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Climbing up ladders

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Every time I try:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

unit action ["ladderdown",towerid]

The unit go down instantly and starts climbing the ladder.

Is there any "clean" way to force units to climb down ladders?

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Whats in the variable, towerid? You are using an object aren't you? Not just the Object ID.

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towerid is the the name of a tower object placed in the editor, not the objet id of an already existing tower.

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As far as I can remember there is no way to make the unit climb down again. I asked the same question in an Ofpec-thread two years ago, and when the site went down this spring, the thread was still unsolved  banghead.gif

In the real world, what gows up will eventually come down. Not in OFP though  confused_o.gif

EDIT: I just checked again... There weren't many answers in the thread. This is the entire discussion (salvaged from Ofpec)

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I have searched the excellent FAQ and I know that if I want to make a unit climb up the radio mast outside Lipany on Nogova the syntax is:

unitname action ["Ladderup",object 31614]

My problem is: How do I get the same unit to climb down again. I have tried ladderOnUp, ladderOnDown, ladderdown and all possible variations thereoff. Any one know the syntax to get down??? PlZ help, I'm going crazy.  

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I've tried this myself, and I'm afraid there's no such working action. At least not that I found.

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This worked for me:

unit action ["LADDERUP",(object xxxx)]

I just realized that Sui's answer might be a solution, though. Have you tried to give the unit a secon LADDERUP command while it's on top of the ladder. If I read Sui correctly, he says it should then climb down again in this old post (either that or he misunderstood the question tounge2.gif )

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Thanks nominesine, seems Sui missunderstood the question icon_rolleyes.gif

Unless it works for original map's towers but not for towers placed in map.

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It appears to be one of the real oddities in Flashpoint. I saw a thread on it on these boards that was answered by Suma and I don't think it was ever solved!

Bit like getting a unit to relaod using the action command crazy_o.gif

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Any idea of which switchmove is used to climb up/down ladders?

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Any idea of which switchmove is used to climb up/down ladders?









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Thanks Gaia.

Sadly, if you place a soldier near a ladder, switchMove "LadderDownLoop" has the opposite effect than desired. Even if you drag the unit slowly backwards and down with setpos while looping that switchmove, the animation tries to climb up.

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I made some experiments yesterday. Only solution I found: Shoot the loon when he's at the top of the ladder. That will make him fall down. But it doesn't relly solve your problem, right? tounge2.gif

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