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Wildly varying performance!!

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As the title and description say. So far I've had some decent performance in the very first sniper mission where you sit atop the water tower. Then in the "direct hit" mission the performance was passable (when not around the main camp).

Then I got to the first main mission where you have to repel the enemy attack and the thing was a complete slideshow all the way through!! Not only that but half the time textures on the screen were reduced to their bare minimum level of detail until the more detailed textures were loaded in their place in rare instances (something which took a good 4-5 seconds).

My specs are as follows:

-Pentium 4 3ghz 800mhz FSB


-ATI Radeon X800XL 256mb

-Soundblaster Audigy 5.1 card

My screen resolution is 1024x768 and my advanced graphics settings are set at everything on low, except objects detail which is at very low. I've tried reducing the draw distance to 800m as well as disabling shadows and/or AA but that didn't help. I have the latest ATI driver as well as a pretty recent sound driver installed.

It seems the poor performance is occuring in missions near certain populated areas, or where there is a lot of activity going on at once. But then again that is not exhaustive because i'm sure I have noticed it in less populated/dense activity instances too. Some help would be appreciated.

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.. sorry i cant really help you but your attitude is not likey to be any help for you...

its only 3 hrs ago youve created that thread.. be a bit patient

have you tried searching?

maybe someone had a similar problem

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I'm having similar issues. While I'm only using the demo, I've noticed that performance is pretty good when I start a coop game and when I join one. Capture the flag seems ok, I've played a decent round there. But but whenever I join a capture the island server, it may start out ok, nice an smooth, and after about 5 minutes it getting choppier and choppier until I swear I must be getting 3fps when I try to spin around.

Funny thing is, it seems to make no difference what my graphics options are set to. I can run smoothly, for a while at least, at high settings, normal settings and low/lowest too. But that creeping framerate destruction happens at all settings. I've tried capture the island at the lowest settings at 640x480 and it still got bogged down in a mire of unplayability, heh heh.

My XP system has every useless service disabled, most recent drivers, no background apps etc...CPU always idles at 1% Sounds like maybe a memory leak specific to my hardware or something, but I don't think it has anything to do with the video card, as lowering those options does nothing to cure the problem.

I know my system aint exactly cutting edge, but something's got to be going on here.

P4 3Ghz/800fsb

2Gb DDR400 ram

BFG 7600GS OC with 512mb

Creative X-Fi (tried with and without hardware/EAX enabled)

Edit: I was running the demo today and my computer just went to blackscreen. I had to manually power-off, and I almost had a heart-attack thinking my video-card was fried. It wouldn't show a post screen while booting until the 3rd attempt. I'm assuming this must be my CPU sensing that it's overheating and shutting down due to some P4 autoprotection or something, but the fan is fine and checking the heat as soon as I could get it to boot showed the CPU at 85Celcius. Is that near the danger zone? I went into my bios and double-checked that all the setting were standard/auto (the only "souping-up" option I had enabled was "performance mode" on the ram, which I disabled). Same thing again. I think I'd better wait until I get a new next-gen computer before I get AA, coz a decent video card isn't enough, I suspect, and I'm afraid I'm gonna kill my computer in the meantime, lol. Runs all other modern titles I've bought flawlessly though.

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A great attitude there mate... huh.gif

The original problem sounds like a lack of CPU power. I also use a P4 3ghz (northwood) and I haven't had any such difficulty, but as I only have the demo I can't really compare. Try turning off hyperthreading if you are using it, and removing all unnecessary programs and windows services. In game, shadows cause the biggest performance hit of any graphic option, turn them off.

OldGeezer, the demo CTI mission is known to cause very poor performance over time, but your situation sounds excessive. I have played in games that last many hours before the framerate dropped below 15. Note the slowdowns are caused by the server, so even if you have just connected, if the mission has been running for a long time you will get ~5 fps. The solution is to restart the mission every couple of hours. The problems are mission specific, so don't worry.

As for the cpu, I have a northwood 3000 overclocked to 3300, with a stock cooler (but a very high airflow wire mesh case) and it never gets above 60 C. Prescotts run about 10 C hotter. Search more technically appropriate websites for more info.

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why do men try to compensate their insufficient length of their genitals by posting their pc specs in their signature???

LOL!!! rofl.gif

nephilim - not sure why you have drawn that conclusion, but it made me laugh!

I actually have a massive c*ck and use a 486 33sx! My favourite games are Sopwith and Doom!

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No one has any help to offer. This forum is an absolutely worthless piece of shit.


I will certainly offer some help dude - CHILL OUT! i can picture you sitting at your computer desk, sweating, swearing and banging the keyboard and mouse in frustration. You will only die sooner, but maybe that a good thing cos you sound like a knob! smile_o.gif

If it is help you want try these "obvious" troubleshooting tips, because i expect you haven't already.

1 BIOS update

2 Take your Ritalin

3 Graphics card driver update

4 Get a decent graphics card

5 Take your valium

6 P4 3ghz is not a great CPU (and it gets way too hot cos they so inefficient), perhaps this is the limiting factor if your system becuase you have adjusted the graphics settings and its made no different? You should be able to try another CPU with same motherboard if its socket 775. - Basically, if your system is not crashing or experiencing other problems and it is purely the framerate thats a problem, it is either CPU not fast enough, GPU not fast enough or driver problem, or game code not optimised for your system.

7 Have a lie down

Good luck nener.gif

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