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Ending texts?

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I noticed this little problem while making my first non-test mission for arma:

For some unknown reason when the mission ends ArmA shows only the title of the ending texts defined in the briefing.html.


Quote[/b] ]

<!-- End #1 -->

<h2><a name="debriefing:end1"></a><br>

<!-- [TITLE_1] -->

Mission successful!

<!-- [END] -->


<!-- [TEXT_1] -->

A severe blow has been dealt to the plans of the traitors and the imperialist by heroes of the motherland!

<!-- [END] -->


Yet only the Mission successful! part is seen when the mission ends and the the "Severe blow blah blah blah" is missing. sad_o.gif

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Yep, same here sad_o.gif

There is an arrow on the right side though, which I suppose should enable one to see the text, but you can't click it...

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Try to shorten the sentence down to half the size of that. It seems only short endtexts can be displayed at the moment.

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