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disable AI head movement

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I'm working on a cutscene at the moment and I need the AI to look at something and only that something.

I tried dowatch in combination with disableAI "autotarget" and doTarget. The AI still looks around like a fool.

So, am I missing something, or is it actually impossible since they added head movement to the AIs?

OFPEC is down, so unfourtunatly I can't just browse the vault for the answer...


In any case, it's almost 0700 here, and I need some sleep.

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have you Tried

Unitname reveal unitthatneedstobewatched

Unitname dowatch unitthatneedstobewatched

?  smile_o.gif

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Unitname dowatch unitthatneedstobewatched

I would say that one.

Or make a custom anim where the guys standing, maybe nods and so, but is keeping his head at the direction to the guy he's talking to.


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Quote[/b] ]have you Tried

Unitname reveal unitthatneedstobewatched

Unitname dowatch unitthatneedstobewatched

Sadly yes, first thing I tried. I've been around since before gold was released so I'm not a scripting noob. Even if I'm not an active member of the community. I do lurk from time to time however...

Anyways, the following doesn't really work:

; begin script

_unit = _this select 0

_unit2 = _this select 1

_unit disableAI "AUTOTARGET"

_unit RemoveAllWeapons

_unit setbehaviour "careless"

_unit reveal _unit2

_unit doWatch _unit2

; end script

It KINDA works in that it looks at the unit as it's main focus, but still nods and such. I wonder if using a fake empty speech thing would work? Anyone know details about that?

There's no talking involved on the part of the unit that needs to watch the other unit. It's a silent scene which is the only reason that head movement is really worth nit picking on.

Also tried dotarget in there, but I believe there where complications with that. It was pretty late though, maybe I ought to try that again. Could have been another problem involved that was complicating it and has since been fixed.

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Quote[/b] ]Or make a custom anim where the guys standing

No go there, for this particular thing, I need no addons.  Compatible with addons like ffur and ofp ecp is fine, but nothing custom included.

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I found a solution, even if it isn't the greatest.

I noticed that the character was looking up an down (mostly) and his head movements where pretty much within a range that would let him see the other guy. Kinda like looking at his shoes, belt, etc.

So, on a hunch, I just made them look at something a few hundred meters away.

There's still a little movement, but noticably less so. If the anims for head movement where smoother, you probably couldn't even tell that they where moving at all.

Still, I'm open to a better solution if anyone can think of something.

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Quote[/b] ]Or make a custom anim where the guys standing

No go there, for this particular thing, I need no addons.  Compatible with addons like ffur and ofp ecp is fine, but nothing custom included.

You don't need any addons for that, the .rtm-file will be included in the mission directory and executed in init.

Or, did I miss something? huh.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Or make a custom anim where the guys standing

No go there, for this particular thing, I need no addons.  Compatible with addons like ffur and ofp ecp is fine, but nothing custom included.

You don't need any addons for that, the .rtm-file will be included in the mission directory and executed in init.

Or, did I miss something?  huh.gif

An anim files needs a config IIRC.

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I just made them look at something a few hundred meters away. There's still a little movement, but noticably less so.

The quoted method is the only solution I know of, that works. I usually make them watch a spot 1000 meters in front of the loons

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