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505's ArmA Special Edition - What ya want?

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What could we have apart from an Ammo Box, at the moment every other special edition ahs got one. Lets try to be different

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1, A T-shirt with the logo "Oh No, 2, is down"

2, A Map of the island.

3, Night Vision goggles

4, Beer

5, The soundtrack.

6, Armed Assault (obviously)

7, Something unique, like a camo net.

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A lot of nice suggestions here, I would really like SF sunglasses (or just modern shooting glasses) thumbs-up.gif, 50 cal. bullet with ArmA logo thumbs-up.gif, map of Sahrani of course thumbs-up.gif...

T-shirt is a bad idea actually, cuz it won't fit everyone.

(and please tell them: no Starforce)

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What could we have apart from an Ammo Box, at the moment every other special edition ahs got one. Lets try to be different

Maybe a golden tin box? Or a miniature supply crate. wink_o.gif

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Wooden ammo box style

OFP keyboard MAP,


OFP Speical edtion guide book

SAHRANI MILITARY Tactical type map

fuxx cant wait this

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How about instead of an ammo box, the game and all the contents are stuffed inside an old UAZ - I bet you can get them used for a good price!! biggrin_o.gif

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- ArmA on DVD

- Soundtrack on CD

- Manual on PAPER (god I hate those PDF manauls banghead.gif )

- Army Field Manual/Military guide style booklets on all the units/equipment in the game

- Ordenance Survey style (topographic) map of Sahrani

- .50 Cal round (inert ofcourse) with the ArmA logo on it

- Dog Tags, 1 with ArmA embossed 1 plain (so we can get our player names embossed on them wink_o.gif )

- Some sort of Compass/Binocs/Watch

- All in an ammo tin

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We want it ASAP please !

1) As many multiplayers COOP missions as possible including some from OFP:R for instance

2) As few bugs as possible

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tounge2.gif The better is the game with specials and originals products (and funiest..)

in a special box ... xmas_o.gif a real crismas present!

an incoparable special edition game

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What I would like too is Dogtags, and .50 cal bullet(this is a MUST)

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Things that would be nice:

-Map of the island

-Armed Assault (of course) smile_o.gif

-Video of BIS workplace, motion capturing studio etc.

-Track IR

So NO binoculars or pistols or other toys wink_o.gif

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What I would like too is Dogtags, and .50 cal bullet(this is a MUST)

already have those. finnish dogtag and an empty NSV 12.7mm (.50cal) casing tounge2.gif

something I really want is the patch as in the german SE that I can sew on my "polytechic work/party overalls" biggrin_o.gif package? how 'bout a rifle case or an empty missile warhead biggrin_o.gif

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-The game

-no starforce

-A big laminated map

-A mug......or three

-A case that isnt an ammo tin (sick of em)

-A flag (Either sahrani.... or a spec ops or spetznatz)

-Patch sounds kool


-Lol 10m3 of cammo netting

-A cockney sweaty pie merchant with an evil glint in his eye

-Definately not starforce or the ammo tin biggrin_o.gif

-Yeah a massive manual with all editing deedlyu an stuff like that

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For US version,

same as CZ version plus,

50 rounds of Sellier &Bellot 124gr. 9mm ammunition.(if impossible, will settle for 115gr, or Winchester 9mms)



the US version needs to be patched so "friendly fire" is disabled. tounge2.gif

But how about a "Toy Soldier"??


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Good topic biggrin_o.gif

Large hi-res map. Compass. Watch. Both of the type as seen ingame.

OK maybe not the watch, but compasses are not too expensive. A map is a must I would say smile_o.gif

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-A flag (Either sahrani.... or a spec ops or spetznatz)


-Definately not starforce or the ammo tin biggrin_o.gif

-Yeah a massive manual with all editing deedlyu an stuff like that

I agree with you totally with these, tho I'd love to have starforce IN an ammo tin so I could dump them both into the sea in one nice delivery biggrin_o.gif

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Very nice idea 505.. *high-fives*

If I were to contribute my ideas, I'd agree with most of the people here, to see:

-A large map of sahrani, in a ditital form and a real map form(A1). It's always nice to pull out a map of the whole area if your lost, or to put up on your wall smile_o.gif

-The soundtrack of ArmA.. to lisiten to the music when driving home from work.. getting you in the correct mood biggrin_o.gif

-Perheps the editing guide in english.

-Oh and something to show others that your an Arma fan... like a T-shirt or a dog-tag..

Do we need something else?

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id like to see:

Armed assault (offcourse)

Map of sahrani

a watch with the AA logo smile_o.gif

DVD about how bis made AA with crew interviews (etc) would be really neat! plz include that. thumbs-up.gif

Guide to missionmaking (with lots of script examples all in one easy to acces guide)

thorough manual in paperform

no starforce!

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Either any other copy protection like securom or safedisk...

starforce isn't a very good tchotchke.

A guba mini figure would do fine...


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What I'd like to see:


[*]Metal ammunitions box to replace plastic DVD case


[*]Game CDs/DVD(s) packed neatly in hard cardboard foldable cover

[*]Extensive manual with detailed unit pictures and desciptions

[*]Detailed map of Sahrani (rolled up not folded)

[*]Detailed keymap with game tips (for the new people)

[*]Soundtrack (with bonus tracks?)


[*]Spent .50 shell casing (in single chain link) with Armed Assault stamped on

[*]Dogtags with Armed Assault stamped on

[*]Small (detailed) metal figurine of in-game UH-60 Blackhawk


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biggrin_o.gif I prefer util object like closes ( tshir, boxer, cap ,bob, ...)

or (compas, lighter, light torch, knife, condoms biggrin_o.gif is very funny idea for girls like arma, ...)

for fun dogtag ...

and best of: ...

map, sound track, game tounge2.gif

I think: all are agree with me smile_o.gif

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* The game.

* A manual like they used to make in the olden days of gaming, you know the type.. so large you could use it to beat baby seals to death with.

* A map sounds like a good idea, A3 size is probably about right.

* No starforce.

* No requirement to have the cd/dvd in the drive whilst playing, i'm happy with a serial for the game but modern pc games simply don't need cd/dvd checks. They're easilly bypassed with a no-cd crack and only punish the people who buy your game.

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