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should you be able to move and shoot in ARMA?

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I think you should be able to shoot while moving.  Heck when you are moving through a CQB area, taking time to stop and get set before you shoot is a death sentence.  

Ehrrr.. you CAN move and fire, you just can't run, fire and hit correctly easily smile_o.gif

yeah I know. I just expected to be able to get on a target a bit quicker. It's really not a big deal to me.

The thing that gets me sometimes is getting caught with yer pants down in the middle of a animation and you cant do anything but watch yerself get blown away hahhahah.

That's not a really big deal for me either. Just would like to be able to react when a situation comes up.

All in all, I like ArmA. Sure there's a few problems. I expected that would be the case when I bought it. I'm sure BIS will fix things up. I'm also sure the Mod people will build and make it even better than OFP when the tools come out.

No real bitches from me smile_o.gif

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I think what it comes down to, for the main issue, is that I sincerely doubt BIS will change their animations to suit CTFers - there are higher priorities such as bugs that need doing, plus it'd be a fundamental game feature change, as opposed to a bugfix.

So you do what people have been doing for the 5 years - mod them in and make a centralised/league/whatever CTF mod with the anims and whatever else inside.

Problem solved.

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lol...wasnt able to read all pages...but a few were already enough for me.

I love CTFs too, but i dont have a prob with the new controls.

Its not perfect, but im already used to it.

The main changes in the controls of OFP to ArmA which are disturbing some other CTF players are these:

-To go in crouch position takes more time.

-After sprinting u does not go into crouch position automatically.

-It takes longer to be able to shoot after moving.

I think thats more realistic, but it makes the fast CTF actions back in OFP nearly impossible for ArmA.

Im sure the movements will be improved too within the next patches.

It wont be changed like it was in OFP, but some stuff has to be changed, like if u pressed the leaning buttom twice and then u wanna sprint the player just makes a step forward and is still in the fixed leaning position. Thats only an example which shows me that the movements are not finished too like the rest of ArmA.

The biggest prob for us CTF players are the missing maps atm.

Im working on some and i hope my CTF script will work fine too soon.

At the disappointed CTF players:

There are other nice game modes too. Like C&H for example! biggrin_o.gif

But back on topic.

I dont need the movements of OFP for ArmA. I liked the OFP movements, but i think its just a matter of time till i love the ArmA movements even more! tounge2.gif

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I think most coop guys should be thanking us CTF/CTI guys for keeping the game alive because it was us. I always get a kick out of a few here on the forums saying we should just play CS and go away. Wouldnt that be a sad day sad_o.gif

Since i have had Armed Assault i keep getting the feeling that it was rushed out to beat some other game that close to being release. Its just my view but i think alot of these forum members that go on about Armed Assault being perfect and better than OFP will be the same ones coming into the new game saying how great it is.

Just my view thumbs-up.gif

Whiskey has left the building xmas_o.gif

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I think most coop guys should be thanking us CTF/CTI guys for keeping the game alive because it was us.

I fail to see any significance or relevance in all the "we kept OFP alive" comments. If CTF players kept the game alive, it was only for other CTF players; if cooperative players kept the game alive, it was only for other cooperative players. It doesn't matter either way so put your egos back where the sun doesn't shine.

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why can't both sides understand that it takes both sides to make up this community that OFP/ARMA has, great as it is.

comments from both 'game mode' camps are putting a real drag on this relationship.

For me, I will get used to the new animations. When I get a new computer I may have more than 10 fps WOOOO!

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I think most coop guys should be thanking us CTF/CTI guys for keeping the game alive because it was us. I always get a kick out of a few here on the forums saying we should just play CS and go away. Wouldnt that be a sad day sad_o.gif

I think the credit has to go to the talented mod makers, not the ctf community. And a large portion to the game itself.

Now we’ve already had two topics about this very subject and it’s getting tiresome. As many have already said in this thread, it’s HIGHLY unlikely BIS will revert back to the old animations; doing so would piss everyone else off. CTF’ers will just have to adapt.

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I played CTF with OFP until about a few months ago. It's got nothing on Arma right now.

Arma raises the stake as THE most realistic infantry/ combat simulation available today. and you want to change it? I do not believe it.

respectfully - did you have ANY clue as to what you were buying? did you READ the reviews, watch any gameplay videos? even look at the back of the box if you got it in a box? or read the damn type on the web page?

Arma is without doubt the best game out today in my opinion if you are after combat simulation. I really enjoyed OFP, it had no peer. Until ArmA came out - now ArmA replaces OFP for me. I love playing CTF in ArmA and even DM in ArmA with the new animations and more realistic speeds and weapons - now tactics and teamplay are even more importnat so is being able to aim and to move from cover to cover . it's brilliant.

Maybe an ArmA CS style CTF mod will be brought out (and thanks to the engine flexibilty that's possible). that would be great for twitch CTF guys right? But unless it is amazing i'll be staying with ArmA because it provides what i paid for - a combat simulation right down to realistically depicting how infantry move.


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i agree i play CYF since the 1.46 update because before is unplayable, and like more coop, in arma just wait to have yhe same or stay in ofp, whith the tkc move lol or try to be a veteran killer like u r in OFP smile_o.gif

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But you super coop fan boys get back to me in 2 years when this game will turn like a ghost town with few coop servers then and now.  Then we'll see who's laughing.
You mean over 2 years, when all CTF etc servers are full of cheaters, and nobody likes to play it so much anymore but cheats all over the place, there remains a few good, steady, well organized, with proper players filled, coop servers? I think it sounds great, you guys keep the trash, we get the Vets nener.gif  Quality over Quantity m8!
This is getting sad.  

Is this the so call OFP grown community I've been hearing so much about?

I'm sorry, but you want to say that the ppl that posted in these 8 pages make up the (majority of the) OFP Community? Get realistic m8 smile_o.gif
I think most coop guys should be thanking us CTF/CTI guys for keeping the game alive because it was us. I always get a kick out of a few here on the forums saying we should just play CS and go away. Wouldnt that be a sad day sad_o.gif

Rofl m8... as if CTF/CTI are connected in anyway smile_o.gif

To talk out of my experience in the games VC1, VC2, OFP and now ArmA... it are the CTF/TDM/etc players that are soooooo damn tired of playing CTF/TDM/etc, especially on public servers, especially due to the idiot cheaters on there, but especially because running after the same flag every day is getting them soo bored that they either (want to) quit the game, or start cheating and being an idiot themselves smile_o.gif

(Altough Serious League Gaming seems to win proper ground, if properly organised etc)

When people then find our (or like our) servers, and find coop... where they can enjoy nice and good rounds of teamplay, proper respect and discipline, structure and "brother" feeling instead of "hostile" feeling, they never wanna return back to CTF, other than just blow off some steam for a few minutes and go back to Coop...

That's talking from 2.5 years experience of running a community, which might not sound so long, but believe me... much happens in 2.5 years smile_o.gif

Anyway.. it's really not nececairy to make groups here and get the "we're better" "we're the ones who ... " bla bla bla..

It's a pitty there's not too much reply on my earlier huge post: http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....8;st=60

though smile_o.gif Guess we're going too deep and serious while others rather flame and bash eachother smile_o.gif

Who kept the OFP game alive??

- Developers, they made a great game with a good expandable engine, created expansion and patches for a very long time!

- Mod and Addon Creators, they made insane great addon content for the game, and they even kept/keep doing that for a very very long time, even after ArmA release!! The list goes on and on and on and on and on!!

- Mission Makers, there are really THOUSANDS of missions in various missiontypes available all around the net.

- All other contributors on the BIS forums and other (fan) sites that distribute the addons, the word of OFP, help for editing/scripting etc. etc.

- All Server Owners who put effort in creating a nice play environment for their players

- And as last of coarse the huge amounts of players that were interested because of all the above mentioned reasons, for so long, in 1 game.

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I mist admitt I only browse this thread superficially, a bit like reading the tabloids. If I want real entertainment I hook up with my coop family.

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Looking at the statistics, at the moment less than 300 people play ARMA online, more than 250.

Remember, its been released online over sprocket, and in 3 different countries. And the hardcore fans (which number less than 500) imported the game in the first week of release.

That number is piss poor for a JIP game, especially a new game. Even OFP had more activity.

But it's only fair to wait untill it gets released in North America and UK, then make an accurate description.

Mods don't keep the game alive, its the people who play it that keep it alive. Mods just add to it. Red orchestra doesn't have any mods for example (except few under development mods and some maps), and thousands play it at any given time.

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Looking at the statistics, at the moment less than 300 people play ARMA online, more than 250.

Where exactly are you getting these statistics from? It is, for all intents and purposes, as if you're just plucking them from the sky.

Gamespy can not be trusted for decent statistics, as not every game is broadcast on gamespy. Do you have any access to the sales figures? Otherwise I can't see how you can comment on the stats at all...

Remember, its been released online over sprocket, and in 3 different countries. And the hardcore fans (which number less than 500) imported the game in the first week of release.

That number is piss poor for a JIP game, especially a new game. Even OFP had more activity.

So? Its been released in a few countries and on an obscure download system for all of 2 months. I doubt anyone outside these forums knows about sprocket unless they happen across it on one of the ArmA websites. And you cant expect everyone who will eventually be playing the game to have purchased it within the first few months of release. That is just ridiculous, not to mention logistically impossible...

Again with the thin-air stats. You have no idea how many "hardcore" fans there are, and you have no idea how many of them have imported the game...

Mods don't keep the game alive, its the people who play it that keep it alive. Mods just add to it. Red orchestra doesn't have any mods for example (except few under development mods and some maps), and thousands play it at any given time.

Comparing a ~5 year old game to a ~1 year old game isnt really fair now is it? 1000's of people play RO because its "new" and because its highly advertised on Steam (which anyone who plays CS, HL or anyother steam title cant help but see every time they log into steam). If you look at OFP when it was ~1 year old, 1000's of people were playing online regularly too. You just cant look at a game thats a few months old AND is under "limited" release and compare it to a mature, mainstream game. It just DOES NOT work like that.

I would say that bar the super-hardcore, OFP would have died long ago if it weren't for the addons and mods. I agree that its the people playing the game that keep it alive, but would those people still be playing if they were limited to the original content? I seriously doubt it somehow...

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Looking at the statistics, at the moment less than 300 people play ARMA online, more than 250.  

Remember, its been released online over sprocket, and in 3 different countries.  And the hardcore fans (which number less than 500) imported the game in the first week of release.  

That number is piss poor for a JIP game, especially a new game.  Even OFP had more activity.  

But it's only fair to wait untill it gets released in North America and UK, then make an accurate description.  

Mods don't keep the game alive, its the people who play it that keep it alive. Mods just add to it.  Red orchestra doesn't have any mods for example (except few under development mods and some maps), and thousands play it at any given time.

You got any idea how Red Orchestra Started out? You have 2 gueses. Why do you think Half Life kept selling so long? Due to the super-hard-core Freeman lovers or due to CS?

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Quote[/b] ]Gamespy can not be trusted for decent statistics, as not every game is broadcast on gamespy. Do you have any access to the sales figures? Otherwise I can't see how you can comment on the stats at all...

I'm not using gamespy.

http://stats.swec.se:3001/server/statistics It seems it increased to about 400 by now.

RO started as a mod but that doesn't help your arguement in this case since a mod is nothing if people don't play it.

Do you guys always find excuses for everything? RO can be compared with ARMA since they both had a fanbase before.

And the advertisment thing is a joke, are you serious? People don't play the game because its being advertised lol. They might try out the demo, but not play it because its being advertised.

And people don't buy and play HL2 because of CS. HL has one of the best FPS storyline there is. Thats what sells HL, not CS. CS is a bonus.

Quote[/b] ]So? Its been released in a few countries and on an obscure download system for all of 2 months. I doubt anyone outside these forums knows about sprocket unless they happen across it on one of the ArmA websites. And you cant expect everyone who will eventually be playing the game to have purchased it within the first few months of release. That is just ridiculous, not to mention logistically impossible...

Again with the thin-air stats. You have no idea how many "hardcore" fans there are, and you have no idea how many of them have imported the game...

Quote (Stealth3 @ Dec. 21 2006,18:57)

Mods don't keep the game alive, its the people who play it that keep it alive. Mods just add to it. Red orchestra doesn't have any mods for example (except few under development mods and some maps), and thousands play it at any given time.

Comparing a ~5 year old game to a ~1 year old game isnt really fair now is it? 1000's of people play RO because its "new" and because its highly advertised on Steam (which anyone who plays CS, HL or anyother steam title cant help but see every time they log into steam). If you look at OFP when it was ~1 year old, 1000's of people were playing online regularly too. You just cant look at a game thats a few months old AND is under "limited" release and compare it to a mature, mainstream game. It just DOES NOT work like that.

If you took the time to read what I said instead of bitching about it, you would realize I took that into account.

Also I'm referring to the RO game not the RO mod, which have quite some good differences. And I was comparing it to ARMA (which by the way is also a "new" game if you don't know.)

And RO was not a mainstream game in the beginning. It started in a worse position than ARMA. They had no publisher to begin with at all, thats why they started with Steam. Now they have a publisher pretty much all over the world.

Your saying that OFP would have died a long time ago if not for mods. Well sorry to break it to you, but from late 2004 until about now, OFP had only few servers with people on. Clan tournaments pretty much died over 2 years ago. Most public servers required no mods to play at all.

Then there were few coop and CTI servers that required addons, but they were pretty rare. The mods did help the game to be what it turned out to be, but didn't keep it alive in a very significant way.

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Not even gonna waste my time voting.. its obvious what Highlander wants

Poll choices Votes Statistics

1 change anims to ofp for fast shooting.

2leave arma anims as they are good for campers.

3none of the above.

Two sensible options and one just put there 2 flame..

if u don't like it fucking play something else.. Just so happons I like it as it is. And no i'm not a camper!

yet another 12 year old poll. damn wasted 2 mins of my life replying to this piss!

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Do you guys always find excuses for everything? RO can be compared with ARMA since they both had a fanbase before.

And the advertisment thing is a joke, are you serious? People don't play the game because its being advertised lol. They might try out the demo, but not play it because its being advertised.

RO can EVENTUALLY be compared to ArmA. But, as you say yourself, RO has a global publisher and therefore a global release. Since ArmA is only "technically" available in a handful of countries and is only a few months old (RO has had almost a full year for sales) until ArmA has been out for a year, you CAN NOT compare the year-in sales figures with the 2-months-in sales figures.

And yes, advertising plays a MASSIVE role in the number of players. If people know about the game they can buy and play it. If people dont know about the game, how can they play it? And how do MOST people find out about games? Thats right, through advertising and publishing. Its a proven industry stat, games with large advertising campaigns TEND to sell better than games with little or no advertising.

And do you have to always try and find the smallest most insignificant bugs in things? Seriously, thats ALL I've seen you do since ArmA release, and a lot of people on the forum are getting tired of it...

If you took the time to read what I said instead of bitching about it, you would realize I took that into account.

No, you didn't. You compared a game which has had a years worth of sales globally, to a game which has had 2 months worth of sales in a few countries. That is NOT taking things into account in my book...

Also I'm referring to the RO game not the RO mod, which have quite some good differences. And I was comparing it to ARMA (which by the way is also a "new" game if you don't know.)

Yes, and RO the game followed on a few months after RO the mod. ArmA the game is a full 4 years since the last "off the shelf" release from BI (OFP:Res) and a full 2 years since the last patch release. Couple with that the relative niche status the game holds, unlike RO which is WW2 FPS #25434 and you have reason for the so-called "poor for a JIP game" number of players.

As for your stats, well they SEEM to track online players at any one time. Which is by no means indicative of either the total number of players or the total number of games (since there are LANs and offline games being played too).

And RO was not a mainstream game in the beginning. It started in a worse position than ARMA. They had no publisher to begin with at all, thats why they started with Steam. Now they have a publisher pretty much all over the world.

Yes, and ArmA doesn't have that kind of publicity. So its comparing apples with oranges...

Your saying that OFP would have died a long time ago if not for mods. Well sorry to break it to you, but from late 2004 until about now, OFP had only few servers with people on. Clan tournaments pretty much died over 2 years ago. Most public servers required no mods to play at all.

Then there were few coop and CTI servers that required addons, but they were pretty rare. The mods did help the game to be what it turned out to be, but didn't keep it alive in a very significant way.

So the CTF players have kept OFP alive since 2004? Yeah, right. As the saying goes "it takes two to tango". Without the new content people would lose interest in playing the same old missions with the same old units over and over and over. Thats why games without addon content die so quicky. People want more eyecandy and features. Without the addon and MISSION makers, OFP would have died for all but the uber-hardcore back in 2004.

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The kids can play CTF in UT, and CS, and HL, and Tribes, and Bf1942, and BF2, and BFVietnam, and BF2142, and Joint Ops, and Quake, and Doom, and so on, ad nauseum. And none of them had a longer shelf life than OFP.

Measuring the "life" of BIS's games from public server activity is misguided, showing more a lack of understanding of the business model in play for BIS and trying to shoehorn it into the more familiar "gamey" titles' business models than an understanding of what really happened between OFP and AA. You chose the wrong performance metric, friend.

VBS kept BIS alive and fed. Coop, mods, and such kept OFP in the community mindset, making the business case for the Arma product cut and dried. Simple as that. Volume of CTF activity on the net is no measure of "success" in this case.

OFP was successful and great without pandering to a CTF focus and so will go AA.

And BIS "gets" that. In spades.

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I think it will take a while for me to get used to ArmA controls. OFP was much different, and i can't deny it any longer (even though i want it to), the OFP controls were better, IMO.

ArmA might be more realistic, but that might not necessary be a good thing. Eespecially for those of us who have been playing OFP online for 4+ years. After playing it online for such a long time, OFP became like second nature for me. At the same time, it also made it hard for me to enjoy other MP games (tried BF2, didn't like it).

I thought ArmA will be pretty much the same. I didn't expect it to be exacly the same, ofcourse. I can live with a few changes (personally don't care if i'm not able to sprint and shoot anymore), but Arma changes too many things (don't fix what ain't broken, BIS). Right now, at its current state, i don't find it much more enjoyable than BF2 (not saying they're similar in any way (except that they both let you drive in vehicles)...i'm just expressing my feelings towards it).

But hopefully, i will get used to ArmA's gameplay in time, and be able to enjoy playing it, as much as i enjoyed (and still do) playing OFP.

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I think it will take a while for me to get used to ArmA controls. OFP was much different, and i can't deny it any longer (even though i want it to), the OFP controls were better, IMO.

ArmA might be more realistic, but that might not necessary be a good thing. Eespecially for those of us who have been playing OFP online for 4+ years. After playing it online for such a long time, OFP became like second nature for me. At the same time, it also made it hard for me to enjoy other MP games (tried BF2, didn't like it).

I thought ArmA will be pretty much the same. I didn't expect it to be exacly the same, ofcourse. I can live with a few changes (personally don't care if i'm not able to sprint and shoot anymore), but Arma changes too many things (don't fix what ain't broken, BIS). Right now, at its current state, i don't find it much more enjoyable than BF2 (not saying they're similar in any way (except that they both let you drive in vehicles)...i'm just expressing my feelings towards it).

But hopefully, i will get used to ArmA's gameplay in time, and be able to enjoy playing it, as much as i enjoyed (and still do) playing OFP.

This is about the most honest post i have seen. I played ofp for 4 years because it got me hooked from the start, so i was more then excited about Armed assault.

For some reason however i am not happy at all with this game, so far the controls have left me not knowing what is the best setup that suits me, as none seem to suit my old OFP way of playing. I just think the controls are over done and time spent trying to learn them brings no improvment.

New things introduced, like leaning round corners for infantry and the extra button press from crouch to stand, sprint...ect all make the game less enjoyable. I have already seen the desert CTF maps spring up (like the ones in OFP), where you have all the buildings. Only now, all players do is lean round the corners to get easy kills. Ok if they then move on but they don't.

All this new game needed was better graphics and good netcode. Not sure about anyone else but i was happy with OFP controls. I played ofp all the time after its first release. I wanted to feel the same way about this game but i don't. This game feels like a flight sim with all the key controls. I mean the riffles have 4 different scope combinations alone. then there's the crouch to stand. What next a key for Riffle to chin + hand to trigger??

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Oh yes and please do somthing with the netcode. From my experience its either worse then Ofp's (wich i doubt) or it just cannot handle all the new features such as grass in the game...ect.

I am tired of playing on dedicated servers and seeing infantry...ect warping from one place to another. I have a 4 meg connection and thought these things were a thing of the past.

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And the advertisment thing is a joke, are you serious?  People don't play the game because its being advertised lol.  They might try out the demo, but not play it because its being advertised.

I've just fired the marketing department. Good riddance.

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you could always do what the l33t CTF'rs did in OFP, remove your anims

that way u don't drop to a knee or anything else, even though other players still see you doing it on their end, on your end u don't so you'll get your advantage back.

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With all the complaining going on in here, I just through I'd throw in my positive 2 cents. I think the controls are an improvement and the gameplay is better because of it. Sure there are things that can be improved on, but those issues will be resolved in time. I'm happy to see BIS taking ArmA in the direction they're currently going. Thanks smile_o.gif

EDIT: In addition.. I play cooperatively with my teammates regardless of the gamemode (except DM). So I dont see the point of a lot of the arguements here. I perfer to play against human's rather than the AI, due to the AI's hit or miss performance. But I also play the game the way I feel it was intended; as a tactical simulation, with an emphesis on realism. As others have said, if you want a run and gun, dolphin diving, bunny hopping frag fest, there are plenty of other games to choose from. Please dont take anything from what little the simulation croud is given.

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