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looking around

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It may have been discussed before but haven't found it.

What do u think about looking around using the ALT key (by default, i guess) when ur controlling the soldier or when ur sitting in a heli ?

I personally would prefer (at least as an option in the settings) not having to move some cursor almost to the edges of the screen just to look around. It makes one of the basic physical abilities quite slow and difficult.

I would like it (talking about the helis) to be instant like in BF2 - u can press the CTRL key there and quickly check the surrounding to make sure ur not crashing into something.

What do u think ?

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It may have been discussed before but haven't found it.

What do u think about looking around using the ALT key (by default, i guess) when ur controlling the soldier or when ur sitting in a heli ?

I personally would prefer (at least as an option in the settings) not having to move some cursor almost to the edges of the screen just to look around. It makes one of the basic physical abilities quite slow and difficult.

I would like it (talking about the helis) to be instant like in BF2 - u can press the CTRL key there and quickly check the surrounding to make sure ur not crashing into something.

What do u think ?

I disagree with the chopper portion. When you use the look around key while your in a chopper, you need to be able to point out targets. If the camera moves for slight mouse movements it would make the task much more difficult. So, there is actually some genius behind this old feature.

For an onfoot soldier, I guess an instant view movement would be better.

Also, get TrackIR for ArmA. It should make it much quicker/easier to look around at your surroundings.

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If u were able to quickly look around, u wouldn't mind that the camera moved for the slight mouse movement cos u'd just move it back quickly.

But if it was an option in the settings, it'd be a gd compromise. I believe that some ppl would prefer it.

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TrackIR would be an option but i think i will have money just for AA after my necessary upgrade smile_o.gif But who knows maybe it'll take many months before the game is released huh.gif

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It's the things in Flashpoint that are different from the standard, gun glued to the face, floating body, FPS's out there that made me LOVE this game and unable to play those other games anymore.


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There's a much easier solution for this... learn how to use the keyboard to fly... icon_rolleyes.gif It's so much easier, and you're not restricted by the mouse (you can turn faster, that's for damn sure). Just hit the "numpad *" button and you've got free mouse look. And then all you need to do is use the W, S, D, A, Q, Z, X, and C keys. Also good for cruising, with your mouse free to do whatever you want.

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Pressing "numpad *" is the same as holding ALT. It doesn't solve what i would want.

When ur holding ALT(or press the *) u have to move the targeting cursor near to the edges of the screen to change the field of view(or the camera angle or simply what u see). If u move the cursor only a bit the FoV doesn't change. And I would like the FoV change to be instant when holding ALT.

My situation:

When im sitting in a chopper and i want to be able to quickly look around in the cockpit(for checking the surroundings) i would need to have set quite a big mouse speed(and the FoV change would be still non-linear). And if i wanted to start targeting enemies with this mouse speed, it would be complicated (too fast cursor). I also dont prefer moving my mouse all over the table. What I probably mind the most is the non-linear FoV change when im looking around using ALT.

Also when im on foot i want to be able to easy look around.

I hope it's clear now.  huh.gif

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How many of you use ALT, and how many * key?

I use * key, you don't have to hold it down...

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Kernriver, sorry u don't understand.

meyamoti, yes using the numpad keys is an option, sometimes i use them too (btw it's not so quick).

But i have my right hand on the mouse all the time so

i would like it to be as easy with the mouse as with the numpad keys.

Well nevermind, it's been just a small request, maybe the devs will read it and think about it. There's actually not much to discuss, it is something what i would want, maybe some of you would too and some would not (an option in the settings would be a good compromise).

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ive always preferred using the * key all the time, used to it, the best way to look around in arma is to buy that TrackIR if u can afford it that is confused_o.gif

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True..it all depends on how you use your hands,some people have on hand on the keys or their joystick,and the mouse waay off to the side,wonder how left handed people play..hm...maybe I should try some time. 2 hours later- Just tried it,if you are right handed do not attempt x.x *picks bullets out of rear* It works pretty well for joysticks though,that is given they have enough stuff for it,mine I have this little directional thingie,kinda like the cross off a nintendo controller,only round..anyway all I do is click it in the directions I want it to go and poof. I can understand what you mean on the bf2 looking but at the same time I'd not suggest it,in OFP when looking around you can still move the plane/helicopter,in bf2 if your the pilot you cant do diddly squat while looking around.

Might have to try the * key,never liked using that because when I was on foot my commander view camera would get stuck at certain angles and it pissed me off >.>;

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Battlefield 2?

Looking around?

Good example?

That is the worst ever. Pressing a button for mouselook while disabling all other controls is pratically useless, especially in BF2 when flying.

TrackIR is the only reasonable alternative for BF2. Hope they implement it in the patch version 1.3.

I am happy with ArmA supporting TrackIR. I don't care for other options anymore once you tried TrackIR. Best piece of input hardware ever.

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Just a suggestion to kerber.cz:

If you like flying try a joystik.

It is the input device closest to the real thing.

Try to find one with a twist for rudder steering.

This works verry nice in OFP and is not too expensive.

Now you can use the cooly had to quickly look arround.

Hopefully the cooly had funktion is further improved in ARMA, than it would be all perfect.

(best would be a step by step fixed fiew controll with the cooly had and the free mouse look with "*" should be possible too when using joystik. This constellation is used in most flightsims)

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Kerber.cz, basicly what you are saying is this:

When you activate free look (ALT or *), you don't want to move your mouse so much to the left or right to see what's going on. You want free look to "activate" more quickly, lets say when you move your mouse one centimeter (or inch) to the right, free look "activates", and when you want to look back in front of you, you just have to move your mouse slightly to the left. All this so you don't have to drag your mouse all over the table. I agree with you, and it would be nice if BIS implemented this in ArmA. wink_o.gif

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Yes Kernriver, now we're on the same page smile_o.gif

Spy17 that's a good suggestion, i have just some old joystick with 4 buttons. That would solve the heli problem. I wonder if i can use it that way if i'm on foot only (but i guess the aiming would be problematic biggrin_o.gif )

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The best solution to this would be what rg7621 and X AL suggested: Track IR. If i could get my hands on one of those... xmas_o.gif

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You can have a joystik plugged in and still use the mouse when walking. Works fine!

When running I use the num pad buttons to look arround. Great feature!!!

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I don't like my table to be filled with all kinds of controllers, but to tell you the truth, i've never tried a joystick in OFP, i should give it a try! And yes, i use the num pad buttons sometimes when on foot, but when i'm driving they're quite useless.

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If you just want to be able to flick your field of view all the way in a certain direction really quickly, use the numpad arrows (2, 4, 6, 8), that's what I do in addition to using mouse look (numpad *) and only the keyboard to fly. Numpad 5 will also center your field of view (instantly), very useful.

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So... How the hell does TrackIR WORK?!? I mean, I understand that you look left or right in reality to look left or right in the game, but wouldn't that leave you looking away from the screen trying to engage a tank that's shooting you to bits, so you look back at the screen, but then you do a 180 spin, and then get annihilated by everything in sight (or, rather, not in sight any more)?

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You real life head movements are amplified in game, so apparently you shouldn't ever find yourself turning away from the screen.

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