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Vilas' addons

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Col. Faulkner - i know i have errors in British units, in future this will be developed, now they are made - just to fulfill lack

OK. One little thing; whenever you get to it, please note that the pouches

on the models I sent you are the correct scale sizes. That might help a bit

when you come to make yours. You'll easily get the right "bulkiness" then.

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I'm loving the Afghan war era soviet troops! Thanks a lot!

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The weapons pack for P85 is it all your weapons packs merged? If so will it interfere with the old individual ones? My modern RACS infantry addon uses the GWP, EUP, AWP, and IMI weapons packs. If they are merged then that would make life much easier for my users.

Also is there any particular reason you cannot recieve PMs form me?

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We are working on updated P85 replacement configs for OAC.

You can play OFP campaigns in ArmA with OAC. :)

You can use most replacement configs also for standard arma missions.


Reference ticket

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The weapons pack for P85 is it all your weapons packs merged? If so will it interfere with the old individual ones? My modern RACS infantry addon uses the GWP, EUP, AWP, and IMI weapons packs. If they are merged then that would make life much easier for my users.

Also is there any particular reason you cannot recieve PMs form me?

Actually they were merged in the first versions but were later made seperate as many people did not like them all merged together as the pack was gigantic and some mods using them complained about them. However for my own mod, it doesn't really matter one way or another as long as the class names are the same on both of them.

However if you're trying to use the P'85 mod with the RACS mod together....then yeah... problems might happen with class name conflicts and stuff.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Actually they were merged in the first versions but were later made seperate as many people did not like them all merged together as the pack was gigantic and some mods using them complained about them. However for my own mod, it doesn't really matter one way or another as long as the class names are the same on both of them.

However if you're trying to use the P'85 mod with the RACS mod together....then yeah... problems might happen with class name conflicts and stuff.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

thats exactly what i am tryign to straighten out


Ok i did some testing and the good news is the P85 weapons pack replaces ALL of the individual pack. Thank you vilas for doing this. It makes everything SO MUCH EASIER!

congratulations on the new release everything is looking superb.

Edited by wld427

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The P85 mod is just great. No, it's gigantic! Thanks for all your work. All we need now is: missions, missions and dozens od missions. Thanks again!!!

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Vilas the former VILE and VILE PBOs are now obsolete as well right?

Two issues:

2nd or 3rd LOD of the tank buggy


Non optics/v view of static weapon buggy. View point is way too high.


This is buggy for some and working for most statics.

Edited by kju

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Still have some small group errors and the Polish para_rpg.p3d

Then I had a crash because something was killed I think..I had so many troops/groups/vehicles of all sides on the map that it is hard to figure out :rolleyes:




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Here is a good set simple unit test missions thanks to Mopar:


Saves you from placing the units in the editor yourself.


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you need to check "view pilot" LOD in your units and change crosshair in M40A1 for smoething like that:


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But I was not really testing the units I was busy with a setup/mission for screenshots (again).

At the end I made only screenshots of the errors and being busy with other stuff now (again) :bounce3:

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Hi Vilas great addons really good to play with!

But iam missing an Marder and Gepard on the german side!

Oh by the way some shadow errors from the turret of the leopard 1A4 and 1A5 need to be fixed!:D:D:D:yay::yay:

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i thought i have found and fixed all errors :(

but seems - i am angry again , i don't wanna repeat "laundry", but mod crushed because of hiding my work, changing it into non-realistic

for example Polish AK weapons have in real 3-rnd burst mode , like M16A2 or G36, Polish Tantal (AK74) and Beryl (5.56 NATO AK) have such mode, but in P85 it was deleted from my configs "by someone", which caused my anger many times...

today i found another bug after previouse team work, noone noticed that PBR boat not appears

sory that you have to download again P85_oth.7z archive (37 MB) , but if you wanna have working PBR Mk II boat and missions, you have to,

and what was the error cause ? in config it had "scope=1" which meant "hidden in editor"

such things cause previous team collapse and today testing my missions i found that PBR Mk II not appears

so please once again download P85_oth(er) and change P85_B addon

sory - i had no idea that some previous coding "hiding" work left :(

it was not my error :(


i hope no more things like that will happen


concerning errors in shadows - vehicles addon will be updated when i will make Russian Federation reskins, than i will update BMP3, T90, T80U also i will try to add Marder, BMD1, ASU85 in future , as more guerillas, new civilians etc.

Edited by vilas

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hey no worries vilas!

> you have to download again P85_oth.7z archive

Where can one find a link to the file?

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I looked at his release post, yet didn't post the file that time. :D

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Vilas, i dont think anyone will be upset that you are continuing your hard work and updating your files. I am sure the community like myself are very happy to do the bug finding for you if need be.

Most people are very appreciative of your hard work. So please d not hesitate to update as often as you need too...

Keep up the good work buddy

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Vilas, i dont think anyone will be upset that you are continuing your hard work and updating your files. I am sure the community like myself are very happy to do the bug finding for you if need be.

Most people are very appreciative of your hard work. So please d not hesitate to update as often as you need too...

Keep up the good work buddy

I'll second that. I've just spent the best part of two hours looking at all those addons in the editor, simply put, they are amazing. The amount of work that went into making all that is beyond belief. Have a break Vilas, you deserve it mate.

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but i know it is annoying for people when updates comes so often :) PBR issue

small 80 kb config was updated today too, because few bugs in sounds were reported by community

today i also changed a little T90, T80U and BMP3

BMP3: new NOHQ and texture, little remodelled - rear side was not realistic

T90: now KORD instead of NSVT

T80U: changed commander MG mount, now has visor,

but i haven't informed, cause i wait if serious bug in model/texture would be found on other vehicles, which would cause changing reupload

but for "BMP3 freaks" with fast connection - vehicles pack was updated few hours ago

for not freaks - it is just small graphical change not worthy 200 MB download, hehe

Edited by vilas

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Some reports from rpt:

File p85_config\config.cpp, line 30331: '/CfgVehicles/P85_Fly_ParachuteUSSR14.displayName': Missing ';' at the end of line
In Vehicle: p85_airs\p85_su25.p3d missing driver get in direction point
Type BMPRes, model p85_v\p85_bmp1p.p3d - structure of turrets in config does not match the skeleton
BMP2: otocvez_2 - unknown animation source Turret_2
BMP2: otochlaven_2 - unknown animation source Gun_2
BMP2: otochlaven_a - unknown animation source otochlaven_a
M60: Hatch_driver - unknown animation source hatch_Driver
Error: bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/M60/Turrets/MainTurret/Turrets/loaderOptics/: Turret body OtocVez_2 not found while initializing the model p85_v\bds_m60a3.p3d
Error: bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/M60/Turrets/MainTurret/Turrets/loaderOptics/: Turret gun OtocHlaven_2 not found while initializing the model p85_v\bds_m60a3.p3d
Strange convex component p85_airs\vil_lwp_mi2.p3d in component13:geometryFire
Strange convex component p85_airs\vil_lwp_mi2.p3d in component14:geometryFire
Warning: Shadow volume 'p85_v\p85_bmp1p.p3d' has got irrelevant selection 'pasoffsetp'
Warning: Shadow volume 'p85_v\p85_bmp1p.p3d' has got irrelevant selection 'pasoffsetl'
Cannot load sound 'p85_v\sound\engine_leo.wss'

Might be a buggy replacement of mine in one or two cases too. :yay:

Edited by kju

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First set of replacements for P85 out:

  • OAC C P85 dedicatedserver fix
  • OAC R a10 P85 airs
  • OAC R ah1w P85 airs
  • OAC R bmp1 P85 config
  • OAC R bmp2 bmp3 P85 config
  • OAC R bmp2 P85 config
  • OAC R bmp2ambul P85 config
  • OAC R bmpres P85 config
  • OAC R bradley P85 config
  • OAC R d30 P85 config
  • OAC R m113 P85 config
  • OAC R m1abrams leo1a4 P85 config
  • OAC R m1abrams leo2a4g P85 config
  • OAC R m1abrams P85 config
  • OAC R m60 P85 config
  • OAC R mi17 mi2 P85 airs
  • OAC R mi17 mi8 P85 airs
  • OAC R mi17 P85 airs
  • OAC R mi17mg mi2 P85 airs
  • OAC R mi17mg mi8 P85 airs
  • OAC R rhib P85 b
  • OAC R su34 su25 P85 airs
  • OAC R t55g P85 config
  • OAC R t55g t62m P85 config
  • OAC R t55g t64 P85 config
  • OAC R t72 P85 config
  • OAC R t72res P85 config
  • OAC R t80 P85 config
  • OAC R t80 t90 P85 config
  • OAC R uaz P85 config
  • OAC R zsu P85 config

Easy way grab them from the OAC YAS server.

Hard way grab their config one by one from the OAC repository and build them to PBO.

Most replacements work for ArmA classes too.

You can either click away the error message on startup or get the

ofp_compatibility_addon.pbo from the OAC filebase.

Enjoy. :bounce3:

PS: In other words you can play CWR/RES and other OFP campaigns with

P85 addons via the OAC project. :yay:

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u probably are aware, incase you're not the aks74 silenced with night scope, the mag does not anim when reloading.

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When i put the Soviet patrol boat in the editor it crashes and gives me an invalid class error!

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