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The Great Joystick Placebo..What?

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I knew if I put the word "Placebo", placebo will read this post and so I have a question I'd like to ask you placebo if you have time and are willing to answer. I'm sure others reading this will want to know as well.

Condition: I have 3 Joysticks connected to my PC

1) Logitech Wingman FF

2) Logitech G25 FF Racing Wheel

3) Saitek X52

The game only supports one joystick in ID# position 1

There seems to be hierarchy as to which one actually uses ID#1

A small program called "JoyIDs" allows me to change the ID#'s however eventhough I can tell it to assign a stick to ID#1 the game will still use that stick who's hierarchy, for what ever reason, is higher than the others. The only way to force a stick to been seen by the game in ID#1 is to remove all sticks accept one joystick which is then defaulted into joystick ID#1.

Question: Is it possible to make the game support and allow the use of more than one stick, so that I may use the X52 for flying and the G25 for driving? I have to disable the other two sticks in the device manager. I'm forced to use mouse and keyboard for driving and it's difficult. Can this be looked into to see if this important issue can coded into the game to allow joysticks ID#1 and ID#2 or even ID#3 to be used simultaneously, as with most, if not all major games made today have implemented? This is really good game with great support, worthy of this type of device support.

I'm sure others would agree. Can this feature be implemented, given a fair amount of "BEGGING", time, support and coffee?


"Begging on my hands and knee's"


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You've been around long enough to know better then to post a topic like this. Locking

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