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I will texture the shark models for you, I'll even texture a metal robot shark for you. thumbs-up.gifthumbs-up.gifthumbs-up.gif

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I will texture the shark models for you, I'll even texture a metal robot shark for you. thumbs-up.gifthumbs-up.gifthumbs-up.gif

That would be great. I'll be sure to send you the UV maps soon.

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I think MS paint would be good for doing texturing. thumbs-up.gif

Would you like to help the Sharks With Lasers Total Conversion Module Developer Team?

It would be great to have such a top player as yourself CT.

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Hi, could I beta test this awesome Total Conversion Module?

Oh, Im already beta testing, thanks Dr. Blackdog our awesome (Edited @ request of Mr. Sniper Skull) leader!  yay.gif

I think this is gonna be awesome, great idea for this mod!

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If you're serious about this mod, then don't forget that the lasers could be used to blind troops in a secondary fire mode. I'm not a coder but I guess you could use the grenade and HDR effects.

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I want to betatest and I am learning a bit of photoshop. Can I be in? pistols.gifpistols.gifpistols.gif

EDIT: WOW I Just got teh best idea!!11!1111:


Shark Submarine! pistols.gifpistols.gif

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What has happened to the moderation on these forums?

This is a prime example of the immature attitude you all have, or want to have. What is so cool about posting replies in childish dialect. such as "pwn, omfg, beta test111," i don't get it.

Makes you look retarded as well.

If someone else where to make this topic with the useless replies it got, it would of been closed, so why not this one?

This is obviously a very sarcastic joke, but someone who thinks he can get away with it.

I can take a joke, but as neph said, this is really getting beyond a joke now, i really would considering getting the moderators to read the forum rules again!

Ban my ass if you want, but i think the attitude the moderators are taking are very slack towards some key members on the forum. And its gone down the drain since placebo left.

What is going on!


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You should better read the rules, too, Nick:

Quote[/b] ]§7)No public discussion on how the forum is moderated

Next one who posts here in "internet slang" or clearly below his usual level of language gets 24h PR and 1WL.

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This thread is going nowhere with all the immature remarks.


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Reopening beacause someone actually have something solid to contribute with.

The next person to post pointless dribble will be severly punished.

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For all of you who think we were not serious, here is a WIP pic of the shark model.


Model: Abs

Unwrapped by: Sniper Skull

Texture: oyman

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^^ For the model itself, yeah..definatley.

But the feeling that this thread was made for intentionally breaking forum rules w/o really doing so leaves a bitter taste to it.

Don´t get me wrong, loved the roflcopter .. but this is .. insane.

People posting nonsense and moderators defending it just makes me wanna rofl.gif

PS: If this is worth my first WL i´ll wear it proudly biggrin_o.gif

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^^ For the model itself, yeah..definatley.

But the feeling that this thread was made for intentionally breaking forum rules w/o really doing so leaves a bitter taste to it.

Don´t get me wrong, loved the roflcopter .. but this is .. insane.

People posting nonsense and moderators defending it just makes me wanna rofl.gif

PS: If this is worth my first WL i´ll wear it proudly biggrin_o.gif

Could we get some news about this mod on http://armed-assault.net & http://armed-assault.de ? that would be great for Sharks With Lasers Total Conversion Module Developer Team. smile_o.gif

We will soon have more news on the shark moving truck.

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i would like to play this... i played pink pony and loved it biggrin_o.gif So why not have sharks with laser canons?

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I think people ought to relax a little bit. The people posting here were enjoying themselves. It's the first bit of fun I've seen on these forums in a long time.

Anyway, I'll be working on the truck model sometime thisweekend. Actually, I really liked the shark with the cockpit in it. I might get on that one too wink_o.gif


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I would love to have the "Kuifje" shark in the game ^^ (the one with cockpit)

And I really enjoyed myself reading all of this, I have a 3DS model of a shark lying around here, btw. Had to make it for school, but you can find the tutorial on some 3D tut site, I actually pay for such education crazy_o.gif

edit: just found out the "international" name for "Kuifje" it's Tintin, just for those of you who liked to know

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Quote[/b] ]But the feeling that this thread was made for intentionally breaking forum rules w/o really doing so leaves a bitter taste to it.

Youd need to prove that in a court of law first.

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I think you may want it to be a Class 4 laser. Class 3s are not that powerful. You may even want to go with a megawatt class laser.

Just my 2 cents.

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I would like to put a stop to some of the emails/PM i've been getting about the Sharks With Lasers Total Conversion Module Developer Team logo.

I have some great news for all the Sharks With Lasers Total Conversion Module Developer Team fans. CanadianTerror has made an awesome logo for us.


From now on. all new sites that posts news about Sharks With Lasers Total Conversion Module Developer Team. needs to have that logo in the header.


Sharks With Lasers Total Conversion Module Developer Team

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I would like to applaud you men on this grand adventure. The model looks excellent, the textures not so much (get back to work Oyman), and that logo by CT is very... Canadian xmas_o.gif. If you need help making a website, I would be glad to assist smile_o.gif.

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