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ArmA Custom Faces For Free

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Hi, another face, custom gloves and woodland face camo.

The Face:


Let's C ya

wipman, those gloves are almost perfectly what I was asking for (rolled up cuff on the flight glove, fingers cut out...). Do you think you can make it so the thumb is covered, though? Just the pointer finger (trigger finger) is cut out?

I really like it, this is the one I'm using right now. Thanks!

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Can you make an assface with balls on it?

Similar to that character in south park, how funny would that be to do that.

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Can you make an assface with balls on it?

Similar to that character in south park, how funny would that be to do that.

I liked the post better without the explanation.

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Hi, sorry but i don't gonna attend any more custom faces requests,

im getting tired of do four versions of the same base schemes and

tired too of receive PMs with request that aren't interesting for me,

so for this reason and other reasons... i don't gonna attend more

requests. Let's C ya

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Had anyone the face of john wicks as he died??

Because that`s a really nice face for mp games smile_o.gif

Nobody had an answer to this??

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Hi, i don't even know who's that man. Let's C ya

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how can i change the face of queen gambit's characters

esp the spy on resistance side

he would be great if i could change his face esp camoflage it

anyhelp would be great

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Hi, i didn't remember the name of that man, yeah, one of the QG

mercs, i haven't opened those faces and i don't think that i will do

it. About the QG Spy unit... you can't change his face, he don't

even use the random default faces. BIS sure that say that's because

it's a "special characther"; but i think that's because they're lazy

and they needed a bit more of money so they released the QG

as a unfinnished thing with lots of bugs and that don't even will be

patched to the v1.09. Because someone spent too much of the budget

in alcohol and guess what more... . Let's C ya

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However I have seen photos I think by SJB

with modified mercs with different face so it can be done

I just want to know how

may be mild modification in O2

any help anyone

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Hi, anoter skull face, this time in grey and white tones; for all the night ops lovers

out there.

The Face:


Let's C ya

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Hi, i didn't remember the name of that man, yeah, one of the QG

mercs, i haven't opened those faces and i don't think that i will do

it. About the QG Spy unit... you can't change his face, he don't

even use the random default faces. BIS sure that say that's because

it's a "special characther"; but i think that's because they're lazy

and they needed a bit more of money so they released the QG

as a unfinnished thing with lots of bugs and that don't even will be

patched to the v1.09. Because someone spent too much of the budget

in alcohol and guess what more... . Let's C ya

Maybe its rather you who spend too much on alcohol to come up with such stupid statements, sorry but that was beyond low.

Why the heck do you people make stuff for this game its all that crappy as i hear here all the time?

But please dont waste your time answering this.

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Hi, what's up? don't you like my opinion or what?, that's what i think

of the QG and why it's how it's AND, the BIS policy related to the

ArmA, the game looks very naked, lots of bugs & in the QG many

things are unfinnished. If i waste my time in a sunday is not for the

game; is fro the players that play it. That they (we) need more pimp

stuff to keep playing it because "somehow" turns boring and make

some of us angry when it don't works properly as it should.

So... that's why keep "working for this game" on sunday. Let's C ya

P.S: If you don't want an answer for the question... just don't ask.

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haha.. Nice face wipman, kinda looks like a voodoo man.


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Hi, had some time on my hands and i tryed to do a swedish camo painted face; but...

as looked a bit "boring...", i decided to give the man a "happyer shape". So... i've

made the man eyes have the "pupíla" 2 times it's common size and add some red veins

arround his "iris"; so now the man will look (hopefully) as totally high on weed or

completly drunk. So if you made some deadly mistake while playing as Squad Leader...

now you've "a perfect excuse" to send your men to the death and get away with it.

The Face:


Let's C ya

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I'm surprised this one hasn't been requested yet:

It would rock my socks off if someone would do up a face to look like big boss/snake from Metal Gear Solid 3: snake eater complete with eye patch over left eye (it's actually his right eye, but you use your right eye to aim down sights in ArmA so it would look weird from someone watching you's perspective)

ref images:





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You inspired me to do up my arms like my very own...except for the additional Enven part...

The poem on my arm is a Chuck Bukowski poem:

Alone With Everybody

the flesh covers the bone

and they put a mind

in there and

sometimes a soul,

and the women break

vases against the walls

and the men drink too


and nobody finds the


but keep


crawling in and out

of beds.

flesh covers

the bone and the

flesh searches

for more than


there's no chance

at all:

we are all trapped

by a singular


nobody ever finds

the one.

the city dumps fill

the junkyards fill

the madhouses fill

the hospitals fill

the graveyards fill

nothing else


The skull is MC Escher's smoking skull!

And the camo face looks awesome in game....I wish I could get a third person Screen a frontal one...

In the words of WIPMAN: Let's C ya


enven, can you made this face without camo in his face??

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Use the .psd template Wipman linked to in his first post and do it yourself?

It´s not even real work, it´s fun!


I got rid of the latex gloves btw tounge2.gif

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Hey guys,

Anyone have faces with sunglasses? Maybe a bearded and non bearded face with sunglasses.

Just a thought wink_o.gif

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Hi, another face, this time with a clear message to the enemys, to let 'em know why

you fire at 'em; if they come by the left side they'll see it reversed; but if they

come by the rigth side... they'll read it clearly. If they come by "the wrong side..."

they wont read a shit.

The Face:


Let's C ya

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Hi, i've made now a tiger stripe look alike custom face, multicam for the sleeve and

the tipical sharp shooter cutted off gloves now with a Special Forces patch.

The Face:


Let's C ya

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