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Enemy Flares

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Ok I made a guy and gave him flares. I even gave him teh command to shoot the flares. But he wont do it. When I made myself that guy I noticed I had to reload the flares first.

Is that a problem? How do I make him reload flares then fire them?

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Isn't there an action called: 'reload flares'? So for example:

F2 --> 6 --> 'reload flare'

F2 --> 6 --> 'fire flare' or just: F2 --> 3 --> 3 (that's engage-fire right?)

Hope this helps!

Grtz, WW

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I add these answers, perhaps they are of use :

*ALSO : Make sure you add the MAGAZINE FIRST, (in this case a flare) before the weapon ! Then you don't need to reload a gun for it to work.

Answer #1 by Bloodmixer :

This should do the trick , just put the following in an activation field of a waypoint or trigger :

soldier1 Fire ["throw","Flare", "Flare"]

Make sure the unit soldier1 carries a rifle with grenade launcher and some flares.... With the addweapon /

addmagazine command you can add these weapons/ammo to units. Night officers carries flares and a rifle

with grenadelauncher already..

Answer #2 by Sefe :

For western soldiers:

soldier1 Fire ["M203Muzzle","Flare", "Flare"]

For eastern soldiers:

soldier1 Fire ["GrenadesMuzzle","Flare", "Flare"]


Hope this helps,


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I just tested this in OFP, and after encountering the same problem as you I noticed it is vital your remove the old weapon first :

removeallweapons soldier1

and also remove all magazines ofcourse.

then add a magazine "Flare"

any magazines you need (M16, grenade etc)

and then a "M16Grenadelauncher"

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I had to make two triggers and use the grenade muzzle in the action to fire the flare for my mission but i can't remember what the action is.... maybe if i find it i will be able to tell ya but i aint sure what the muzzle may be for the easts weapon... confused.gif

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