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Osama dead but was deaf from bombings beforehand

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After getting nailed by a daisy cutter, Osama made his way to heaven.

He was greeted by George Washington who yelled "How dare you attack the nation I helped to conceive!" slapping Osama in the face.

Patrick Henry was next and said "You wanted to end American's liberty, so they gave you death" and punched Osama in the face.

James Madison came up next and said "This is why I allowed the federal Government to provide for the common defense" and kicked Osama in the groin.

Osama was the subject of similar beatings from John Randolph of Roanoke, James Monroe and 67 other people who have the same love for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

As Osama writhed in agony on the ground, Thomas Jefferson picked him up and hurled him back to the gates to be judged.

While Osama awaited his turn he screamed "this is not what I was promised."

An angel replied "I don't know what you expected, you were told you there would be 72 Virginians waiting for you."

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HAH deaf from bombing YEAH RIGHT ........ id check his palms to see how much hair is on them biggrin.gif

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