Fries please" I ask politely. "Certainly Sir, Here you are" He places some potatoes, a live cow and some flower on my tray. "WHAT THE FUCK" I say. "Well you have to invest in it. You know, cook it, milk the cow, need the dough yourself. Its an investment" He says. "Fuck You!" I say.

Sorry guys, but that IS funny. Whether there is any truth in us beta testing VBS2 or not, despite the games problems ArmA is a fun game. Yes it has problems, both features and performance, but last night I played for 5 hours straight on one Co-op mission. Don't know many other games at the moment that could make me do that so that speaks volumes in my book!

I'm sure you either haven't got any major bugs in the game (like polygons/fps drop), or you just keep your settings at low-lower-lowest A.K.A. OFP-look-a-like....hmm ?

But yes, ArmA IS a great game without the many many bugs and errors and crashes...

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Yeah, I'm having a blast in 1.04! I keep going to 1.05 to try it again and see if I can fix my problem, but it always ends up the same way. Its frustrating that it works so well for me in 1.04 but I can't play 1.05 for more than 10 minutes with it slowing down... which is a bummer cause I was looking forward to playing some multiplayer. Being a programmer myself, it feels like they've possibly got a memory leak occurring with the way they handle textures, which explains why everyone is getting more performance if they drop texture size and why 8800 owners who have the 768Meg variants are having little to no troubles.

Is there any report from BIS on the status of this? I'm beginning to feel like they're just ignoring us here, especially with what Maruk has already said in this thread. I really hope they fix it in a small hotfix patch or something.

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Is this topic about performance decrease or the lod/texture problem? And are the 2 related?

My current PC is an old peice of crap and performance felt the same with either 1.4 or 1.5 (i barelly tried with 1.4 though).

The same was true for the <span style='color:red'>LOD/TEXTURE</span> problem where the whole Arma world would look like untextured kid drawings.


Page file and virtual memory settings.

On your desktop - left click my computer and select: properties > advanced > performance > definitions or settings (im not sure).

Now you will have 2 tabs, click advanced and under virtual memory click alter/change.

Now select personalised size (default is system managed) and try 2000 MB for both initial and max in the 2 boxes. Apply the change and reboot when promped to.


After rebooting i also tried something sugested in the hw/performance, etc thread pinned up there, went into BIOS and increased AGP aperture from 64 to 256, im not sure if it made any diference though.

Fact: My current PC remains an old piece of crap and Arma doesnt run very smoothly on it but im playing with 1280x960 resolution and some settings on normal and i no longer have the <span style='color:red'>LOD/TEXTURE</span> problems.

Please say if this helps you, im soon buying a new high end computer just because of Arma smile_o.gif .

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Addition to my previous post, the only good thing i've find in 1.5 is that i don't have lag when I zoom on trees or brushes, with 1.4 i've some lag with 1.5 it's the only case i don't have performance drop or lag.

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TELL ME somethings getting sorted because im 10 mins away from re-installing camper-strike back on my pc confused_o.gif

as ive allready said in a post looks like anyone with a shit hot puter is fucked with this game

(digging around for my ZX81 to see if it runns better on that ) banghead.gif

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I think we have only to wait and have faith in BIS...pls fix 1.05 problem for all user!

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Lets think about this for a second, how the game is set to deliver information to be rendered. The textures are STREAMED so if you video card is waiting for those textures you will see the performace hit you are having. The Ati cards seem like they cant handle waiting for that information as well as the nvidia cards can. From what i can assume the textures are cache based when streaming from one's hard drive. Now that Armed Assault is set to deliver textures this way, the only way to control how they load is threw the view distance control. Setting the View distance will determine how much data will be streaming at a given point in time. My option is the major flaw is this, they fix this they fix 90% of the issues everyone is having. What everyone is seeing is called system lag or bottleneck.

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reading in other thread everyones going on about memory handling blah blah blah blah i know a thing or 2 about puters but im no bill gates but i can tell when a game runs smoothly(104)

and game runs SHIT (105)

im goner give this game a chance and not burn it like most peeps are goner because this is only the 4th fps ive looked the like of

doom (yes the first 1)

counter_strike whistle.gif

battlefield 2

and arma soooo please BI sort it oouuttt

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I go to McDonalds, "Cheese Burger and Fries please" I ask politely. "Certainly Sir, Here you are" He places some potatoes, a live cow and some flower on my tray. "WHAT THE FUCK" I say. "Well you have to invest in it. You know, cook it, milk the cow, need the dough yourself. Its an investment" He says. "Fuck You!" I say.

Sorry guys, but that IS funny. Whether there is any truth in us beta testing VBS2 or not, despite the games problems ArmA is a fun game. Yes it has problems, both features and performance, but last night I played for 5 hours straight on one Co-op mission. Don't know many other games at the moment that could make me do that so that speaks volumes in my book!

I'm sure you either haven't got any major bugs in the game (like polygons/fps drop), or you just keep your settings at low-lower-lowest A.K.A. OFP-look-a-like....hmm ?

I play with everything on Normal most of the time. I have played around with everything except Post Proc, Shadows and AA on High and its still playable but it does dip down below 30 enough times to make me switch back. But if you look closely at my post you will see that I acknowledge that the game has both features and performance problems. Unless you are taking issue with the fact that I am still enjoying the game?  wink_o.gif

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Hi all. Well its the same here. 1.4 ran nicely on my pc which isnt a high end rig. I have;

1gb RAM

Athlon XP 3000+

Asus Nforce 2 mobo

Gainward Geforce 7800gs.

I used to play ofp alot so I'm aware of lag and the game running slow especially when lots of units etc to load. On average I would get around 15 / 20 fps with gfx settings all on normal in 1280 res but post processing off and shading detail high. I was quite surprised actually at how well it run. After 1.5 it went a bit pear shaped though. After a while the game would just degrade badly at around 10 to 20 minutes of play in single player. The texture went all weird and blocky and the lag was very bad. I'm going to test out now what Heatseeker posted on my rig and I'm also running system booster which was mentioned on another thread. I will try to turn down view distance and see what kind of score I get on ArmA mark. My previous score was 1300 something on normal so I will keep you informed and see if any of these tips helped me out.

P.S for those angry with BIS try to calm down. I know its annoying but they only just released the 1.5 patch I'm sure they will work on fixing the issue. You know its a great game juist give it time to iron out the problems it wil be worth it. All the best!

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Ok so here is the result. It is definatly better now I'm pleased to say! Here is what I did,

1:Made sure all drivers were of course upto date

2:I changed the virtual memory settings and agp aperature size as Heatseeker suggested.

3:I defragged my disk and did a fresh install of game and patch.

4:I got System booster and keep it running on the ArmA folder only.

5:I turned off Vsync (forced off) in gfx settings.

Now I can run the game in the same settings as before. High settings at 1280 res with post processing off. I still get lag when there is alot of loading going on for example in the beggining of the 'commander' sp mission but that is to be expected. In large town areas too it isnt so great but that is more to do with my rig rather than game code. The textures dont seem to get bogged down and I played for 1 hour solidly with my regular 1.4 settings. It isnt super smooth but again that is due to my rig but the main point is 1.5 runs like 1.4 after those changes. I do however seem to be getting the shadow glitch with trees going a bit triangle near grass line but its no big deal.

I ran ArmA mark too and got the same score on normal settings 1357 and 900 in high. Nothing on my rig is overclocked by the way and Im on XP sp1 in case anyone wants to know. I recommend trying this out to everyone having trouble, its worth a shot. A big thanks to Heatseeker too for the tips! Best of luck guys. smile_o.gif

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