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How do I Use Soldier and Weapons Mods

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Can I use soldier and weapons mods in single and campaign missions or is it just for multiplayer and custom missions?

I would like to change the uniforms in the original missions and campaigns. I've un-packed some of the PBOs but can't figure out where the orignal soldiers are packed up. In the mission.sqm file there are references to "SolderEB" and such but I can't figure out how they link to the .pbo, .p3d or .paa files.

Is this possible with weapons? and can you modify and aspects of the weapons and ammo (specs not graphics)?


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The soldiers, weapons and vehicle mods are to be used only on custom made missions and campaigns. And if you plan to upload some missions made by you, where you used one of those mods or unofficial add ons, you need to add them or at least write a file telling what mods are needed to play them.

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