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Lets share some info.the ball rolling

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Hey all,

i am trying to share with whomever it may interest what i have learned so far in the addon world in arma.

please take into consideration ,i have only in the last month began to enterthe world of addons after many years scripting (or trying to).

anyway here goes and pls correct any mistakes and give your own info, please .

i will base what ic can on people having learned what i have from gran q , so i wont repeat his fine config work.


changes as follows i have found from hex editor i will first put the old name and the new name i used.

1 old name = l raketa

new name = Missile_1

same for 2 but obviously Missile_2

3 and 4 are same process just

old name = p strela

new name = Rocket_1

now at a glance looks like all my names of rockets and missiles mixed up. i dont know but it works ,so i went with it.

i dont know if these name changes will matter if in the config

here .the names are same as in the p3d will it matter ?

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> memoryPointLMissile = "Missile_1";

memoryPointRMissile = "Missile_2";

memoryPointLRocket = "Rocket_1";

memoryPointRRocket = "Rocket_2";

selectionFireAnim = "muzzleflash";

crew poition and pilot is really just about 2 things

1 being that you need to alter it slightly for view from ofp to arma.

2 being that you can utilise existing classes from arma for example

old name =proxy:ah64pilot.01

can be changed for in my case : proxy:\ca\temp\proxies\ah1z\pilot.01

why i dont know but again it worked and i felt because in config

i was using the

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">driverAction = "AH1Z_Pilot";

GunnerAction = "AH1Z_gunner";

it my help the flow . might be uselsess but it worked.

now heres one that i needed to change because the ofp version simply didnt work in its old format.

old name = proxy:hellfire_proxy.02

new name = proxy:\ca\air\AGM114Hellfire.01

now i hope someone can learn something from this .

once again pls respect i am a noob and there is a second reason for this post , i hope others come here and add to and or correct what i have put.

once again anything ommited is in the granq config . i hope turret info is shared next wink_o.gif



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just a quick update on this , i discovered that some models that i was testing in 1.02 ,no longer work in 1.05.

it would seem altho 1.02 was happy for the p3d to contain some reffences to old proxy names such as cargo and in one instance

agunner proxy .

In 1.05 any refference to any proxy that hasnt been armaised, even if not mentioned in config , it will crash the game.

might not be news to many , but if someone has ported someting and it dont work anymore, this could be the reason.

in essence the game got a whole lot stricter on naming things.

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From my experiences with animation work, I get the impression that everything can now be named like you want, if you place the correct name in the config. This way we come around the Czech selection names which is a big advantage. So it is not important how you name your selections. It is only important if you inherit from other classes and dont override the inherited selection names.

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correct ,it is what i wanted to say but couldnt say it right.

the essence of which you have captured well.

But with a small point i needed to point out that no longer, if anyone did before can you refer to an old proxy p3d and the engine will over ride it . for instance whilst messing with the chinook in 1.02 , the engine allowed for alot of mistakes, when reffering to some anims in the config. like the cargo anim etc .

but not anymore.

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