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"iPhone" unveiled today...

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Steve Jobbs unveiled the "revolutionary" "iPhone" today...


Only $500 + cell provider contract for 4gb of space and a 2megapixel camera.

I know that I won't be wasting my time or money on this icon_rolleyes.gif

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I hardly think this will be a trendy phone. I am not gone buy it at least goodnight.gif

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Both my ipod and my cellphone currently sit in the same pocket just fine, no need to spend $500 just so I can get them in one unit...

The only thing that seems really impressive is the sophisticated internet. But, is that really worth the money?

I think the problem with this is it just seems like a bunch of gimmicks rolled into your hand with a hefty price tag, not really the core innovative concept that the Ipod's success can be credited for.

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Not me after I fooled around with my mother's iPod. What a pain in the ass to use. Anyway, the advertisement campaign, not the features, will sell the iPhone just like the iPod.

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Paying 300e for a used Nokia 9300 was quite enough for me. tounge2.gif

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Are you guys kidding?There is definetly a market for this phone when trend whores everywhere are paying 1.000 Euros for Nokia 8800 and the ritch and spoiled cashing in 6.000 Euros for that outstanding piece of crap named Vertu.

600$ will offer me:

-8 gb of SSD glory(which is still extremly expensive and a miracle it got integrated in the phone)

-3.5 inch widescreen with multitouch and an above average resolution

-OSX like operating system compatible with widgets.

-2 Mp camera(the only feature I am saying meh to as an ameteur photographer I know no camerphone will converge well enough for my needs)



I am not the perfect client for this phone.I am the last to be called an Apple "fanboy",I digress the lack of 3G while I can attest that my music library weighs in over 100 gb +,I don`t even want to start counting my movie collection.

But the beautiful aesthetics coupled the myriad of features and some trully unique perks makes it the must buy phone for me at 600$.

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-3.5 inch widescreen with multitouch and an above average resolution

Yeah, thats pretty much the sweetest part of it.

Quote[/b] ]

-OSX like operating system compatible with widgets.

Has there been any word if it supports 3rd party software? Something tells me it eventually will one way or another though.. tounge2.gif

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-2 Mp camera(the only feature I am saying meh to as an ameteur photographer I know no camerphone will converge well enough for my needs)

Don't know about this one, even the supposedly quality 2.1Mpix camera found on my brother's N73 sucks.

Quote[/b] ]


Well, most smartphones on the market support this. Why is'nt UMTS in there or am I missing something?

And.. it's still cheaper than some piece of shit low-end acer laptop. yay.gif

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I'm fine with my two Samsung SGH I300 at the moment, a personnal one and the other for professionnal stuff, some people will scream redundancy but I'm alright with those and I got them pretty cheap too (roughly 200€ each, that was a real steal but they're good to go) and I did a homemade phone holder after painful (for my other phones) past experiences.

Investing in those was quite a feat for me considering that I only had a Nokia 3310 and a 3510 for a long time before even considering the purchase of a phone belonging to a more recent generation and that was a Sagem MyX5.

I don't really mind mobile phones, but the smartphones I bought simplified my life. Doesn't mean that I use them for everything though, I mean I still have my 3+ year old 64 and 128 mega USB MP3 players and they're quite enough for me and cheap to replace. I don't exactly see the need to be able to see your correspondent's face during a call or watching TV or movies on a tiny screen, or having your whole records collection, that you'll never have the time to listen to entirely before going back to your place, but being able to read excel graphs and use other applications and yet being able to phone and message is great, and I don't need to wander around with a costly palm and a phone.

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As happy as I am with my iPod, this iPhone looks like a complete waste of money.

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Quote[/b] ]Has there been any word if it supports 3rd party software? Something tells me it eventually will one way or another though..

Well the Ipod got it`s fair share of Linux love but in this case the barometric sensors,multitouch screen and other advanced features makes it to sophisticated for an entirely new OS, so I guess one can only hope for firmware hacks and even that is unlikely.

Apple would be making a mistake by not supporting 3rd party applications and releasing a SDK but that applies for me not for the average consumer who is basicly not quite tech concious.

Quote[/b] ]Don't know about this one, even the supposedly quality 2.1Mpix camera found on my brother's N73 sucks.

That`s what I am saying,cameraphones suck,period.They can make 10 mp phones and keep cramming pixels day and night;it will still poop crappy snapshots out of the CCDs they have today.

Quote[/b] ]Well, most smartphones on the market support this. Why is'nt UMTS in there or am I missing something?

Lack of UMTS is perplexing,but where my service provider is still pushing EDGE,so not quite a bit letdown when coupled with the availability of Wi-Fi.

In the end I would fork 600$ for this product without a doubyt.I just need assurances as a past owner of an iPod that can attest that without a decent screen protector they scratch and get covered with smudgets just by looking at it,that a 3.5 inch screen that I *need* to touch would last as per what would I expect from a phone at this price point.

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Much too gimicky.

A touch screen mobile/ipod/pda thinger?!? Jeez ipods get scratched/explode from being in your jean pocket and now you're gonna have to actually touch the screen (and with the amount of Ipod issues probably a lot of whacking the screen to get it to respond rofl.gif )

Too expensive, A camera which you will probably never use except for the first month taking pictures of trees and roadkill (probably)... And along with a mobile contract (around 20 quid a month or more on average) its a waste of cash.

And also the mugger's dream, they dont even have to search both your pockets for your mp3 player + phone anymore! biggrin_o.gif

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If I needed any of that stuff, I might buy one in the future, when I don't have to settle for a long-term contract. I use the GoPhone. Since I hardly use phones, it works out more cheaply for me.

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When my phone breaks I could be tempted by one of these or a Nokia N91 or a Sony Ericsson W950i. They are all about the same spec and price.

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It has two nice things: design and screen resolution. Although I truly dislike OS X on a regular computer, I think it might actually work well on a phone.

IMO it is the first smartphone that I've seen that isn't visually offensive. Everything else on the market is more or less an aesthetic insult.

The really disappointing thing about the iPhone is the lack of a built-in GPS. I'm using a Mio A701 today and I would really miss that feature.

Also, the iPhone is a bit too heavy and its battery life seems less than impressive.

I'll probably get one, at least if the first reviews are not very negative. I doubt however that I'll stick with it for a longer time. My hope is that it will lead to a better designed generation of smartphones.

The perhaps biggest disadvantage is that it won't be available for purchase for another 6 months. A lot of things can happen in that time.

Edit: The "multi-touch" touchschreen seems like a very promising thing on the phone. Check this out (not the iPhone but a demonstration of a multi-touch screen)


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It's nice, yes....

But, Apple products don't have a good reputation for ruggedness, and considering the hell I put my phones through (and many other real world people). I'd say there'll be a very high percentage returned for repair.

This might just be apple's biggest liability yet.

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Edit: The "multi-touch" touchschreen seems like a very promising thing on the phone. Check this out (not the iPhone but a demonstration of a multi-touch screen)


Thats cool, reminds me a bit of minority report tounge2.gif

Btw, am i the only person in this world without (the need) of a mobile phone? biggrin_o.gif

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Btw, am i the only person in this world without (the need) of a mobile phone? biggrin_o.gif

I don't really use mine that often even though I'm of the young generation that supposedly uses them the most. Then again, I don't have an iPod, XBox or PS3 either.

I walk around my school watching people with headphones in their ears totally oblivious to all that is happening around them. I look at them and think of them as fools, really... same with cellphones. I see people "texting" each other all the time and I just wonder "why is this needed?"...

Maybe I'm just weird. That's what everyone at school seems to think at least.

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Some just take intrest in those kind of things. I mean most of the things we have today we could do without, But we still use them anyway because it's easier or simply because it's fun.

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Btw, am i the only person in this world without (the need) of a mobile phone? biggrin_o.gif


I can as well...

But I would get more complaints from people who know me.. crazy_o.gif

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