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Conspiracies: The Experience

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No this is now our mainpage for all projects! This link was for our Config-canidate^^

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Just tried going on foot from S11 to S9 - same problem, I end up back at the S1/S4 gate.  I also get that missing addon mfctI116 message.

Thats an easy one  tounge2.gif

(Although ive no idea what cti has to do here)

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I've just installed The Experience (btw: ZIP or RAR should be better, however it don't looks so cool) and found some screenshots in dxdll folder. And there are screenshots of cracked VBS1! Looks suspiciously.

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Cracked VBS1? What is this please?

EDIT: I can see screens from Units which looks like the Vbs1 ones yea. As far as I know it is not possible to crack the game... Or better simulator... As you maybe found out i am working on an vbs1 project... called OBLIVION1! But what has it to do with Conspiracies?

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This error message means that this VBS1 is launched by OFP exe file.

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We checked the shots and it looks like nothing untoward, next time common sense would suggest that mixing shots from VBS1 into an Opf mod is not the smartest thing to do smile_o.gif

Now everyone can get back to discussing one of the most innovative and creative mods in recent times smile_o.gif

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So, here is what I think about CET:

Well, it's very discutable campaign. It's progressive, that is true, but is also look very amateurishly and sloppy. It seems that You had many ideas, but not the will to complete them. Sector based structure with possibility to go ahead and return back is suitable for Operation Flashpoint, but it must be done advisedly. In CET are too many empty sectors and for me was boring to run through them. Also, if I kill group of soldiers in sector, go to the another one a there return back, they live again. So I have no feeling of living world and also no motivation (why should I kill these soldiers, when after my return they will be still alive).

Atmosphere itself is only half done for me. Yes, there are many addons for complete graphic environment, but good look is not all. More ambient and event sounds could be better (wind, birds, wolves, creaky sounds in towns,...). And one more thing - voices. Not even shouts of enemies, but inner voices of player - commentaries ("What to hell...", "Oh damn, that's huge chopper!", "This cave is so dark!", "Gotcha!", ...). I've got throught many sectors to the Industrial sector [s-IND] and found nobody to talk with (even the soldiers in Stalker camp were silent), and without some commentaries of my hero I felt so lonely smile_o.gif

There are also some technical aspects wich I don't like. Intro credits, for example. There are done by TitleText, which si so... old style. I've expected some Resources for campaign of that format. There are also no briefings in missions, so I don't know what to do - intro didn't told me anything and I'm searching sectors for any piece of story. Briefings could help - notes about sectors, feelings of hero, some pictures. This campaign has a large potential, but it's not using it.

That's all what I've found important now.. I hope that next campaign will be smaller, but more advanced. And also more difficult, because now it's so easy. There is too many ammo around there smile_o.gif

BTW: And don't use music from Bill Brown. It's terrible when i hear music which was in at least five more missions (including one mine - WTWE (link below) smile_o.gif ). Music.download.com is good alternative and there are many good authors of ambient music.

And EDIT: So I've get to last sector and ended campaign. Is there any story or is it just walking through sectors?

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Yeah your mission was to find the powerplant!

EDIT: Little update on our site! About Conspiracies Deluxe!

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I've found some error in Source 6:


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mhhh the zombie-script-error.... are u using 1.2 gaia?

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I don't know if somebody is interessted in it anymore... icon_rolleyes.gif HHowever the release will be next week or one more. I decided stop working on Conspiracies Part 3. Because nobody was interessted in and... well... I implemented all new features of part 3 in The Experience. So check the list out.

- you can eat animals now to heal yourself

- added more than 40 mission

- possiblility if dialogues

- added a new island to the gameworld called "The Dead Land"

- reworked all areas and added more animals, humans, monsters, ect.

- A few new addons from Battletek (New grasspack)

I will show you some pictures next time! But people... Please tell me if you don't want to have this upgrade... I do it for the community not for me ok? cheers! If there are some mistakes in the grammar or something... celebrating my birthday guys...

EDIT: Add all guys who want to beat ME for this do it per PM not in this thread please.

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I'll think I'll play this one smile_o.gif

kevin thought about using RHS's hind instead of Vit's ?

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its nice your keeping with "The Experience" and updating it smile_o.gif

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Little Update: I don't know if you guys remember the old Hind in sector 2... That is you way to reach "The Dead Land"! The Dead Land has very small sectors with a lot of little villages. Here a few pix of the landingzone in sector25... This is the zone where you arrive with the hind from chernobyl island. Sector 25 is the only sector on "The Dead Land" which have industry buildings. Furtunally the sector 2 and sector 25 is now under control of your stalker-clan. I will give you a little view in a new quest next time.




And by the way: I think this time we have a perfect part of conspiracies. You have a lot of freedom like in the previous versions of CTE, but you can accept missions and find quest's. I reaaaaaaaaaaaaaallyyyyyyyyy hope you will enjoy it this time without any bad thing. You have any wishes so far?.. or questions?

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Just a question; is it possible to add/make a script that 'saves' the status of the sector you are leaving so that you won't have to face that whole squad of enemies in that previous sector again?

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