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FFUR 2007

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How come when you destroy a tank you don't see much damage except flames? Maybe its just me?! Tank looks intact.

The muzzle flash doesn't cause lag i believe. It should be put back?!

Tb the tracers are nice now please keep them wink_o.gif

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I just wanted to post again to give my thanks for another great release. FFUR 2007 really is the best (imo) version of FFUR to date. The only real complaint that I have is the Ak/Pk sounds, and that isn't really an issue (esspecially since they will be patched). The main thing that I appreciate about you and the team is how you try to perfectly blend realisim with gameplay and performance...and the forumula that you use works very well.

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Quote[/b] ]Hi me agian.... what do i do to see if it is a furr2007 server. And is ther a singleplayer?

Filter for it on your MP screen. Filter for ffur or something alike.

What do you mean by is there a singleplayer? Singleplayer what?

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Those two errors are nothing really, it tries to delete two things that arent there, I left those lines just in case they do something in another part of the instalation.

About the black smocke that comes from destroyed houses, it looks flat so I tried a lot to remove it, but couldnt, it seems to be the same fire texture that's being used with black color, so to remove it you have to take out the 'fire.*.paa' files. You will be using FFUR's fire wich is pretty good & wont have that flat smoke.


Is it the same thing if I run FFUR as a mod or runing the exe changes more things?

When using HWTL some soldiers seem too bright, they have a lot of shine on them, this can be seen better at sunset (18:30)

If you mount the aimpoint while swimming you will get stuck in water

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If you mount the aimpoint while swimming you will get stuck in water

Just like in real life,only difference would be you would be stuck on the bottom of the sea very dead tounge2.gif

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I just installed the extra pack and I do not see a difference

can anyone tell me whats the extra pack do to the game...

also I do not see a difference between the island packs and

bis islands..

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ive noticed that there is a rpg bug in the game sad_o.gif if you shoot a tank it wont get hit but if you shoot close to the ground near you it blows up whats up with that huh.gif

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I noticed something that is a little annoying.

I run the game with a view distance of about 900, and visual quality of 8.14 (or whatever) because i have only an old Radeon 8500 with my AMD Athlon 3000+. If i set it to full 11, i get 20 or less FPS, so thats what im using.

BUT, Because setting the visual quality lower makes objects look choppy at a distance, the ACU Troops appear to be regular BIS soldiers from a distance. Setting the visual quality to 11 rids this problem, but performance drops.

That, and im a little tired with troops firing a single shot and killing me from 150 to 300 meters. I might just fix that myself in the .cpp file, No worries. But I don't know much of anything about modelling and graphics, I do coding.

Quote[/b] ]Yeah, the AK-74 sounds really... Odd... Like some overpowered blast or something. Never fired a gun or anything so I dunno what it SHOULD sound like. But this sound is just...

I've never really come across a game with really good firearm SFX, but its close enough.

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I'm sorry but the ak sounds is far from the real sound, i had the luck to use it and i can tell you sincerly that it's far from the real sound

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Tb is it possible to put back the high smoke? The smoke from a burning tank and heli is not high enough imo. Should look like arma or the previous ffur. No offence.

There was a tank in ffur 1.5 i think that aren't here anymore since 2.0. I miss them. Us side the patton or something like that i think?!

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I tried to install samoth extra pack, and also saw two errors during install, after this mod ffur2007 wouldn't like to start at all.

Removed files created by pack installer (data3d thingies and such) and mod launched ok like before.

Well not a major issue I can live with that.

The most buggering me a single player campaign freak is a godlike ai now in missions, making some of them a pain in the arse, uplayable in some cases. I know this all is ment for a MP play and thats OK. Just a thought.

Thank you TB and Team for a amazing work, thats forking best mod around and we all just love it!

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got it.

thanks for this mod. im a big fan of the ffur packs. i love it!

but there are some things i have to criticise.

the new fire, smoke and explosion effects are looking not so good like in the older ffur packs. thex look very unnatural, specially the shockwave effect looks very strange, because real shockwaves are really fast.

some weapon sounds are also a bit strange. i.e. the russian mg.

its sound is to much TOKTOKTOK.

the guns of the american tankcrew sounds also very strange.

theres to much echo and reverb on the shots, specially in burst mode. i know thats natural, but its better to use dry samples for that. and the soundsample is not cutted right - in the last millisconds you can hear a guy starting to speak.

another thing is the ÃœBER-AI, they are much too strong!

thats not realistic. no one shoots so precisely in real life.

maybe on a shooting range - but not in combat with an overdose adrenalin in his blood and some sleepless nights in mud and no hot food for some days;-)

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yeah , i think ffur 2006 2.5 was just perfect , it only needed some bugs to be polished and "voilá" .personally i liked more the 2006 fx effects , like explosions and sounds. many changes has to bring the patch for ffur 2007 to make me change my precious ( and perfect ) slx ffur 2006 tounge2.gif

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Just curious if you ever got SLX's 'powerslide' to work with FFUR. Sounds like you got the perfect OFP config, although I hear T-Bird's working on another...

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sorry i don't understand that of powerslide ( my english...) but yes i got slx working fine with my ffur 2006 2.5 ( i have corrected the major bugs it had adding some parts from ffur 2007 ) and althought it may be not completely mp compatible it is enough for me , also there are some things in the 07 version i don't like , i like more ffur 2006 yay.gif

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By powerslide I mean the ability to dive to the ground from sprint. SLX has it in all of it's mod's configs except FFUR.

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ah no , i don't consider that feature very important , can live without it

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Hey tunderbird !

IdK if this has been mentioned but have you thought about changing the Russian UAZ with the new UAZ that has benn released about a week ago by "TheSun" ?

And maybe to replace the Ressistance UAZ-G with the Res model of that same UAZ [released by TheSun] ?

Great mod ! ! ! notworthy.gif

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Quote[/b] ]is it possible to add a few things mabe in a patch. like.

SLX - cloudlets when bullets hit the floor

SLX - Flame effects on vehicles

ECP - Tank round whistle and barrel flame effects

ECP - explosions. on vehicles and ground.

Some of these effects can be implemented indeed, but please keep in mind that incorporating more effects would just increase the required specs to run the Mod well.

Quote[/b] ]The only real complaint that I have is the Ak/Pk sounds

No worries about that, as already mentioned, some sounds have been replaced by Dynamic Range SFX for the upcoming patch.

Quote[/b] ]Is it the same thing if I run FFUR as a mod or runing the exe changes more things?

Logically, there should be no changes between both of these ways.

Quote[/b] ]If you mount the aimpoint while swimming you will get stuck in water

Heh, then don't do it.

Quote[/b] ]ive noticed that there is a rpg bug in the game

Negative, Check it out once again before reporting, thanks.

Quote[/b] ]the ACU Troops appear to be regular BIS soldiers from a distance

I have a system lower than yours (AMD 1.5+) and I can set the visual quality to 11 without experiencing any kind of lag.

Quote[/b] ]That, and im a little tired with troops firing a single shot and killing me from 150 to 300 meters

Keep patient please, the patch is currently under development and should figure out all of the reported issues before getting released.

Quote[/b] ]I'm sorry but the ak sounds is far from the real sound, i had the luck to use it and i can tell you sincerly that it's far from the real sound

To be honest, there is no "standarized" AK sounds, every AK seems to have a different sound, and the same goes to the rest of firearms, it all depends on the area where you use it, and on several other factors.

But as already stated, the current sounds effects would be replaced by more popular sounds.

Quote[/b] ]the new fire, smoke and explosion effects are looking not so good like in the older ffur packs. thex look very unnatural, specially the shockwave effect looks very strange, because real shockwaves are really fast.

Please keep in mind that these changes have been done, exclusively in terms of system performance, because the previous effects, even being slightly better, they were causing a lot of lag on low systems.

Quote[/b] ]i think ffur 2006 2.5 was just perfect

I'm afraid it wasn't that perfect, a lot of glitches and bugs have been fixed since the previous release.

Quote[/b] ]IdK if this has been mentioned but have you thought about changing the Russian UAZ with the new UAZ that has benn released about a week ago by "TheSun" ?


Thanks all for the kind words, feedback and the great support,

but please read the previous posts to avoid repeating the same kind of "bugs reports", actually, all of the bugs seem having been mentioned and a patch is on the way.



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Thanks, I'll avoid doing that in the future wink_o.gif

I don't notice the AI being that hard as in previous versions, maybe the real problem is that they spot the enemy from very far distances, they start crawling and advancing very slow toward the objective. Besides when combat starts all I can see are ants shooting at me, it's really hard aiming to dots that move like crazy. crazy_o.gifpistols.gif

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nvm its no bug all i needed to do was to recreate the mission over again and the rpg's work fine now smile_o.gif

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There is still no furr servers banghead.gif

All i want to play is furr servers firefoxlover.gif

Can someone make a furr server!

can i create a free server and be available to the rest of the people??

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Awesome mod! Congrats too all who contributed. I like all the new features, including the new smoke effects when grenades go off and so on. Thanks for all the bug fixes, and AI tweaks, it rocks.

The only thing I can put my finger on is the AK/PKM sound, but thats already been adressed.

Good Job. Looking forward to the patch.

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