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Blink Dog

need a host

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I've got an island and mod pack that I was working on a few months ago and I would like to release it but need a reliable host. It's a small 1x1km island with an intro done by AK-Chester and 2 missions plus some re-configged units. I will still have to write up a readme and pack it for consumption. I don't do much modding these days but I figure there is no point in not releasing this since I spend over a year working on it. Email me at blink_dog@cogeco.ca or visit my myspace page to add me or leave me a message http://www.myspace.com/blinkdog

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Hey...I know this isn't email, but I'll host it for you if you want.


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I've gotten a few replies and thanx, I'm going to disdecombobulate all the pbo's and such and through the mystical realm of the internet I'll get it out to yas. Just as a warning though the whole thing is going to wiegh in around 200MB.

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Just something I threw together that shows some of the island features. It also shows some of the alternate config units I worked on too.

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...on a more serious note, have you tried contacting ofp.info (ofp.gamepark.cz), and see if they will host for you?

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@200mb would you mind being a little more descriptive about whats in the pack other than a 1x1km island, 2 missions and some reconfigged units? Firstly a 1x1km island would want to be the most detailed island ever released for OFP. Second, whose units have you re-configged? The size of the download doesn't bother me but there are plenty of others who will not d/load it based on that description. Also it only takes a couple of minutes to take some screens and upload them to imageshack of photobucket.

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The youtube video looks very nice, I hope you find a host for this.

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@200mb would you mind being a little more descriptive about whats in the pack other than a 1x1km island, 2 missions and some reconfigged units? Firstly a 1x1km island would want to be the most detailed island ever released for OFP. Second, whose units have you re-configged? The size of the download doesn't bother me but there are plenty of others who will not d/load it based on that description. Also it only takes a couple of minutes to take some screens and upload them to imageshack of photobucket.

Well I intended it to be a mod project origionally. It includes all the addons needed to play both the island and the various addons for missions.

The re-configed addons are WYW-Opfor (the units) Orcs ak and RPG packs. you still need the origional addons to use my versions since I just did a config file packed into pbo's. I'm not one for using JAM and the orcs weapon stats don't click with origional OFP values so I did a modified configs. Included in the mod folders are the other addons that these are dependant as well like Sucheys marine pack etc.

The "island" itself is highly detailed. There are over 10,000 objects with the 1x1 KM area as a result you puter will chug-a-lug if you do not turn down your view distance etc. I have a P4 2.4 w/1gig ddr ram, a SB Audy2 and a GF fx5200 w/128m vid ram. I have the view distance set at 500m and I get around 20-24 fps with a fair # of units on map. Having a view distance above 500m is not nessasary however since there are very few places on the island that would allow you to engage at ranges farther than that.

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Uploaded to ofp.info 2 days ago just waiting on a reply and or news posting.

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