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New autostart feature

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Hail to everyone,

i need some help in this aspect.

As most of you already know, BIS implemented autostart feature at role selection and briefing screens. It is possible to override this feature in role selection screen if admin is present, but at briefing it doesn't matter!

Is it possible to somehow turn this annoying autostart feature at the briefing screen, because it is not possible to make any plan before the game and choose equipment.

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I don't think this is possible via mission editing. I believe it would require a setting in the server.cfg file. Moving to MP.

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Fully agree and also would like to have it disabled (as it was in the past icon_rolleyes.gif). Somehow the gear selection in the briefing is also way to laggy...by the time you actually see and have 65% of your kit, it starts.

Same for the auto fill slots. Plain redigulous it auto fills the slots, especially if you try to group people that do use TS and group people who are to lazy to use it.

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Somehow the gear selection in the briefing is also way to laggy...by the time you actually see and have 65% of your kit, it starts.

Yes that is very annoying indeed.

I also noticed random crashes with this weapon selection. As soon as you would choose different weaposn and after the laggy part it adds your new choosen weapon you are looking to your nice desktop. sad_o.gif

But I am sure it will be fixed biggrin_o.gif

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Hmm.. I believe that as soon as an admin is logged in, the timeout deactivates?

This is another timeout... the timeout that autostarts ur mission when ur in the briefing biggrin_o.gif

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We have found this feature unneeded. when a admin logs in it should dissable all auto start crap. or at least let the admin have control of it with a "#timeout set 160" comand.

We have a server, UnSpoken Authority ,and we tried to disable this feature with no end. "IT RUINS THE GAME PLAY!"

We allways play the coop with Night/rain and 3 of the eight is slienced, and the rest ruins it with non sclienced weapons.

Wish they would fix this.

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It does not allow for any mission planing at all in a MP setup.

It does not allow for any proper gear assignment in MP.

enough said... this needs some attention... banghead.gif

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