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Joysticks. A question for BIS.

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AGAIN I ASK BIS TO PLEASE RESPOND ON THE QUESTION: WILL YOU OR CAN YOU CODE INTO ARMA, MULTI JOYSTICK SUPPORT!! The community has runout of options, and by the way, a game with no options is "GAME WITH NO OPTIONS!!!"

Please respond and let BIS know if you wish this feature.


That rhetoric there is just priceless. It sounds like you're on your soapbox with arms flailing around... just hillarious.

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I have tried the PPjoyJoy and PPjoysetup and the other program FrankNstik and I have not got it to work. With PPjoyJoy you can assign various different axis to various installed sticks but you can't assign X or Y axis to 2 differnet sticks at the same time which is what I need

I agree that it's foolish that BIS didn't include multiple stick support. Hell, mechwarrior 2 Dos did this...

However, using frankenstick, since you say it works, create a device with multiple axis. Then, assign every axis you want to every control. What I mean is say you assign the stick X axis to X and the wheel axis to z, assign both x and z to the same function. Arma does support that (I think, 99% sure anyways).

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I would like to see multiple joystics support also. I have three controllers which I use. Saitek P2500 for walking/running, Saitek X35 for flying, Logitech MOMO FF Wheel for driving. Mostly I use Saitek P2500 which is most convinient and has force-effects also. Saitek controllers are very programmable you can even program mouse axis to any controller axis. But it would be better if game supported multiple controllers natively, then forcefeedback effects would work also smile_o.gif

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I have tried the PPjoyJoy and PPjoysetup and the other program FrankNstik and I have not got it to work. With PPjoyJoy you can assign various different axis to various installed sticks but you can't assign X or Y axis to 2 differnet sticks at the same time which is what I need

I agree that it's foolish that BIS didn't include multiple stick support. Hell, mechwarrior 2 Dos did this...

However, using frankenstick, since you say it works, create a device with multiple axis. Then, assign every axis you want to every control. What I mean is say you assign the stick X axis to X and the wheel axis to z, assign both x and z to the same function. Arma does support that (I think, 99% sure anyways).

Yes I tried that. I can assign the axis to whatever I want, but it doesn't function correctly with each stick half working, some buttons work and others do not. As I mentioned it's a total hit and miss deal. I think the problem is it's polling the joysticks as if there serial ports when their USB. I don't think it supports USB very well at all.

In any case, I tested with FrankNstik to reach this goal. G25 to steer which requires X axis and Y axis for gas\brake. I require those same axis for flying. When I setup I get only half an axis working and only a few buttons respond and thats just in windows game controller panel and it lags very bad eventhough I set it up to poll at 10ms.

In the above mentioned response from BIS, they claim it will use the controller with the most button\axis. Eventhough I set the virtual stick up with more axis and more buttons than the Saitek X52,(X52 which has the most button/axis than my G25) the game still went for the G25 eventhough the virtual (most button/axis) stick was in joystick ID#1, X52 (second most buttons/axis) in ID#2 and the G25(third most button/axis) in ID#3. I used JoyID to set and located the joystick ID's. Changing the joystick ID's had no effect. PPjoy will not allow me to set x axis to 2 sticks at the same time, therefore it's no good to me.

We need a tool simular to FrankNstik that has support for USB, then we might be able to use it. However given the way ArmA picks the joystick it wants to use when you have more than one stick installed, will be hit and miss. I ask again for the community to step up and ask the question. "BIS, WILL YOU OR CAN YOU CODE INTO ARMA, MULTI JOYSTICK SUPPORT!! The community has runout of options, and by the way, a game with no options is "GAME WITH NO OPTIONS!!!"


Plaintiff1, your last response, spam aimed at me, doesn't reflect the subject matter of the thread, ie multi joystick support and I ask, if you wish to comment please stick to subject matter of the thread.


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Ok I'd like to thank all those who are contributing to this issue, however I not pleased with BIS for not responding to this important required issue/feature.

Paco454, try to be patience!

Don't you think BIS deserves a break over the holiday just like everyone else? Judging from the responce Armored_Sheep gave us a couple of weeks ago I think they are already on it, maybe not in next patch but probably not to far into the future...

Remember that more "important" things like dedicated server/CTD/performance/major bugs/etc. probably have priority over this...


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That rhetoric there is just priceless.  It sounds like you're on your soapbox with arms flailing around... just hillarious.

Be polite or dont post at all.

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Ok I'd like to thank all those who are contributing to this issue, however I not pleased with BIS for not responding to this important required issue/feature.

Paco454, try to be patience!

Don't you think BIS deserves a break over the holiday just like everyone else? Judging from the responce Armored_Sheep gave us a couple of weeks ago I think they are already on it, maybe not in next patch but probably not to far into the future...

Remember that more "important" things like dedicated server/CTD/performance/major bugs/etc. probably have priority over this...


Amored sheeps response was, shall i say, telling me what I already know, "that the game only supports one stick". I'm not asking for them to act on it right away, only to ask if they will include multi joystick support. Thats all I'm asking.

I agree, that more "important" things like dedicated server/CTD/performance/major bugs/etc. should have priority over this, however I don't thinks unfair to ask if they will include multi joystick support in the future. And yes everybody should have break over Xmas and New Years and so I don't expect a response until into the new year.

It's an important issue to me and others and thats why I'm fighting hard for it.

Back when OFP first came out they removed manual fire in a patch they released, and I fought long and hard to have it back. In the end we got back manual fire but I had to fight hard for it.

This is great game, with a great furture and I will fight hard for this feature because it's an option no game should be without given the technology we have today. Thank you for your response KC


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I can see your problem. Mine is that the "increase/ deacrease thrust" doesn't work with the throttle on joysticks... at least not on my saitek aviator... Damn, I had just gotten it to work with FSX, too. And of course, the demo crashes when you change control settings...

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wondering if the sensitivity adjustment to the multiple controllers axis/sliders (like the mouse allready has ) could be added into the game options. (if/when multi controllers support is doled out of course)

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I have CH hotas so combining rudders, throttle and stick is no problem for me. But I would like to have a steeringwheel also...

Im gonna follow this thread to see if someone finds a solution. Tired of googling the subject..

edit: maybe I have to do some hardwarework and rebuild a ch produkt into a wheel, to bad they are so expencive...

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My hope for ArmA, way back in the old wish list thread, was that controller sensitivity be allowed to have different settings for different vehicle classes.

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it's ridiculous that this oversight is still present from the original OFP, you'd think they'd have realized that a big segment of potential players are sim fanatics as well with multiple controllers. ranting aside, the only real fix is to buy all CH gear and use the program manager to combine them into one, for steering+flying nothing beats the virtual pilot pro in terms of flexiblity and ease of use.

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"point and click" is always going to be a basic function, but with the advances in gaming and technology, one should have known eventually multi inputs are going to be the norm. i was surprised that BIS didnt move forward on this. hell they incorporated track-IR in the game.. and that im sure wasnt as "necessary" by the public. glad i have one, and glad they did act though!

im sure it will get fixed, just going to to take time.

technically, isnt ARMA a "stop gap

" until game 2..? i'd hate to wait that long to see progress, but if we cant get it then, im sure they will have it in game 2.

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Back when OFP first came out they removed manual fire in a patch they released, and I fought long and hard to have it back. In the end we got back manual fire but I had to fight hard for it.

Thank You!

My hope for ArmA, way back in the old wish list thread, was that controller sensitivity be allowed to have different settings for different vehicle classes.

Now that could be a very good thing to have! Sounds like it wouldn't even be hard to do, just more work for BIS if they care to do it. If not for ArmA, then for future products they should consider it. There is a danger that you could ruin the different feeling between a light vehicle and a heavy vehicle then, though. If you, by adjusting controller sensitivity differently for different vehicle types, achieve a feeling that a heavy vehicle has the same inertia as a light vehicle then that's away from realism, but it would be the players' decision then, of course.

Best Regards,


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hey Paco454 I think you can help me. Since no one have answered my topic My Webpage And I guess you have tried joystick in ArmA - Is it easier to fly a chopper with a joystick ?

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Yes it is. It's great since they fixed it in the new patch except for rudder control which "banks" instead whipping the tail around. Nevertheless, driving with the joystick is no fun and even worse with the mouse and even worse with the keyboard.

Mentioned earlier in this thread was track-ir which I own one and must say, it works great in combination with heli's. Still waiting on word if BIS will add multi joystick support to ArmA. I have emailed them and of course this thread. At the moment the subject is moot, like pulling teeth and consquently I'm very dissappointed that BIS has refused to give the community an answer on the subject. Since I'm a paying customer, I find this lak of attention to the issue "unacceptable".


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Multiple controller support is a must in my opinion as well.

Hope to see it in the next patch.

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Hi all,

From memory, OFP had multiple input device support. I was able to use wheel and pedals for vehicles, and joystick for aircraft.(I think multi controller support was included in one of the later patches)

The axes ran in parallel (which sometimes caused problems when one controller was not centered) Being able to map all of the relevent functions and controls to the right controller is a gosend, and really adds to the immersion.

I believe this is DirectX related, with options for multiple input devices being built in. It's up to the developer whether it's implemented and handled.

I wish to register my vote for this to be included in future.

Given what I've read about controller setup issues elsewhere on the forums, a comprehensive setup utility, built in, or external would be nice.

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multiple control support in the game would be an ultimate solution for the troubles that we flight-simmers have here.

But i'm pretty sure that this option would require a certain (and not that small) amount of programmer's and testers' work.

It would be WAY easier, however, to put the joystick's ID in a cfg file. Arma would still use just 1 game-controller, as before, but we users could simply select 1 of our joysticks to be used by the game.

It would be a simple and good solution, we even could combine our multiple controllers in a virtual one, using a program like PPJoyJoy. I hope it will happen smile_o.gif

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Forget PPjoyjoy Frankinstik ect.., been there done that, simulates serial ports with polling. Extemely bad with USB, furthermore, even with, as armoredsheep explained the game will use the stick with the most buttons and axis's by default, you could have 40 axis and hundred buttons as the virtual joystick and the game will still default to a USB stick, even if the virtual joystick is assigned to ID#1.

Most people use USB joysticks as this is the norm nowadays, however some may have luck with the above programs if their sticks are serial, even so, the game may still default to another stick besides the virtual one created.

Nevertheless, USB multi joystick support is needed for this issue to be resolved and I again ask BIS to please respond with a "Yes Or No", will you add the feature to ArmA?


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i dont think OFP had multi inputs before, even in a patch (but i may be clearly wrong here, and dont know)

ive always had rudder pedals, and a HOTAS for all my sims. trying the two controllers at the same time never worked in OFP for me. i could get the HOTAS to work...or only the rudder pedals. but not both at the same time. it might RECOGNISE different controllers that became plugged in later on, like "HOTAS...../ joystick...../steering wheel. but wouldnt regonise 2 at the same time.

if i am wrong , id love to see how. ill drop ARMA like a bad habit.

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Button/Axis assignments would still be a problem if we were able to choose which joystick to use. Lets say you want to fly and selected your stick ID. What if you also have a wheel with axes/buttons assigned for driving?

What we need is a) A true multicontroller support OR b) If option a proves very difficult (and I simply dont know why this has been a problem for BIS since OFP times) like Maximus suggested, ability to choose controller ID in game but with additional support for multiple key settings. This way, you can choose a controller and key assignments for that controller as well.

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Why use joysticks when everyone's using mouse n' keyboard? If you want to play with sticks, sand and pads then wait for the console release. xmas_o.gif

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