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Awsome mission needs help. (kinda long)

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Ok, this is my mission. It is a delta strike on 4-5 cities and then a final airport raid. There are 2 blackhawks, 3 cobras, 3 apaches, 3 AA soldiers, 3 machine gunners, 3 LAW soldiers, 2 medics, 3 blackop XMS's or g36's w/ satchels, either 3 mortars or 3 heavy grenadiers, an officer, and 2 snipers(well rounded force that can hold off any type of vehicle for a short period of time). I might have missed some but there are 20 guys total plus 12 people to man the helicopters. It is mainly meant as a BIG multiplayer coop game with every slot filled(maybe with the exception of the gunners on the helicopters). But incase there aren't enough people, I have to have my AI do what they are supposed to since every team member is needed for this mission. They have to fight several mech inf groups, 3 planes, several regular inf groups, and 4 t80's, and they have to hold off reinforcements of 3 mech inf groups and 4 t80's that chase them throughout the mission(this is where speed is key, you have to destroy your objective and raid the city quickly before the reinforcements arrive and then take off in the blackhawks to the next objective). I may add more later if it is too easy. I also have ammo crates in each city because BIS didn't let the soldiers carry even close to a realistic amount of ammo.

Now that you know basically what the mission is, I'll tell you my problems. First I don't know how to make victory conditions or add several objectives(like one for each city and one for hte airport). Second, I tell my 6 attack helicopters to stay at a waypoint in the town for 5-6 minutes to cover the Delta's while they do their raid, but the helicopters just haul ass over to the next city without even pausing. Third, my attack helicopters also keep crashing into each other. Fourth, what are the steyr augs and their mags, AA missles, m16+grenades and their grenades, MM-1 grenades, Carl G launcher rounds, and LAW missles called in the mission editor? I'm trying to add those to all of the crates but can't find the names. Also how do I do a script file, and can I do the rappeling script file for myself and my men in the game and not just for movie missions? Also where is there a script file for sky diving(head first and then opening the chute low to the ground) from high altitudes? I played a mission with this script file, and I'm considering using it in the mission. Last, on the side I have 3 excellent hill attack missions that I know everyone would like, but I don't know how to use the SCUD missle script file where the missles work, and I also don't know how to make respawn points where you take control of AI players. If anyone can help me, please do, these are awsome maps, but I don't know how to add all these triggers, objectives, scripts, and respawns and stuff. This map editor is not nearly as easy to use as the delta forces' map editors. I'll put my missions up for download as soon as I get in the respawns and objectives and stuff so you guys can enjoy them.


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wow your asking for a lot...

all i can say is dl my manual and look up the obj&init.sqs tutorial and for the ammo names there should be a list of them under the init fields tutorial.....  wink.gif

you can get it here

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