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Helicopters in AA

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@ Dec. 20 2006' date='23:09)']Be grateful for what BIS has provided in terms of our entertainment.

Class quote! :notworthy:

It's not like the game was free. I paid 40 euros for a game that I don't even have a hard copy of, and I expected better for that price.

Divide 40 by the hours you spend on the game the coming xxx months (even years) and the word 'bargain' perhaps even 'practically for free' comes up in my mind.

If you expected 'better' imho you expected too much. I expected 'less', and now i'm a happy gamer on a low to midrange system:)

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also i'd like a proper tutorial from BIS on how to fly a chopper. a tutorial for noobs like me who are really enjoying flying the chopper but need a few tips on things.

Definately would like some tutorial help here with stick set-up and controls.  Also some gunnery help.

I'm no novice to flight sims, and I'm pilot in r/l, but this is driving me a bit batty.  I'm currently using the Saitek X45 flight control system.

I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually, but some quick tips about using controls in both rotary- and fixed-wing aircraft would greatly reduce the learning curve.

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With this new flight model I decided to try the missle cam and I have to say... WOW! Again...  tounge2.gif

I made a movie to show people that it's really usefull now. It's the alligator mission. The time from the moment I engaged the enemy until I disengaged, is about 2 minutes and 40 seconds. Even though I say so myself, that's pretty damn fast! Yes, maybe it's possible to do it faster but my point is that this wouldn't have been possible with the old flight model.


The flying is SOOOOO much smoother now. You can make accurate turns and it really feels like you are in control. The only bad thing about the Kamov is that instrument in the cockpit in the bottom left. I just can't figure out how to fly straight using it. Maybe it's because my low res textures?

Here are some tips about the controls I use. I use the Logitech 3D Extreme Pro jostick. Just google for pictures. It got 4 buttons ontop, hatswitch ontop, 1 button on the side and ofcourse the trigger at the front.

For the 2 buttons on the top right I use: 1. Zoom, reveal target. 2. Target, reveal target. You need these 2 together so you can press them at the same time if needed.

For the 2 buttons on the top left I use: Open the menu in the bottom right and Select stuff in the menu.

The button on the side is used to switch weapons and the trigger is used to fire (DUH! ).

I got a whole lot of buttons on the platform which I don't use. The rest (rudder, pitch, hatswitch, etc) of the jostick is obvious. For everything else I use the default controls on the keyboard. So I always got my hand on the jostick, sometimes I use my left hand to target stuff with the mouse. I still need to work on targetting. I'm so bad at targetting...

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With this new flight model I decided to try the missle cam and I have to say... WOW! Again... tounge2.gif

I made a movie to show people that it's really usefull now. It's the alligator mission. The time from the moment I engaged the enemy until I disengaged, is about 2 minutes and 40 seconds. Even though I say so myself, that's pretty damn fast! Yes, maybe it's possible to do it faster but my point is that this wouldn't have been possible with the old flight model.


The flying is SOOOOO much smoother now. You can make accurate turns and it really feels like you are in control. The only bad thing about the Kamov is that instrument in the cockpit in the bottom left. I just can't figure out how to fly straight using it. Maybe it's because my low res textures?

Here are some tips about the controls I use. I use the Logitech 3D Extreme Pro jostick. Just google for pictures. It got 4 buttons ontop, hatswitch ontop, 1 button on the side and ofcourse the trigger at the front.

For the 2 buttons on the top right I use: 1. Zoom, reveal target. 2. Target, reveal target. You need these 2 together so you can press them at the same time if needed.

For the 2 buttons on the top left I use: Open the menu in the bottom right and Select stuff in the menu.

The button on the side is used to switch weapons and the trigger is used to fire (DUH! ).

I got a whole lot of buttons on the platform which I don't use. The rest (rudder, pitch, hatswitch, etc) of the jostick is obvious. For everything else I use the default controls on the keyboard. So I always got my hand on the jostick, sometimes I use my left hand to target stuff with the mouse. I still need to work on targetting. I'm so bad at targetting...

Nice vid, didn't know about that before, thnx!

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I tried to fly with the Cobra like I did with the Kamov and MAN... It's so much freaking harder. With the Cobra you got to take it easy and slow else you might crash. It's the same with the Kamov but the Kamov allows you to do so much more.

The next thing they need to fix with the choppers is the horrible, so HORRIBLE targetting system. Try targetting stuff that isn't the enemy. It's freaking hard. You can see in my movie that I have to target with the midle of my screen which is retarded.

On a side note, check this video. They do a loop with the Kamov.

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I tried to fly with the Cobra like I did with the Kamov and MAN... It's so much freaking harder. With the Cobra you got to take it easy and slow else you might crash. It's the same with the Kamov but the Kamov allows you to do so much more.

Better hope your not in a cobra when WW3 starts then biggrin_o.gif

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talking of that heli. here's a good youtbe of it. in one part the heli goes one way but the pilot rotates the body of the heli to point in a different direction. Being slighty more able to do this kind of thing (based on type of heli of course) would be one of the things i'd say ArmA heli control needs. still really enjoy Arma heli's now though.

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I just made a video for another thread, but I figured I'd post it in here in case someone was interested in seeing it.

Its 10 minutes and 230MB of me just flying realistically. No tricks or loops. Just hover-taxi to take off, NOE, masking/unmasking, engaging some targets, rearm/refuel and hover-taxi to land.


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Post your tips and tricks here for flying helicopters in ArmA!

To start off with, some really n00b stuff that I have notice some folks don't know:

To slow down/ stop, RAISE the nose of the helo. The quicker/higher the faster you stop. Watch it, you need to evenly rock back and forth else you will start flying backwards!

Most helos have a better view with more visibility. Go to free look and look around to find the best view and then untoggle freelook.

If you need to tell AI to get in your helo, go ahead and hop in and let the engine spool up. While it is warming up, tell them to mount up. This is also a good time to check your map to figure out where you are going.

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I find it fairly easy to fly the helo, just remeber this one thing:


Don't be all over the place. Use simple, smooth, careful movements.

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I'd advise people to land your helo and walk. It's a lot more fun.

Thats if you have no skillz. wink_o.gif

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I made a vid for another thread, but it illutrates some of the points given so you can see it in action. I was getting fairly poor frame rates at some points, so its not as smooth as I usually fly.. But you can see the basics of what others have discribed above.


WARNING: Its 220MB and 10 minutes long.

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Like what ebns72 said, be gentle. Don't man handle the controls, keep a light touch and you'll be fine. Don't overcontrol the cyclic - you might find yourself in a tough position to recover from. The collective is pretty hard to mess up, so you can go nuts with it. Yawing is self explainatory. smile_o.gif

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Prediction is key for Helo Flying.

First of all, one needs to learn/practice the *limits* of any

chopper at various speeds/heights.

You will crash a lot while learning this, its OK.

Once fairly familiar, always be aware of those limits and *predict*

where your chopper will be in 2-4 seconds time;..and only then

apply the gentle controls to *be there* smile_o.gif

You will never crash again. (Well...) wink_o.gif

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Maybe someon can help me. I think I am doing something terribly wrong as my chopper, when increasing thrust, only lifts 1-2 meter into the air.

Can anyone help this noob?

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tractical side:

stay low will give you cover from AAA or SAM from distance but also makes you quite a target for small arms, MGs or in case of MP, RPGs(OFP vets are just too good on firing that thing) wink_o.gif

speed would lower the danger from those but also have a risk for hitting trees or buildings, or simply crash (those damn treetops also set as solid model) confused_o.gif

make planning, picking correct flight route, aviod enemy contect b4 you close on objective, stay slow and low, make sure a one shoot kill when close to target, get out quick would make life easier, but once spotted, you better start run for your arse

arma is far more advance then OPF which you simply jump on chopper and take off, so play realisticly

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Another point, obvious really but it took me some time to work it out biggrin_o.gif Frame-rate is your friend when flying ! If you are getting low frame-rates the visual feedback of how your control input is affecting the aircraft will be severely delayed. You'll almost certainly start over-controlling and crash. When I turned all my graphics options down lower my flying got a _lot_ better.

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Another point, obvious really but it took me some time to work it out   biggrin_o.gif   Frame-rate is your friend when flying !  If you are getting low frame-rates the visual feedback of how your control input is affecting the aircraft will be severely delayed.  You'll almost certainly start over-controlling and crash.  When I turned all my graphics options down lower my flying got a _lot_ better.

Something to bare in mind..

dont lower the View Distance to much or you may find you cant see enough of where your going.

Adjust AA and AF rather than View distance but if you have to I wouldnt lower it more than than the default 900

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i always keep object detail on very high, even with my crap machine, this is one major fps killer but it makes sure that you see every thing within your view distance, turn of shardow would give you a major fps boost to counter that

if bis give us a map which didnt have load times would be great, making planning flight route more easier

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If you're flying without the collective and the pedals linked, I find it helpful to almost always make coordinated turns... This will help me have the helicopter do what I'm planning on before I get used to how the choppers handle at different speeds.

Coordinated turns are turns made by using both the collective and the pedals. It's harder to get too freaky with the banking if the nose of the helicopter is facing where you're heading to.

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Its MUCH MUCH easier to use the cockpit view than the 3rd Person view... I find it very disorientating the way that the chopper seems to 'spin about a point' in the centre of the screen, and then i never know where im flying and i crash, internally i can see directly in front and i can fly it. I havent mastered landing in the cockpit yet cause of camera constraints :\ i have to use 3rd atm...

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Merged Helo Flying with Helicopters in Arma

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A few more things that may help...

1. A good joystick with collective and rudders makes big difference.

2. Spend some time setting up joystick axes and joystick buttons to your liking.

3. Spend some time and try different values for the joystickSensitivity setting in your XXX.ArmAProfile until you find one that works for you and your particular joystick.

4. TrackIR increases your overall SA and is highly recommended if you intend to spend many hours in the helicopters.

5. Pick one helicopter you like and try to stick with it and then practice!

Merry Christmas  xmas_o.gif


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