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Good revolver addons

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cool are they in just one pbo or seperate? cos i think that pack has loads of m16s and other stuff too

Any body made a colt army or pistols from the 19th centuary?

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SJB Handguns pack (can't remember which part), which predates the big pack, has 1 or 2 revolvers methinks, atleast the Anaconda. Not quite as up-to-date as his newest, but basically same stuff and should be enough.

Another one is Kegetys S&W revolvers, which has atleat 3 Smith&Wesson models.

And finally, FML (Farmlands mod) weapons pack. Has a 20 or 40 mm (well, bloody big anyways) "revolver", which will quite surely kill everything you'll ever meet on this planet... well, the biggest whales might require the whole 3-shot drum.

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