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External Scripts

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Yes I'm new to this, read the wiki but it doesn't say how to use external scripts.

I tried the old OFP way and it gave me an error:

Quote[/b] ][] exec “hello.sqsâ€

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It would be best, if it`s impossible to activate external scripts.

All this leads to are trojans in ArmA addons.

That is something nobody will like to have.

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How do I make mods then if no one will touch them?

How do you guys do it?

Isn't the init field a bit limited?

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I think you too are talking about too different things. There's already a few scripts with demo missions floating around here and ofpec.com otester. Take a look at how it's done in those.

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I think you too are talking about too different things. There's already a few scripts with demo missions floating around here and ofpec.com otester. Take a look at how it's done in those.

Yeah basically as you can't fit all the code in the "init" field, can I write it in an ".sqs" file and link it?

That site didn't have anything.

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You need to find your mission folder, otester.

Open the editor, add few things to your mission, save it.

Atl-tab out to windows, launch an explorer, go to "My Documents\ArmA Other Profiles\<your nickname>\Missions"

there should be there a folder named like your mission, go there.

You'll find a "mission.sqm" inside, which is the file listing what you have put in the editor.

this folder is where you need to put your script files (.sqs and .sqf) that you can call from init fields, and activation fields of triggers, with exec, execVM, preProcessFile, etc...

You cannot call scripts that are not in this folder (or in subfolders of it).

... well, that's not entirely true, as you can call scripts defined in ArmA .pbo files, but they are predefined, and generally not used.

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You cannot call scripts that are not in this folder (or in subfolders of it).

You can create a directory called 'scripts' under your arma profile dir (my documents\ArmA). At least in the mission editor preview scripts can be executed directly from there, which is useful for testing. You can also use full pathnames like 'c:\stuff\test.sqf'.

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My bad then.

Now, it won't be very usable to play it on another PC, will it? (I mean, the full pathname thing)

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My bad then.

Now, it won't be very usable to play it on another PC, will it? (I mean, the full pathname thing)

If you make an add-on with an installer, you could store your scripts in a common directory - and not in those cursed mod folders.

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Quote[/b] ]can call from init fields, and activation fields of triggers, with exec, execVM,

Yeah it's calling it thats the problem, how do I make it run my script?

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Check the wiki on scripts...


What you are going to end up with is a text file saved as an SQF (e.g. myScript.sqf) within your mission folder and then you are going to put in the init line of a unit (or somewhere in a trigger)

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[] execVM "myScript.sqf"

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You cannot call scripts that are not in this folder (or in subfolders of it).

I don't think that statement could be any further from the truth. You can use subfolders. Try:

[] execVM "MySubFolder\MyScript.sqf"

And as previously pointed out by others, there are exceptions to the other rule as well.

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You cannot call scripts that are not in this folder (or in subfolders of it).

I don't think that statement could be any further from the truth. You can use subfolders. Try:

[] execVM "MySubFolder\MyScript.sqf"

And as previously pointed out by others, there are exceptions to the other rule as well.

errr... That's what I was saying, about subfolders wink_o.gif

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can you help me with the error? ^^

EDIT: Got it to work by using:

Quote[/b] ]var = player execVM "testscript.sqf"

Would you use?

Quote[/b] ]var = unit

for AI?

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you are passing the player into the script as a parameter. If you don't intend to do that, you can use:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">var = [] execVM "test.sqf";


<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">var = execVM "test.sqf";

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Can I change weapon sounds in scripts or is that done with config files, if so then how would one go about doing that? whistle.gif

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