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Bugs and playing 1.04 with German cdkey

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So, I've played 1.04 with German CD-key (because cdcheck works with German copy and owner of English version needs his DVD for playing too) and I've come across few bugs. As all versions are basically identical, and only cdkey determines the language, should I report these bugs even if isn't really supported combination?

I'm talking about really annoying about bugs like


which is caused by faulty language.pbo, someone just copypasted old code in buildings\stringtable.csv, path should be ui_action_open_ca.paa

Quote[/b] ]STR_DN_OUT_O_DOOR,"Open doors","Otevřít dveÅ™e","<img image='\ca\ui\data\ui_action_open.paa' size='4' />","Otwarte drzwi","Открыть двери","Ouvrir portes","Abrir puertas","Apri le porte"

STR_DN_OUT_C_DOOR,"Close doors","Zavřít dveÅ™e","<img image='\ca\ui\data\ui_action_close.paa' size='4' />","ZamkniÄ™te drzwi","Закрыть двери","Fermer portes","Cerrar puertas","Chiudi le porte"

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