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Shadow NX

RHS release 7

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We could use a BMD-1 model in OFP - the only other one I have used is stuck FDF Mod - could also use an ASU-85 - but I think that would be stretching it.

RHS you guys really are king among gamers - excellent addons


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can you guys please make the BTR-90/M(one with BMP-3 turret and other with normal BTR-90 turret) and the Pantsir S1/S2 (on truck and tunguska chassis)

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Seriously ive seen you asking about us making things in a dozent topics now and slowly loose my temper...

For now i cant say what we make next, im very certain though that it will be noone of the vehicles you requested, sorry.

For now i think we are all bit burned out after this week, i am at least.

So there will be some more things somwhere this week and then later some final fixes for the stuff from the release week, after that i think we take a break from OFP and prepare for ArmA.

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well that doesnt make any sense. You guys make addons like the T-80UM1 "Bars" (snow leopard) and you cant make things like the BTR-90 or Pantsir S1/S2 wtf is going on cause if your aim is to add the Russian Federations military you guys missed an important element of their armies (mainly the BTR-90,BTR-90M,BTR-80A,PANTSIR S1, PANTSIR S2)

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Stop acting like they're doing you a disservice by not making something. You should be grateful they've done so much for you already.

Anyway, these guys have made me pee my pants. I could see these guys converted into arma with little alteration the quality is so high!

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well that doesnt make any sense. You guys make addons like the T-80UM1 "Bars" (snow leopard) and you cant make things like the BTR-90 or Pantsir S1/S2 wtf is going on cause if your aim is to add the Russian Federations military you guys missed an important element of their armies (mainly the BTR-90,BTR-90M,BTR-80A,PANTSIR S1, PANTSIR S2)

ok everyone calm down. let me explain. the whole point of our studio was to make a backbone for russian addons, main armoured units and soldiers. things like UM1 are easy to make cuz the base T80 model was already there. And who said we cant make those things you named? we can, we just have loads on our hands already. In anycase i would have to ask ppl to stop requests of new stuff, all new stuff can be seen here xmas_o.gif :


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Do you guys use o2 or another program to make your models?? After finally getting a solid playaround with all ur new stuff i must say how great it is. And i dont know what it is but the texture's on the t-72 just look so fuckin kickass. btw how do i get the hind with the Shark on it.. or was that scrapped?

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well that doesnt make any sense. You guys make addons like the T-80UM1 "Bars" (snow leopard) and you cant make things like the BTR-90 or Pantsir S1/S2 wtf is going on cause if your aim is to add the Russian Federations military you guys missed an important element of their armies (mainly the BTR-90,BTR-90M,BTR-80A,PANTSIR S1, PANTSIR S2)

learn to make them yourself, jesus crazy_o.gif

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wtf is going on ?

None of the RHS guys deserve to be spoken to like that after all the hard work they've put in recently (and in the past).

If you want them to continue making addons maybe an apology might be in order, if you want them to give up... keep insulting them.


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Universal: I suggest you investigate the VIT-DKM Russian APC Package v1.4 for BMP-3, BMD series, and BTR-80. One of the reasons that RHS hasn't tackled the BMD / BMP-3 or BTR-series is because VIT/DKM have provided superlative IFVs that fit nicely with the Motostrelokii.

And you're going to want to be careful about how you phrase things, but you're new here, so I imagine you've been cut some slack.

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Like I said earlier man, if you have a question about something Russian, my door is always open.

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damn, BAS sindrome is back... sad_o.gifmad_o.gif

btw, RHS, i downloaded all stuff you released and all addons are top quality notworthy.gifthumbs-up.gif

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Of course, anyone won't make any fully new stuff just before the closing of OFP. Making an addon is really a hard work and that will require much time to complete a nice addon.

Dont ask too much from them now...

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Quote[/b] ]you guys missed an important element of their armies (mainly the BTR-90,BTR-90M,BTR-80A,PANTSIR S1, PANTSIR S2)

Intresting that someone calls this the important element of the Russian army... BTR-90s and BTR-80As?

How many did we see so far on any battlefield compared to normal BTR-80s?

Most of these new things is produced for export today it seems as the russian army doesnt spend much for new amored toys lately it seems, they rather invest in new troop gear which is a good thing imho.

So incase anyone missed that, we aim to make what is actually used... ok with a few exeptions but thats mostly cause the maker made it along with some more common variants wink_o.gif

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the BTR-90 should be at least easier to make though. I mean you guys could use the chassis from the BTR-80 and improve upon it and make a new turret.

Shadow: the BTR-90 , BTR-80A are in service with the Russian armies.

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Just cant understand why some guy keep asking for making some new stuff from them? Dont you know no one would put such strength for a game to be out soon? mad_o.gif

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the BTR-90 should be at least easier to make though. I mean you guys could use the chassis from the BTR-80 and improve upon it and make a new turret.

Shadow: the BTR-90 , BTR-80A are in service with the Russian armies.

I dont doubt that but i think the handfull they got werent wasted in any bigger battles yet, in chechnya the work was doen by the standard BTRs most of the time afaik.

Sure its nice to have all the versions but like i said we try to focus on the weapons that are mainly used.

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Universal go and try to make an addon urself and then you'll undertand how much time it takes. Stop telling others what to do and be thankfull

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And what pray tell would a btr-90 bring to the ofp game experiance that a btr-80 can't?

Do you have a whole lot of missions just waiting to be released that need a btr-90?

I wonder if alot of these people who whinge about wanting this and that played ofp back in the day when we relied on BIS to give us addons and the best we had in mods were retextures like UCE's work.....

I remember very well when the bis bmp1 was the ONLY mech transport my eastside homies had.... thumbs-up.gif

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UCE's East German troops and UPA soldiers still have room in my addons folder - kick it old school OFP styles!

The BTR-90 is a solid vehicle - but it is in limited use and really doesn't offer much more than the BTR-80 or BMP-2 in OFP land.

If you are looking for a BTR-90 - try out BF2


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*Once I get permission to mod the BTR-80* I will release the BTR-90 for the community. Though I would love someone to convert BF2 models like the Chinese J-10 into OFP.

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