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Armed Assault..

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LoL twisted.

Why is it that most of old ofp fans ( you can look at date of the registration) dislikes the game in its current states, and the new people who probably barely played ofp come in here saying "If you don't like simulators leave"

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Post count/Join dates dont matter, the person could have played ofp since it was released and just not joined the forums... icon_rolleyes.gif

I cant say anything about the game, other than it looks great, because I dont have it. Once the patches start coming, the game will get better and better, just like ofp.

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Hmm....well, I voted 'not sure' There are some features I liek about ArmA, some some I hate.

For example, I hate the new flying. I've practiced for god knows how long, and still can't line a chopper up to use FFARs. I get the target in my sights, and am a bit off, so move the mouse to the right (which is designated 'turn right' in options), and my chopper goes and banks, and moves way off target. Same with planes, in OFP i can take out a whole group in line formation with a A10 in one or two runs, but with the harrier I can't even fly in a circle without going out to sea or nosediving into a small hill. Maybe it just requires a lot of practice, but don't think its worth it.

There are also a few nit-picks I have (like since when did a T72 have a CROWS operated Dshk in the commanders position?), and some small things that will no doubt be fixed in a patch sometime.

However, on the other hand, I hardly open OFP since I got ArmA. The ironsights are great, the graphics look good even on my crappy computer, there is swimming (although I still can't get the AI to swim), you can damage certain parts of vehicles (like a tailrotor), and the gameplay feels nicer (like how you can run with a RPG launcher equiped).

So can't honestly say whether I think it was worth the wait. We'll have to wait for a few more patches first. wink_o.gif

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Voted yes. I think the gameplay is astounding, you now have a chance to get up and run to cover without something similar to getting sniped with a handgun at 200m. The infantry controls are great, I can run, walk quickly and aim a bit for suppression while closing -Any Marines out there slicing the pie?- and walk slowly for accuracy in CQB. Which brings me to a rather important thank you to BIS: I think the ironsights and the perspective used is perfect for CQB, as is the mouse control. I never could get close to hitting near targets in OFP. I'd either lose them in the iron sight mode, or not be able to aim from the hip well enough. I now can do both (Shh! I know I could just be getting skilled, leave me alone! tounge2.gif ) Yes, bugs. Yes, tweaking. But after some inital dissapointment, I got down to business and practiced, and now it's an absolute blast. MP is great! Can't wait to see what ArmA will look like in another 5 months. notworthy.gif

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All I can say about ArmA is that I'm disappointed. The graphics are nice but the game runs like crap even at low settings and the game is all-in-all not very fun to play with the various changes made in the keyboard commands, flight models, action menus, loading menus, and everything else.

Edit: And in it's current state it was most definitely not worth the wait and it was most definitely not worth the $1000 game server I was going to colocate for it.

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Mora2 you've made your point in a number of threads, unless you have something new to add then further excessively negative posts in numerous threads will be considered trolling.


So because you live here and read all the posts does that mean evryone else has done so??

Anyhow, that only shows how are the opinions worth to moderation team.

AND Im still having hope those are distinguished from real developers of the game.

Like you´ve said you dont close this thread because worthness or not hasnt been asked yet... well let me entitle myself to an opinion in here.

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All I can say about ArmA is that I'm disappointed. The graphics are nice but the game runs like crap even at low settings and the game is all-in-all not very fun to play with the various changes made in the keyboard commands, flight models, action menus, loading menus, and everything else.

Edit: And in it's current state it was most definitely not worth the wait and it was most definitely not worth the $1000 game server I was going to colocate for it.

if i started this topic at start of ofp.

was it worth buying i can say 99.9% hell even a 100% would say yes

but arma gameplay is totaly different, this is dont mind but i feel that bis sold it as SEQUAL TO OFP not a new game.

i spent Å300 upgrading my pc for arma which i feel was wasted

placebo i hope you give my feedback to bis as i think its vital they know how players feel. thank you

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All I can say about ArmA is that I'm disappointed. The graphics are nice but the game runs like crap even at low settings and the game is all-in-all not very fun to play with the various changes made in the keyboard commands, flight models, action menus, loading menus, and everything else.

Edit: And in it's current state it was most definitely not worth the wait and it was most definitely not worth the $1000 game server I was going to colocate for it.

if i started this topic at start of ofp.

was it worth buying i can say 99.9% hell even a 100% would say yes

but arma gameplay is totaly different, this is dont mind but i feel that bis sold it as SEQUAL TO OFP not a new game

well you know... i think they´ve had too much in consideration all the feedback they´ve received regarding VBS1.

With that i mean they´ve made changes focussing into PROFESSIONAL COMBAT TRAINING instead of PC GAMEPLAY.

As such this shouldnt have been considered a game but another simulation training for professional armys, not domestic computers.

Thats the only explanation i can figure regarding the drastic changes in gameplay they´ve made.

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hmmm maybe, im glad im not only person who doesnt like arma, for a minute there i thought i had aids or sumthin

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I really dont like it.

And its nothing to do with bugs, those are fixable.

What is not fixable is gameplay.

Its clunky, tedious, slooooooow, and not user-friendly.

The new aiming system sucks and its far more complicated than OFPS which alongside its slow nature was cool and refreshing. It was a fresh breeze of air in middle of all the quake3 cs and all those games at the time.

Now they´ve surpassed the limits of realism and have given us a game which simply doesnt play well.

Yesterday i played multiplayer with like 24 persons and it sucked sooooooooo much.

I probably made 6 shots in total... whenever i had someone in my aimpoint i didnt even try to make a single shot because i knew i wouldnt hit him, rifle sway is too much and to hit something you need to invest 3-4 seconds and be in the best position available which eliminates all dynamism from the game.

To hit something while moving along the map is quite impossible and i dont say hitting something while running, no no, just moving to one posiition, looking and shooting.

Your chances is that you die from someone waiting behind a corner to nail you.

In ofp at least you could move much more fluidly and that didnt happen so much.

Along with that matter only camperism will succeed in this game and that eliminates a 90% of public to play it.

Camperism is good in some percentage, not all of it.

I like fight sims that go away from quake or even some battlefield attitudes but this is really gross.

Im terribly dissapointed with the game and i dont think it will last very long in my HD, i dont think it will even make it to the first serious patch.

I find that people that like this type of gampley play coops all the way.

Well that speaks for itself, coop is a minimum part of internet gameplay which is hardly played at all.

Fun is with CTF.s conquest, CTIS and everything else. People play on MP to play against other people, not to play against AI.

EDIT: and for all those people that say graphics are cool and as such having high requirements is good on the long run... well, get yourselfs some glasses because these graphics will be outdated in a year or less. OFP in comparison had much better graphics in 2001 than ARMA has in 2006.

Go back to Quake 3! 'Nuff said...it's a combat sim.

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All I can say about ArmA is that I'm disappointed. The graphics are nice but the game runs like crap even at low settings and the game is all-in-all not very fun to play with the various changes made in the keyboard commands, flight models, action menus, loading menus, and everything else.

Edit: And in it's current state it was most definitely not worth the wait and it was most definitely not worth the $1000 game server I was going to colocate for it.

if i started this topic at start of ofp.

was it worth buying i can say 99.9% hell even a 100% would say yes

but arma gameplay is totaly different, this is dont mind but i feel that bis sold it as SEQUAL TO OFP not a new game

well you know... i think they´ve had too much in consideration all the feedback they´ve received regarding VBS1.

With that i mean they´ve made changes focussing into PROFESSIONAL COMBAT TRAINING instead of  PC GAMEPLAY.

As such this shouldnt have been considered a game but another simulation training for professional armys, not domestic computers.

Thats the only explanation i can figure regarding the drastic changes in gameplay they´ve made.

Anyone who uses ArmA as a way to train soldiers is working on the path to failure.

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This person thinks OFP original had better graphics than Armed Assault does and he says WE need glasses??

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i like it. its ofp but much better with slightly different controls. People only nagg because they are not 733T anymore with some of the controls and the feel of the game has changed.

you wont find many bugs with the 1.01 unless you go searching them other than:

-Ai walking through stuff,

-some helicopters (namely, mi17)

saying that, there are many things that they havent implemented/ implemented in an odd fashion that makes me want to appoint myself as the head of BIS, but... the game is the game.

One thing that is pissing me off in the game is the vegetation. The trees seem to get too distorted when you're further than 50m, (dont think its my pc) and you wont spot anything under them. The grass is also useless, and annoying, with prone shooting not really being an option anymore as you wont see them, but they will see you. And its bloody everywhere...

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I voted null beacause i have a small hope that BIS improves ARMA with time.

First time i played ARMA i was disapointed. Maybe my PC fault, don't know.. huh.gif

Im going to upgrade my computer with GOOD specifications (+- 1000€) and if my upgrade won't improve ARMA's gameplay.

I'll cry for sure!

And i will return my DVD back to BIS.

BIS really need to improve more ARMA's Gameplay.

Armed Assault is The Most Wanted Game for alot, ALOT of people.

I have hope! xmas_o.gif

edit: pics like this give me hope


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Quote[/b] ]i like it. its ofp but much better with slightly different controls. People only nagg because they are not 733T anymore with some of the controls and the feel of the game has changed.

No, its nothing like OFP. Even the campaign is different. OFP campaign had a story, a feel to it. ARMA campaign is worse than most user made campaigns (no offence to bis), and is far too short, even compared to resistance.

Other things.... oh yeah, the controls, feel just wierd for the majority of players (that is if you play online against human players). I guess for playing coop only, the controls aren't that bad as the AI is slow to react, and you don't need to react as you do with a human player. But even for that OFP's controls and feel was superior.

The way vehicles act are just not fun to use at all. Centered camera, the mouse.

The air dynamics are completely mest up, and even if I get used to them (most likely I won't), I can never see myself playing against anybody other than the AI.

Now lets leave out the bugs, because bugs are bugs and can be fixed, even by the community.

But the things listed above can't be fixed so easily. They will probably never be fixed, maybe just twicked. But they will never feel close to what OFP felt, unless they completely rework it out and this time actually do it well.

And for people saying the controls are realistic, they have no idea what their talking about.

Controls should be as simple as possible, and realism should be enforced by forcing the player to adopt to tactics. That would be realistic. Not making the controls unecessary hard.

Now when I say hard, I don't mean hard when you play against AI. Just hard when you play against human players.

Why do you think cars, and pretty much every machine has controls that are as easy as possible.

Making something hard doesn't simulate realism, for the last time.

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In addition to the points that Stealth3 made above which I agree with fully, I also feel that the game is pretty bare in terms of vehicle selection which is rather disappointing. I've been told 100 times already that "don't worry, there will be vehicle addons made"... and the truth is that I don't care about addons, not right now! I would like to be able to play MP for at least a few months before worrying about addon dependencies... sad_o.gif and so far it has just been a contest to see who can get their addon in the game first which in my opinion is not the right way to do it...

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i agree with Stealth3.

Controlabillity as nothing to do with OFP.. its far worst, unfortunatly

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Other things.... oh yeah, the controls, feel just wierd for the majority of players (that is if you play online against human players). I guess for playing coop only, the controls aren't that bad as the AI is slow to react, and you don't need to react as you do with a human player.

It’s the same for everyone so your reflexes still pay off, so that’s a rather mute point. icon_rolleyes.gif

By making the animations more life-like, it’s encouraging more tactics to be involved, as positioning becomes more vital. As opposed to diagonal sprinting around a corner and instantly going prone...

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@ Blackdog and Stealth3: Could you explain a bit more on what your issues are with the movement and gameplay?

I agree it is a matter of personal taste. The ability to walk, jog, or run, lean and crouch has benefits and detriments that not everyone will use or enjoy. It took a while for me to get used to - to realize, really- that running has the drawback of added momentum, and you simply cannot stop on a dime. Jogging, or walking is where the precision is. Like in blacksmithing, you shape coarsely with a big hammer, then finish with a small hammer, every tool has it's place. So when in an engagement, I can't afford the clunky movements, I need to slow it down.

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Well for me, its how the player moves. I think its been realized way better and in a more simple way in OFP.

But to that I can get used to.

Its the air dynamics and controls that I can't get used to, because they are wrong. Flying a lot in OFP, with friends online, this ruined it for me.

ARMA feels like your controling a robot. While in OFP, I felt like I was a soldier taking part of the action. That feeling is gone now.

And I don't think you can simulate life like animations in a game like this and pull it off right. Some things just can't be simulated in a PC game.

But they didn't try to "simulate" anything related to what where talking, as there's much evidence of that.

Player movements and momentum would be the last thing you expect for a game to simulate, since they are probaly the hardest to get right.

And they don't add much to the gameplay in the first place if you ask me.

Your telling me that BIS tried to simulate breathing while they couldn't simulate vertical take off on the harrier?

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if i started this topic at start of ofp.

was it worth buying i can say 99.9% hell even a 100% would say yes but arma gameplay is totaly different, this is dont mind but i feel that bis sold it as SEQUAL TO OFP not a new game

well you know... i think they´ve had too much in consideration all the feedback they´ve received regarding VBS1.

With that i mean they´ve made changes focussing into PROFESSIONAL COMBAT TRAINING instead of PC GAMEPLAY.

As such this shouldnt have been considered a game but another simulation training for professional armys, not domestic computers.

Thats the only explanation i can figure regarding the drastic changes in gameplay they´ve made.

The military doesnt use OPF or Arma to teach soldiers how to hold and fire a rifle or throw a handgrenade, just dont go there. Any decisions made to improve the gameplay were not made with that in mind imo, i dont see any drastic changes and any changes to make the game play more tactically and closer to RL should be welcome by most people here, you might be using the wrong software if you like to run & gun in confined spaces..

OPF version 1.0 didnt even have playable MP, and shooting in burst or full auto made it impossible to hit anything. It was toned down later since the a.i. could put a 3 round burst on you over 300 meters. OPF was loved by most fans because it was the most "realistic" war game ever, after 5 years they had to increase the dificulty a little to keep it interesting. (ok, so the choppers went wrong but will hopefully be looked into..)

I already saw deathmatching and flagfighting in full auto with crosshairs, if other people can handle it so should you. There are complaints that seem legitimate to me (performance, bugs, features) but some of you are making a big deal out of nothing confused_o.gif .

I've been reading alot and most "older" members seem to like it even if there are issues and/or more was expected.

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I'm really not understanding why people are so upset with the apparently "radically new" control style...

You still move with the WASD keys, you still aim with the mouse, sure some keys have had to be re-mapped through necessity (like Q and E for leaning) but really I can NOT see where its breaking the game so badly that its no longer playable for people.

There are things I don't like (like the cam-auto center, but I've bitched about that enough in other threads) but they certainly don't add up to ruin the game to such a level that I just can't play it anymore...

Yes the mouse is a bit sloppy, and the aim wobble is annoying (especially when prone with a bipoded weapon) but these are all things which can be tweaked in a patch, so all is not lost.

I have to agree on the content, it does seem very sparse. The island its self is amazing, sheer beauty. Its just a shame we dont have all that much (and a lot of what we do have is re-used over and over) to play in such a beatiful sandbox with. Here's hopeing that the first patch (with the 505 release if Placebo is to be believed) will come with some shiny new units (again if Lord P. is to be believed)

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Couldn't agree more - the new control style isn't even that more complex. Wow, an extra two keys we need for leaning. The one gripe I have is that the "hold run" key, when held, makes you walk, but I cured that by a simple workaround. For gawd's sake people, it ain't that hard really.

Give the damn game a chance, will you?

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ARMA feels like your controling a robot. While in OFP, I felt like I was a soldier taking part of the action. That feeling is gone now.

I can understand your point and sympathise with those of you that just wanted a copy of ofp with better graphics, because anything more would alter the playing style to your flag fights. But you have to look at it from a greater perspective, by saying the animations and movement in ofp is acceptable in a modern game, well, it’s not frankly.

I’m sure the animation transitions are longer in America’s Army.

<a href="http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin/ikonboard311/ikonboard.cgi?act=ST;f=64;t=54877;hl=stealth3;st=0

" target="_blank">Anyway, wasn’t there already a thread complaining about the “feel†of the controls.</a>


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i couldn't agree more. Armed Assualt blew me away with it's realistic style movements for the soldiers. this is so close to how it looks when watching real troops at work. I love it.

It's new, but it didn't take long to master and simply double tapping a key to toggle movement speed is really convenient. i agree that people won't take long to get used to it.

the helicopters and planes on the other hand do need fix. but there's a whole LONG thread about it and i think its about giving more control of the chopper like the suggestions made by some people with more know how.

So back on topic. Yes. To me it was worth the wait.

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