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Is Armed Assault Dead on Arrival?

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I'm still waiting for ethne or whiskey to explain what is wrong.

I'm waiting for ArmA to be released in the US and I'd like to know what they think is wrong about it... so far I haven't heard anything.

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I'm still waiting for ethne or whiskey to explain what is wrong.

I'm waiting for ArmA to be released in the US and I'd like to know what they think is wrong about it... so far I haven't heard anything.

As I said, I have no intention of turning this into a "Slam ArmA" thread. There are ALOT of bugs, and they have been documented in other threads.


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you might want to readd your years again, yes its been 6 years going on 7. Im just saying that after Armed Assault is released worldwide there wont be many playing it. Im sorry to bust some forum members bubbles but thats the cold hard truth. I dont take any joy in saying that because what that means to BIS and with future games from them.

OFP was a small market game with a great community and players. Armed Assault will be half that when the remaining OFP squads move on to other games. Money talks volumes in the gaming industry and when you lose half of the base that pay for your product thats a sign the company has lost touch with the customers.

You think that im saying "do not buy AA", Im not.  When they do release it worldwide next year i wont be the only one that will be disappointed.

: confused_o.gif

You might want to check your math again. OFP came out June of 2001 AFAIK.

You are assuming that there won't be any more new people coming in to the communitry and whatever the base comes from is from OFP community. Wrong.

Given that number of serious FPS titles are now less than what it was it is plausible that the dormant FPS gamers will give ArmA a try. That means more market share for ArmA.

You won't be the only one disappointed, but there are many more who are satisfied. Seems like satisfied ones are busy playing instead of coming here to complain.

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As I said, I have no intention of turning this into a "Slam ArmA" thread. There are ALOT of bugs, and they have been documented in other threads.


Yeah sure.

I guess if something is not perfect for the first time it's time to kill oneself.

I had enough of this kind of thread. closing

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