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Seized By trigger

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How do I use that?

There is three new activations in the triggers. Seized By West, East, Res.

How do I use these? What do they acctually do?

I guess it means that the winning side is more than the loosing side, but is there any details on this?

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Example of typical usage to detect if the area of a trigger is seized by BLUFOR:

Create a trigger configured as:

* Activation Seized by BLUFOR

* Present

* TimeOut 15-30-60

This trigger evaluates if BLUFOR is dominating in the area and depending on the level of domination it needs to be hold for time from min to max set in time out (in seconds, only Time out style really makes sense for this trigger type, do not use it with Countdown style).

If a side has very strong dominance, only min timeout is needed. If it has a marginal dominance, max timeout is needed.

Whenever enemy has fired, the counter is reset - this means as long as there is any enemy fighting, the area is not considered seized even when there is a strong dominance.

If Detected by... is set, only units known to the side are used for estimating the level of control so the designer must ensure that entire trigger area is well known to the seizing side before considering the area secured (or create multiple triggers that need to be active at the same time).

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Thank you Ondrej.

That was just what I needed smile_o.gif

I am so amazed by the support you guys give us on this game.

Could you ever think of any other game where the lead programmer answers editing questions in forums?

Thank you so much.

// Tophe, Östgöta Ops

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By the way.. How is a side dominating?

By being more than the enemies?

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Quote[/b] ]By the way.. How is a side dominating?

By being more than the enemies?

By being stronger than the enemy. Hard to describe more in detail - one tank or one chopper is much more force than a soldier, even different soldiers vary in force.

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Sounds like a great concept. Thank you.

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Oh finally i understand! smile_o.gif

So if you have 1 BLUFOR Tank vs 6 OPFOR Soldiers BLUFOR domains.


Does the kind of weapons the soldiers carries matter too?

So 1 BLUFOR MG Gunner vs 3 OPFOR Rifleman who will domain? BLUFOR?

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