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The new release vs old sales

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I just read the very long and good interview from armed assault zone


and it answeard almost all my questions and wishlists for Armed assault. Except one, will we, the poor soules that could not stand the wait for the english release have the opportunity to dowload a patch that will make our game up to the same standard?

Since we allready had a LAN event planned for february(initialy Augst 06), we could not gamble on yet another delay in the release dates, so most of the people around our little community bought German versions. I hope that we dont have to buy another copy to get the best out of our beloved hobby smile_o.gif

P.S no one have answeard my emails to BIS regarding some PR activity for the community..I hope one of you see this little desperate cry out for help..

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of course there will be a patch so that the german version will have the same version as the english one.

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Yeah, but it seems to be going a wee bit off topic.. Runway lengths etc etc.. wink_o.gif

I would hope that the next patch is made available to those that went out of their way to buy it "before" the 505 release comes out.

Assuming that the 505 release is on DVD, it will already have the patch applied. I would like to think that other publishers (Morphicon etc - assuming they will be given it in time) would have it ready for download on or before that date.

In fact, if the release date is 16th Feb and the Demo has a lot of these features implemented already; BIS really should be pulling out ALL the stops to get this patch out...and Quick!!

I've shelved this game due to the fact that it simply isn't ready enough 'at present' for me to play. I'm a bit disappointed, especially as the Demo seems to be getting more attention at present; however I do realise what a great game we will have in a few months. smile_o.gif



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Like I said before in that 505 thread - we are definitely getting the the patch that will add the 505 features and I'll bet you money that we'll be playing the updated versions before (I'm talking a few hours here) the people who will buy the english release.

Think about it - it's not in Bohemia's best interests to have a discrepancy in versions for too long, and considering they probably have been making those 505 improvements as a patch anyway (working off the german/czech build) there is nothing stopping them from releasing the patch instantly.

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I'm from Germany, but i would prefer playing the english-language-verion of ArmA.

Should I wait for the UK-release, or buy the German version and patch it to english.

I fancy the Uk-release, because the language patch isn't official and could cause problems in multiplayer, couldn't it?

Will there eventually be an official language patch, after the Uk-release has hit stores in February?

viele Grüße aus Deutschland

twisking aka Fabio

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I've got no problems using the patched german version online.

I might actually end up buying the special edition of the english version also, but that's just me. Over the years I've bought OFP 3 times.

If you want the english version though, you should wait. If you've waited this far, maybe you could be able to survive a small months time.

I just had to have it right away. wink_o.gif

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On the one hand I would survive till February (i guess), but on the other hand buying the UK-release would be much more expensive for me (new release + import-fees).

Hard decision!

And there are no rumours about official english language support for non-english versions with or after "505", are there??

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