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problem with hungry script

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okay here is the script

[] exec "w1time.sqs"


?(w1hunger == 0) : goto "full"

?(w1hunger == .2): goto "kinda hungry"

?(w1hunger == .5): goto "pretty hungry"

?(w1hunger == .9): goto "nearing starvation"

?(w1hunger == 1) : goto "starving"

?(w1hunger <1.2) : goto "time"


god globalchat "Player one is not hungry"

goto "w1hunger"

#kinda hungry

god globalchat "Player one is getting hungry"

goto "w1hunger"

#pretty hungry

god globalchat "Player one is very hungry"

goto "w1hunger"

#nearing starvation

god globalchat "Player one is nearing starvation"

goto "w1hunger"


god globalchat "player one is starving and is taking damage as a result"

w1 setdammage .98

goto "w1hunger"

and here is w1time



w1hunger = w1hunger + .01

goto "time"


it just wont work.. the w1hunger isnt adding.. my guy isn't getting hungry.... however, if i put something like w1hunger = 1 in a seperate trigger, it works.

can anyone help me?

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Well, i've already posted you an answer in your thread you

made at ofpec. wink_o.gif

w1hunger never increases, since it will instantly run the

first check only over and over again.

More detailed answer here.

I don't want to repeat meself wink_o.gif

~S~ CD

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dangit.. okay well basically at ofpec i said that i actually did define w1hunger in the init.. it = 0

and, at the beginning of the first script shouldn't it exec w1time.sqs?

and in w1time.. is it going to add .01 every second? cause it isn't with the current setup.

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I think conditions w1hunger==.9 and w1hunger==1 are not met because of the way OFP handles floating point numbers. Try this script to see why:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">f=0



player sidechat format ["%1",f]


goto "loop"

It's some sort of rounding error having to do with floating point accuracy, binary-decimal conversion or something like that.

In this case it would be better to use integer values, like 0 through 100 and only add whole numbers.

Also, there's a bug with setdammage. If you setdammage somebody over 0.9 and he enters a vehicle he will get kinda stuck between life and death when he disembarks.

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Not sure, but can spaces be used in label names?

Try to use Kinda_hungry instead of kinda hungry

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What Blanco said, also mutiply all your numbers by 100, you dont need .2 when you may use 200. This way w1hunger = w1hunger + 1

Also, notice that nothing is important for you in periods of less than 50 seconds (the shorter being the check between .9 and 1, so you dont really need to check anything very 0.5 seconds.

You have also ?(w1hunger <1.2) : goto "time", but time label is defined in a different script (w1time.sqs). So, if its is not 0 (which will happen 0.5 secs after executing the script), it will try to jump to an undefined label name "time".

You may try the following:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

_msgs=["Player one is not hungry","Player one is getting hungry","Player one is very hungry","Player one is nearing starvation","player one is starving and is taking damage as a result"]

;Change delays between states checks as needed


;Change damages per state as needed


_countstates = count _damages

_i = 0


_msg = _msgs select _i

_dmg = _damages select _i

_delay = _delays select _i

?!alive w1:exit

?_dmg > 0:w1 setDamage _dmg

god globalchat _msg


_i = _i + 1

?_i < _countstates:goto "w1hunger"


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he full after eat much dinners!!!!!!! rofl.gifrofl.gifrofl.gif

hope you find laughs while wait for answer ..scriptings hard!!!

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