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Ghost Recon is it better?

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Now don't string me up just yet 'cause I ain't seen better than OpFlash, sure I looked at the demo of Ghost Recon but to me it didn't have the hook that OF had.

The reason I ask is because some of the reviews I've read have tended to lean toward GR, but all I can think is that the knob hasn't spent any time with the game (that is OF).

So if any of the troops here have been with the enemy lets here the facts does it rock or is it a soft mullet next to the CS beater OpFlash.

By the way nice to finally get here.

Friendly_Fire ..... Real Friendly   wink.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">The reason I ask is because some of the reviews I've read have tended to lean toward GR<span id='postcolor'>

I know just one review that praised GR as superiour to OFP. That particular article was the GR (and related OFP) review in PCGamer (US). They gave OFP a score of 70%, in what was a totally unfair and biased review. After reading it, me and alot of others already were able to predict the fact that GR would be rated much higher, for PCG are kinda ... 'good friends' ... with RSE (GR's developer). And yes...there was the PCG GR review. A 93 F*CKING percent score....hailing it as the best game in years (and some more OFP slagging). Hmmm....big big surprise actually....we never expected their heads to be THAT deep up RSE's asses. Dont get me wrong, GR is a nice game and all....but it's NO WAY worth a 93% score and most of all never comes NEAR the innovativion and quality seen in OFP.

Judging by the number of people I heard talking about cancelling their PCG subscription after this 'incident', their number of subscribers must have gone down with like 50%.

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I agree. GR doesn't compare.

Having to control so many guys, and the only part I really enjoyed about it was when I got shot. You die kinda cool. But ofp even beats gr in this respect.

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I played the complete game of GR, and i didn't find it as good as OFP. I would give OFP a 90%, and GR a lousy 65%. Tom Clancy should stop making these dumb games because it is waste of CD's. smile.gif

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GR is not better or less better. More realistic in certain cases but also there is less of possibilities. GR is just like Rogue Spear but that occurs outside.

If you liked RS you will love GR. W

I think AI is better in GR. For exemple :

When a AI heard you shooting, but not considering, it shoots in your direction and its teammates try to take cover.

But we cannot compare a game where the maps make 1km on km and another where the maps are 20 times larger...

It is like comparing Falcon 4.0 and Operation Flashpoint.

It depends on what you seeks


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I would say that gr was perfectly equal, not in the same qualities, but in the amount of fun, as flashpoint was to play, but gr was just too damned short, and i wouldnt pay for an addon pack since ive already spent $80 bucks on gr and got maybey 10 hours play from it on the hardest dificulty.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (christophercles @ Jan. 21 2002,07:59)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">i wouldnt pay for an addon pack since ive already spent $80 bucks on gr and got maybey 10 hours play from it on the hardest dificulty.<span id='postcolor'>

Haha, I spent $30 on GR and it's still in the box. Maybe in a year from now, when I totally exhaust all OFP mission possibilities I might load GR, yeah, right. That's what I said with Diablo 2 and it's still in the box after 18 months on my self.

-=Die Alive=-

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Both Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis and Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon are fun, but different, games.  Each has a few strengths over the other, but each is also different enough from the other (both in purpose and in execution) to be fun in its own way.

I bought both a little while ago and have not regretted that decision in the least!   smile.gif


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GR is lame because

1)they have no ak-47 to use

2) you can't see you're own gun

3) you can't control the tanks!!!!

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This has been discussed probably 50 times on the forum. If you would do a search you would find many, many detailed responses as to the relative strengths of each. But in short, graphics, effects, sound in GR are fantastic. Not bad in OpFP, but GR simply wins in this aspect. Damage modeling in GR is in some ways better than in OpFP, but in some ways, worse. Maps in GR are decent-sized, but no where near as large as in OpFP (due to the graphics details, computers simply couldn't run maps the size of OpFP with GR's details - maybe when we get to 20 gig CPU's/ 10 Gig ram it could be done). The orders which may be issued to your soldiers are not as detailed as are available in OpFP, and you can not operate vehicles in GR. However, in the context of what GR is doing, that is, portraying squad level combat in a forward elite force type setting, the ability to issue detailed commands and operate vehicles is not needed, or even appropriate.

Multiplay - on strong dedicated servers, there is no difference in performance of either game. If you are hosting a game AND playing on the same computer, GR provides better performance.

Support for OpFP has been simply outstanding. RSE has really provided no support at all, so far, BUT, the game has only been out two months and a patch is to be released on or about February 1. Like BIS, RSE announced last week that it will release the plugins necessary for modders to create new terrains. This is really needed because GR ships with only 15 maps. While tons of custom missions are available all over the net (and you can make your own with the editor), without the plug ins, we're stuck with the same 15 terrain files. Also noted, there are tons of "mods" or "addons" if you will, which make available all sorts of weapons.

Both are really outstanding games/sims. OpFP has more of a sweeping military effort feel to it, while GR has more of a limited, small objective elite force v. bad guy feel. The two simply have different scopes of what they portray and an "either / or" situation is not presented here. I play both all the time and enjoy both thoroughly.

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no gost recon is a shit game it sucks i wasted 50$ for that shit ass game and the most anoying part is you have to command your team members to follow you like charlie team its anoying you always have to go back to the map and tell them were to go

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Operation Flashpoint and Ghost Recon shouldn't really be compared to each other. They are totally different style games. GR is a tactical special forces game, and OFP is more of a realistic large scale conflict simulation.  One of my biggest complaints about any of the Rainbow Six, Rogue Spear, and Ghost Recon games is that the AI seems to have super-human eyesight. I had no luck whatsoever trying to hide behind a bush in Ghost Recon. It seems like they can see right through it, even if you are as quiet as a mouse. And once they start shooting, 99% of the time, you're dead instantly. They are incredibly good shots.  Don't even think about trying to pick up a weapon from a dead enemy in GR... It can't be done. That is EXTREMELY unrealistic. While some people may say that the graphics in Ghost Recon are superior, I definitely find Operation Flashpoint to look more realistic.  While the maps in Ghost Recon are larger than the ones found in Rogue Spear, they still have a very confined feeling to them. I absolutely can not stand running into an impenetrable boundry wall. It also seems as though the special forces boys in Ghost Recon can not climb many small inclines in some of the missions, which just adds to the feeling of being led down a pre definied route directly into the enemy.

I can remember how excited I was when I first heard about OFP a couple years ago, I couldn't wait for it to come out! It's the only game that has delivered everything I was expecting. Ghost Recon just seems like a Rogue Spear add-on pack with a few new bells and whistles thrown into the mix.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Goodsport @ Jan. 21 2002,16:24)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Both Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis and Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon are fun, but different, games.  Each has a few strengths over the other, but each is also different enough from the other (both in purpose and in execution) to be fun in its own way.

I bought both a little while ago and have not regretted that decision in the least!   smile.gif

-G<span id='postcolor'>

I totally agree!

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Partially because of the bad reviws in PCG, I don't subscribe to that processed tree carcass. Computer Gaming World is number 1! Will O'Neal can kick vederWOman's ass any time.

Another sucky thing about GR is that only certain people can use weapons. It's f*cking retarded to only allow 1 dude to use an sa-80. RSE, stick with the counter-terrorist sims. GR sucks ass, and eats it with a spoon.

Go Clippers

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It seems that moderation in opinion here is based almost entirely on personal level of maturation.

PC Gamer was unkind towards Op Flashpoint because they review games as they come straight out of the box; no patches, no third party add-ons or hacks. I personally didn’t buy Op FP until it had been patched repeatedly and someone had provided the community with the ingenious save game program. One of PC Gamers’ biggest problems with the game will never be fixed with a patch. In the course of the campaign you can go from a brutally realistic infantry simulator to an arcade experience not unlike a game you’d find at Chucky Cheese. Of course I refer to the tank/helicopter parts of the game. I personally hacked the game so I can play all the other campaign missions and skip the Chucky Cheese crap. On the ground Op Flashpoint is superlative; the sapper and sniper missions are as good as it gets in any game. As for tanks and aircraft, they should have left it out, or made it optional.

As far as Ghost Recon, it is a different game altogether. As a package it was more complete out the door and was reviewed accordingly. And of course the Tom Clancey license is huge, that helps. A friend came over a couple weeks ago to check out any new games I might have. I have almost unlimited funds for hardware and software so a visit here can be a lot of fun. I showed him the demo of MoHAA and he was very impressed. The flashy graphics and nonstop action is appealing, particularly to someone who had never bought a first person shooter. I also showed him GR, and Op Flashpoint. He is now a certified Ghost Recon addict, his first fps, not to mention his first tactical fps. He also owns a copy of Op Flashpoint and I have been showing him how to get the most out of both games. He has watched me painstakingly work through a sapper mission in Op Flashpoint and I am sure he will be spending hours in the future doing the same thing.

So, bottom line, if you have reached the point in your life where you are intellectually capable of liking more than one example of any item (Ferraris AND Porsches for example) then buy both and have fun.

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I found the tank and helicopter missions to be pretty realistic and fun. Sounds to me like someone didn't have the patience to learn how to properly control the tanks and helicopters. wow.gif

Also, I first played OFP all the way through with the unpatched Euro version and had no problems whatsoever.

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I too played Opf from the box, 1.0, no major bugs at all other than the odd clipping problem, and as I've said many times before it seems all FPS' have clipping problems, Max Payne being a prime example, anyways back to the point, I've played and completed Opf from the box, played and completed GR from the box (in about 1/50 of the time it took to complete Opf) and without one shadow of a doubt Opf is infinitely superior in all areas other than flora/fauna smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (John_McClane @ Jan. 22 2002,02:32)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I found the tank and helicopter missions to be pretty realistic and fun. Sounds to me like someone didn't have the patience to learn how to properly control the tanks and helicopters. wow.gif<span id='postcolor'>

I am using a HOTAS to fly the helios with a total value of close to 300 dollars, so I have the gear. I am an avid flight simmer, so I have the skills. The helios are a joke, pure arcade. The tanks and trucks I can tolerate. I'd just rather be on the ground, on foot, because that is where this game shines.

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Pure arcade would be more like no collective, no rudder pedals, just point and shoot. I'm not at all saying that the helicopters are 100% realistic, but I certainly think they're good enough for the application.

Perhaps your HOTAS is overkill for the Operation Flashpoint choppers. I think the developers imagined most people would be using the keyboard to control them.

The AH-1 seems to be the most realistic out of the Flashpoint helicopters.

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I am starting to think the HOTAS is too much. And in all honesty I was surprised that my rudder pedals worked in this game. I may try flying with the mouse/keyboard to see if that helps. But all that aside I still prefer crawling around in the dark.

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I tried the mouse/keyboard combo at first, and didn't do too well. What I do now is control them totally with the keyboard. As soon as I enter a chopper, I hit "*" to disable mouse steering, which also makes it cool that you can look around the cockpit with the mouse while flying. I then control the bird with W-S-A-D as the cyclic, Page Up & Page Down for the collective, and Delete & End for the rudder pedals.

Works really well for me. smile.gif

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It's like comparing PEARL JAM to Creed. Since I'm a PJ fan, I'm saying that OFP is PJ and GR is Creed. smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Both Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis and Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon are fun, but different, games.  Each has a few strengths over the other, but each is also different enough from the other (both in purpose and in execution) to be fun in its own way.

I bought both a little while ago and have not regretted that decision in the least!   smile.gif

-G<span id='postcolor'>

I totally agree!<span id='postcolor'>

Thanks!   smile.gif


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