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Do You Believe In Ghosts & Aliens?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (silent wings @ Jan. 23 2002,11:45)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">As for ghosts seeing as ppl reputably come back and tell us about it and the numerous ghost sightings,they clkearly exist.<span id='postcolor'>

If I told you there's an invisible pink unicorn standing over my shoulder and telling me what to type, would you believe me?

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So life in the galaxy, probably. Intelligent life in the universe, perhaps. Intelligent life in this galaxy, unlikely unless they're a bunch of eco-nutters.

Oh great, extra terestrial hippies.

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Perhaps, the universe has already been colonised, but they dont take any particular interest in us. Everyone seems to think aliens would share a human element, in form or needs, but aliens could, i dunno, be out of phase or something with us or something, so we'd never notice. Anyway, as for the technological advancement thing, over the past 3 million years of existance or so of humans, how fast has or technology grown just in these past 3 centuries? give it about a 1000 years, and i reckon we will have ftl travel.

As for ghost, i cant hounestly say i dont belive in ghosts, but ive never seen an example. Ok, maybe, but nothing slightly credible.

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"And people who believe in a 'Star Trek' or 'Star Wars' type universe full of different intelligent species seriously underestimate the level of technological advance possible in the kind of timescales we're talking about."

I agree completely! This galaxy is billions of years old.  We humans learned to write and use iron only a few thousand years ago. And after modern sciences started at 1500's and 1600's it took only a few hundred years before a human visited moon. Our galaxy would be surely explored entirely by some alien race if there would be one, except if that alien race would have appeared at same time as humans which is extremely unprobable.

And travelling to another star without "warp drives" in the time of human life would be possible, because time slows down when moves at extremely fast speeds (near speed of light). Of course it affects only people who are in the spaceship. And anyway, if "warp drive" is possible it would be surely invented in couple thousand years which is quite short time when compared to the age of the universe.

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"So life in the galaxy, probably. Intelligent life in the universe, perhaps. Intelligent life in this galaxy, unlikely unless they're a bunch of eco-nutters."

Or maybe they have a religion which bans science? biggrin.gif

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Alot of the MOD's buildings have ghosts.

Soliers have seen ghosts walking up invisible staircases.

Alot of the buildings were built around 1600/1700 and it was a time when britian was having massive wars all over the world.

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aliens ........... yes it's sure

but i don't know why a big part of the scientists believe that something can only live if it's in envirronement like ours

who know , maby there's a form of fire entity on the sun or a gaz entity on venus , i think the aliens are not a life form like the things we call life form on the earth

i've seen about one week ago a very good documentary about a departement of the nasa , in this section , some guys where designed to draw some possible life forms , a guy has imagined the life on europe (it's maby not europe , but it's a sattelite with a lot of ice on it) , under the ice , there could be an ocean (very deep , about 100 km)with some sort of intelligent entities staying there like the things we have in our deepest oceans ...... you know the red thing wich look like a long cock ( confused.gif couldn't find a better exemple)

ghosts ......... why not ,there are many things that we don't know about our world , but the ghosts in the form we know (white spectrum) are certainly only legend , but why can't the spirit of some death people stay here with us ?

when you watch your hand : you can't see the thousands of bacteries on it , so why not the same thing with a human entity ?

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this is something that spins me out,

Where does the universe end and what other planets are out there that are too far away to be seen.

Its impossible to answer

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Perhaps, the universe has already been colonised, but give it about a 1000 years, and i reckon we will have ftl travel.<span id='postcolor'>

I think it will in a much shorter time, also for teleportation and timetravel.

Check out Scientific American's homepage here , and do a search for either "speed of light", "teleportation" or  "time-travel"

P.S. A danish scientist (Lene Vestergaard Hau) has managed to slow down the speed of light. In 1999 i think.

She works at the Rowland Institute of Science in Boston.

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ghost?.......people used there imagination too mush...

aliens HElL YES....

the universe is soo large!!!!!!!!!!

and has been expanding for bilions of years.Smart ass aliens probably do exist!

since the universe is soo large the aliens can't find us and probably can't go past the speed of light ;(.If there technology is greater they probably made time machines!

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Could someone who DOES believe in ghosts explain to me why there has never been a dinosaur ghost spotted then? They're dead too!

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And why couldn't UFO's be time traveling machines built by men in the future (like a million years from now). There WILL be a time that time-traveling will be made possible, so not seeing time-travelers from the future is actually a VERY bad sign. It actually means that mankind will be extinct by the time that those machines will be invented. So maybe allien ships aren't in fact alien ships at all, but time traveling machines from the future.

(nice eh, those are the things I think about before going to bed biggrin.gif)

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In Physics, a group of us made up a theoretical model of the universe.

And we had the idea that at the "edge" of our universe was another universe, but one that was on a different plane of existence and possible speed.. and that some of these universes overlapped (hence black-holes) which were really tears in the 'fabric' between these two universes.

It sounds ludicrous at first glance, but it would explain several things:

1. How Aliens in the 'sightings' could get to earth and away again without any of our Deep Space Satelittes or orbiting cameras detecting them. (Cloaking is the only other explanation)

2. The solution behind why our universe shrinks and expands over time.. (or so Scientists claim) and the big bang theory. These other universes are doing the same, altering the shape and size of ours.

3... the list goes on, but we had the best fun coming up with the theory.. it got us out of classwork and allowed us to discuss all these alien theories and time pocket theories to our hearts content. I've still got the diagrams we made somewhere, and the explanations to it all.

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