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Confirmed release dates and countries.

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plans on how to get the game out to buyers have probably been made months ago, we know they dont have publishers so they've only got one way they can go and that is online distribution, after they've done it then they'll find publishers that'll take them on, but i seriously doubt they will have a boxed disc on sale in stores before december, in the UK atleast.

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not really becuase these big games have big publishers so they can afford to keep the demo back and hope people will buy the game before the demo comes out, but if 1 does not have a publisher they release the demo first and this way publishers see how many downloads these demos get and what reviews people make about this demo and then they act on that.. if a million people downlaoded the demo and said wow this is great i cant wait for the full game thats 1 million potenial sales... then a publisher might be interested...

thts what i think anyways..

It's a good point; and I certainly wouldn't complain if a demo was quickly forthcoming wink_o.gif

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I guess it's a matter of economics. Pubslihers want a big slice of the pie and I guess since BIS hasn't been in the market for a while and isn't exactly on the A-list of developers, they didn't get a fair deal. I think it's half-experiment for their game2.

If they can make good money on ArmA with online distribution they're strong in a meeting with a publisher for game2. Maybe Arma will be such a big success that they'll go for the same solution on game2 as well. It's definetly the way the market is going. However, I'm a bit worried about the marketing though and how they indend to reach the large masses. There's certainly not as much money to gather from a niche-market.

I think if they advertise in a few key game magazines and places like fileplanet and other game-related websites, they'll be just fine even if they only do online distribution. Word of mouth and the fan communities will do the rest.

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I found OFP in August issue of PC Gamer. Advertising is very important, and it will be said if they won't find a publisher in USA. I think all major publishers have reserved spots in gaming magazines.

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Perhaps big publishers are atm not really interested cause OFP/ArmA has become a niche/hard-core game. It was big in 2001-2 but ask a general gamer if he/she knows OFP ... I think the answer will say enough.

So, for ArmA the whole show starts all over again with only one advantage and that is the hard-core fanbase. Let's hope the victory indeed starts in Germany, with gamers picking this game up, a few good online reviews and a lot of wordmouth(?) advertising.

Even with character switching, update gfx and stuff ArmA borders on hard-core ... i'm curious if BIS will have the success they deserve.

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Well i for one hope there is some news soon about a United Kingdom release date.

Instead of the game comming out at different dates why didn`t they just release it online to everyone on the same date.

To me these different dates are of to cause more trouble then good. I in the UK don`t want to be waiting around, while eveyone in the Czech Republic is playing it on the 10/11/06.

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Let's just hope the confirmed online distribution happens on 10/11/06 then. Then it's available for all with a VISA and internet connection. Isnt it? I really hope so! 30/11/06 is for suckers tounge2.gif

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Let's just hope the confirmed online distribution happens on 10/11/06 then. Then it's available for all with a VISA and internet connection. Isnt it? I really hope so! 30/11/06 is for suckers tounge2.gif

Except that I would much rather drive 5 minutes to purchase a DVD than wait around for 12 days waiting for some 3 or 4 gigs to download...

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The bit i don`t understand is if BIS have been looking for publishers for so long. What makes them think they will get one for the United Kingdom somtime soon. A Czech release is little more then 5 weeks away and still no publisher has been announced for the UnitedKingdom. So without any news im not sure what to belive, or when we can hope for an Online download if a UK publisher cannot be found soon. I have been looking forward to this game for so long but now i`m starting to feel a little like  banghead.gif  banghead.gif  banghead.gif  banghead.gif

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Dont worry, Dudester  smile_o.gif  Dont u think we could get some of the guys from Chech (or any other country it's released) to buy it and ship it for us? That would at least make a great plan B, if downloading doesnt happen initially. Plan C would be to take a trip to Prague (ppl say it's a great city anyways, would be well worth it).

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The bit i don`t understand is if BIS have been looking for publishers for so long. What makes them think they will get one for the United Kingdom somtime soon. A Czech release is little more then 5 weeks away and still no publisher has been announced for the UnitedKingdom. So without any news im not sure what to belive, or when we can hope for an Online download if a UK publisher cannot be found soon. I have been looking forward to this game for so long but now i`m starting to feel a little like banghead.gifbanghead.gifbanghead.gifbanghead.gif

yeo, it must be going gold in a couple weeks.

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Dont worry, Dudester  smile_o.gif  Dont u think we could get some of the guys from Chech (or any other country it's released) to buy it and ship it for us? That would at least make a great plan B, if downloading doesnt happen initially. Plan C would be to take a trip to Prague (ppl say it's a great city anyways, would be well worth it).

Yes it would be a nice trip, but Czech release is only in the Czech language and i don`t think i will undesrstand it. Will it be possible for a Czech import from anywhere, is an import allowed??

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BIS didn't pick up a global publisher for OFP until after the demo. So maybe the same thing will happen with ArmA.

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how long should it take from when the cd goes gold to before a game is realeased to the public. and what order should these steps go in. demo, cd going gold and mass production  of game

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The demo is really reliant on the developer themselves (though I am sure a big publisher can force a developer to work on a demo), from "Gold" status to production typically takes 2-4 weeks, but considering BIS is using several seperate publishers this may vary.

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BIS said that they would release a demo just before the game would be released, I don't know if this is still the plan but that is the last I heard regarding a demo (MP demo). The SP demo is supposed to be released shortly after ArmA comes out.

Edit: typo.

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i think so, that will be in y..... american.. format though.

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I would imagine a demo to come out 1-2 weeks before its release date, wish we had a specific date cos im running out of nails to chew lol.

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Well a demo of some description must have been given to the press for them to do the hands on review....daresay it will probably find its way to a torrent site before to long

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The Demo that was released for the media, is starforce protectet and needs three keys. And additionaly it would be illegal, to spread the Pressdemo to the masses.

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