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ArmA Photography

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SIDE NOTE: Should we not be using the Comments and questions thread to minimise on the clutter? I tried to use it but then everyone was using this thread still and I didn't want to go against the grain...I wanted to be cool like all the other boys and girls icon_rolleyes.gif

No one thread is fine for now until the German version is released and it becomes much busier here.

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Quote[/b] ]76% w PC Powerplay

Seems pretty correct to me. I would give Arma a rating between 76 and 79.

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Quote[/b] ]76% w PC Powerplay

Seems pretty correct to me. I would give Arma a rating between 76 and 79.

Depends really what are you expecting from ArmA, some people expect whole new game, with changed gameplay and everything, some Operation Flashpoint 1.5, some just improved graphics... I think thats why the overall score is so different...

Anyway, isn't this threat about pictures ? wink_o.gif

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I think you can expect to see lots of mid 70s scores for this game from the mainstream press. Enthusiasts will rate the game much, much higher. While OFP scored very highly throughout most of the gaming press, it was only offset by the understanding that it was revolutionary for the time. ArmA? Less so. ArmA still represents the same level of ambition and scope that characterised OFP, but in an only slightly increased capacity. While some sections of the press score games with regards to their originality and innovation, most unfortunately do not. Most reviews point to the fact that this game does not represent that much of a departure from OFP - that is, admittedly, a problem for the developers HOWEVER this should still be measured against what the developers have achieved. There is STILL no other game on the market that has come close to what OFP has achieved, and ArmA continues to achieve. No other game in the tactical shooter genre approaches the same attention to detail and sheer versatility of gameplay that ArmA possesses.

I tend to see ArmA and OFP as games on a completely separate scale of accomplishment. There's the theoretical 100% for games of a 'different' nature (like Half Life 2), and the 100% reserved for the genuinely innovative and expansive.

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Hi.. wow_o.gif

I sure want to give some airsupport with that harrier...

i just wunder how difficult it will be ?? Tks are so easy to

happend when u drop those bombs..

over and out..


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Well, the LGB is supposed to be a guided munition, as mentioned above. If you were to use it in a team game, it would be a good idea, owing to the destructive capacity of your armament, to ensure that you have your target laser painted and then to drop the munitions when in range of that target.

OFP (and now ArmA) feature the ability for a footsoldier to target a unit/structure with a laser designator and because of that, you can 'guide' bombs dropped from your aircraft onto the target with minimum effort. All you need to do is 'target' (as easy as pressing a numbered menu or clicking your 'next target' button on your keyboard/joystick) the laser marker and fly at an appropriate height and speed over your target, and drop the munitions at an appropriate distance away. The bombs will be guided to their target - no need to worry about TKs if you know where they're going to land.

Of course, the most important factor when minimising friendly casualties is probably communication. Of course, a guided bomb is not going to stop a careless soldier wandering into the blast radius, which is why it is paramount that when you are going to level an area, you need everyone to know about it. If someone's painting your target it should be a good indicator anyway, but get on your side channel and make sure everyone knows about your impending run and is clear.

OFP is not like BF2. You can't just do a bombing run and drop your munitions and expect everyone to either run or hide when they hear the sound of your engine. Dropping unguided bombs in OFP is notoriously hard and I'm not expecting this to be an different in ArmA. There WILL be friendly casualties if you are careless, and if you're playing on a server without respawns, you'd probably not make many friends doing so.

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Quote[/b] ]76% w PC Powerplay

Seems pretty correct to me. I would give Arma a rating between 76 and 79.

OMG why? huh.gif I'd give it between 80-95.

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yes..good communications will be the key to be a good pilot in Arma..some pilots have better situational awaerness from the air too.. smile_o.gif like some soldiers on the ground have better tactics than others...

over and out


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Just ignore the mainstream PC magazine ratings, I'm sure one they'll just compare the game to BF2142 or CoD3 or some other rambo FPS icon_rolleyes.gif

Unless they actually give a good mark to ArmA biggrin_o.gif

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Guest Ti0n3r

Nice stuff. But like others already said, they really have to add more debris crazy_o.gif

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for me it would be enough if they would just make those rubble heaps bigger...quite a bit bigger

would also be cool if all units that were in the house when it was destroyed would be "burried" under the "rubble"...

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Just what I thought. It allways looks like some guys took the debris away, rebuilding their homes somewhere else. tounge2.gif No arty-shell nor a bomb will flatten houses that much. Even for the gameplay it would be tenthousand times better to have ruins which ain´t just a heap of dirt and dust, but have some higher walls, perhaps only particullarily collapsed. And the houses shouldn´t collapse that fast, its neither realistic nor good for the game, cause an abrams could flatten presumably 20-30 houses. I love the game and I respect the work the BIS-guys did, it´s just great and all the people who can´t stop talking about some minor failures should stop it, but this is really important for the gaming experience itself and if the collapsed buildings were larger, giving more cover, beeing more than just dirt, collapsing after taking more damage, it would improve the whole game, as I think!

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Nice stuff. But like others already said, they really have to add more debris crazy_o.gif

The amount of debris is fine. I want to be able to run this game at more than 4 frames per second.

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Nice stuff. But like others already said, they really have to add more debris crazy_o.gif

The amount of debris is fine.  I want to be able to run this game at more than 4 frames per second.

Yes, cause making that debris model twice as big would melt your CPU. tounge2.gif Like someone said, even leaving the walls behind would be cool. Looks like there's plenty of modabilty on that front though.

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Daniel @ Nov. 17 2006,12:33)]
Nice stuff. But like others already said, they really have to add more debris crazy_o.gif

The amount of debris is fine. I want to be able to run this game at more than 4 frames per second.

Yes, cause making that debris model twice as big would melt your CPU. tounge2.gif Like someone said, even leaving the walls behind would be cool. Looks like there's plenty of modabilty on that front though.

I said the amount if debris. Turning one building into several little ones does have an effect! wink_o.gif

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My worry is the AI's ability to navigate through complex debris. A large "dust" texture might suffice..

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A large "dust" texture might suffice..

I cant take cover behind a texture, and 1,5 walls standing doent really hamper the AI movement, while it hives alot more cover and ot looks more logical then it does now wink_o.gif

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is this hdr effect from the game or just made with an pic programm?

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is this hdr effect from the game or just made with an pic programm?

It's in the game.

If anybody posts photoshopped pictures here (other than cropping) I'll cut their throats!

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No way, in that first pic wouldn't you say it looks like almost just like a blurred background. It's really intense for in the game, but then again, I've never played it tounge2.gif

I'd just have to say it looks a lot like what someone can do with Photoshop.

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