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This is what should be included in ArmA

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Here's the 1.09 release:

SLX_Mod_1.09.rar 34.3MB @ RogePost.com


Changed mod config use.

Changed radar display size and position.

Many small tweaks.

Removed speed and altitude readouts on OFP HUD to make vehicle instruments useful instead of redundant.

Made AI's able to turn all the way to the side for shooting to the sides while running.

Iron sights have variable field of view with lowest zoom the same as regular view zoom and maximum zoom at 90 degrees.

Made SF soldiers have flashlights.

Round binocular optics.

Made basic rifle classes have bayonets so special classes are no longer needed.

Added launched smoke grenades that grenadiers launch at enemies first.

Made CoC Artillery shells play the medium range hit sound by default so if the CoC scripted ranged sounds don't work then there will at least be a sound for a hit. If the CoC scripts are working then it should still sound the same.

More and faster pistol movement modes and ability to shoot while moving prone.

Can look through optics while rolling to see the view roll around.

Forests conceal better.

Added tracer magazines to officer loadouts.

Made voices enabled by default in all configs.

Made added replacement pack models not needed in configs.

Added weapons in cargo of vehicles. Many more AT weapons.

CAVS armor and weapon settings.

Changed tank armor to make hitting a tank in the engine easily disable it. Tank guns have more armor to simulate better front protection and reduce the chance of situations where only the gun gets damaged and droops down. Hitting tanks in the side does more damage than hitting them in the front and hitting near the back of the side has a better chance of penetrating and hitting the engine.

Added FFUR2007 config.

Updated SLX_GL3.pbo to version 1.05.


Adjusted munitions windage and size and speed of hit effects.

Made suppressive fire have a chance of affecting units according to their skill.

Made squads suppress enemies when there are no visible targets. Invisible targets are placed at the last spotted position of enemy units and the AI's will shoot at them if there are no actual enemies visible, resulting in suppressive fire being used against hiding enemies. Thanks to Terox and BAS for invisible targets examples!

Made tracers appear every 4 rounds and made options to always have tracers.

Made shot effect play supersonic sounds and make the trace when a projectile is traveling at supersonic speeds. Thanks to Dslyecxi for the sounds!

Added checks to see if player is leader before all combat mode and group behaviour changes.

Made units garrisoning buildings not stop when inside, which might have fixed the bug where squads won't return to their waypoints after garrisoning a building.

Made vehicles with engines off have a chance of catching on fire when damaged.

Added basic helicopter rotor wash effect to aircraft wind script.

Added basic aircraft crashing into water effect.

Rocket deviation and flying with wind.

RPG flight characteristics, flying into wind.

Made helicopters rate less than tanks so they will try to fly away so they don't get torn apart by commander machine guns so often. They might also sometimes engage from standoff ranges with missiles.

Made withdrawing AI's less likely to keep shooting.

Revealing enemy units to known allies and backup groups should work now. Enemies are revealed to all air units to aid engagement.

Made groups call for backup more often. If a squad is withdrawing they will call for backup if their ally will help match the enemies strength. If the squad's strength is about equal to the enemy they will call for backup only if their ally will help overmatch the enemy. The called backup had to always overmatch the enemy in previous versions.

Give melee script makes units with binoculars have them as the first item so the melee weapon or NVG's won't show up when using binoculars.

Added rocket\missile backblast and smoke.

Added ejected empty casings effect for vehicle fired bullets.

Added launched smoke grenade effect.

Basic AI join feature\squad join feature.

Basic surrendering. Chance of a squad fleeing based on enemy strength. Squads surrender when they are fleeing with a chance based on leader's skill.

Added variations to the height of smoke columns and fires from similar objects.

Updated SLX_Wounds.pbo to version 1.02.


Made dragging wounded have very basic MP compatibility.

Made SLX Wounds work without GL3 being initialized or run. Should work independently now.

Made ally helpers script work without GL3 running.

Included example unit in config.

Added checks to see if player is leader before all combat mode changes.

Made ally helpers script a little more reliable. Possibly resolved some crashes.

Possibly resolved some crashes in the wounds script.

Possibly made wounded enemy units get taken captive more reliably. Wounded enemies that are no longer captive should not be dragged by AI's anymore so that they will just get attacked instead.

Possibly fixed crash on dropping weapons with grenade launchers or multiple barrels while launcher is selected. This is probably the one that was the most noticable random crash, it might be the last crash bug and if it is fixed then SLX Wounds and SLX mod should be almost 100% stable.

Possibly fixed crash on taking weapons. Thanks Shadow NX!!

Various small changes for captives.

More reliable captive killing rating reduction working for GL3 surrendered units too.

Updated SLX_Vehicles.pbo to version 1.02.

Updated SLX_Melee.pbo to version 1.02.

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This sounds very much like an OFP mod.

Also why should all this stuff be included in ArmA?

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He just wants the addition of chemical weapons and heavy gas.

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You guys really don't know about SLX mod for OFP?

Of course it is copypasted. The first lines tell where it comes from.

If you didn't try gameplay in OFP with FFUR 2007 and SLX running together, then you really missed something.

I pray and hope that Solus (creator of SLX mod) will be back for ArmA and make a config like for OFP.

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LOL. I played SLX quite a lot, actually, and it was pretty good. I've been playing the arma demo and I'm not looking back. I find the premise of your post laughable and pointless. Solus already stated that he's working on a version for ArmA, but I'm not sure that everyone will be happy with the performance of his excellent albeit script-happy mod.

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please put that on the biki wishlist instead of posting it here. Thanks. smile_o.gif

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