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Arma Red vs Blue

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I was without internet for 4 days. Since i couldnt play online i went doing the campaign. Meanwhile, and to distract myself, i decided to do a little movie that you can get in here:

Big Version re-uploaded: download link <--- 20 meg

You tube link for small version:

Have fun. Leave a comment  xmas_o.gif

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Why does everyon always use downloads, and never upload to youtube, or another streaming site? crazy_o.gif

Because my 56k dies on youtube.

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Why does everyon always use downloads, and never upload to youtube, or another streaming site? crazy_o.gif

No generalisations, of course tounge2.gif

Iunno, but that would be good...

Cool vid btw thumbs-up.gif

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Why does everyon always use downloads, and never upload to youtube, or another streaming site? crazy_o.gif

Maybe it's because sometimes we don't want our videos to look like crap?

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Reuploaded the file, limit of downloads had been hit.

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great job lolsav! smile_o.gif glad to see u back to the comunity (not that u ever left!wink_o.gif .

dont want to go out of thread BUT, its so sad to watch ofp old phisics engine cloned to arma...that hmvv flickering is awfull...

keep directing some movies for us! we apreciate!

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The camera angles, some of the sound files, and switching between when characters talking is very poorly done in my opinion. I can't explain it very well, but I don't really get a sense of who's talking at the moment, and if I've never seen RvB, I'd have absolutely no idea. I'm not meaning to critisize, but it's not very well directed. Keep at it though and maybe you'll make a good comedy series sometime!

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Not his problem if you never saw RvB, neither it is his job to explane it. Had no problems to understand it, was very funny! The russians were funny, it´s a puma!

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I didn't say I havn't seen RvB; and actually I have seen it. I said it would probably be hard for someone to understand that hasn't. The angles weren't that great, the camera was too far (should be able to see the lips moving, try zooming in?) and were sometimes irritating (had an angle with only the sarge and a soldier, then during the same sentenced, switch to show all 3? why was that?)

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I didn't say I havn't seen RvB; and actually I have seen it. I said it would probably be hard for someone to understand that hasn't. The angles weren't that great, the camera was too far (should be able to see the lips moving, try zooming in?) and were sometimes irritating (had an angle with only the sarge and a soldier, then during the same sentenced, switch to show all 3? why was that?)

I don't know if there is a wav2lip equivalent for Arma yet, maybe that's why there is no mouth movement.  At any rate, I for one am happy to see lolsav with a copy of Arma in his hands, as he has made some great (& humorous) missions for ofp.   notworthy.gif  

The video was not the point of the exercise I'm sure, but it was fun share, and fun for me to see him messing around.

More I say!

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Funny stuff wink_o.gif

But bad sound, had hard time to understand

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Lol great stuff.

Do more, but get permission fromt he rooster teeth guys first smile_o.gif

also, do lipsynch smile_o.gif

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