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F-watch to capture keystrokes

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Hi all, and especially General Barron!,

I'm trying to use F-watch to capture 3 key strokes for

watch, compass, and map, and a left-mouse for trigger pull and can't figure out the right syntax for the commands in F-watch.

I want to write them as they occur to a file, with the player's position (getPos) and direction (getDir).

I apologize, I'm not a programmer, but I have gotten the basic F-watch items to run that are in the documentation.

There's no other documentation I can find on Fwatch except what came with it.

I'm basically trying to get all these captures in-game and get them written to a file.

Any help on code examples?

Thanks for any info in advance,


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Hey scribe308! I guess I'll post in this thread since you emailed me it's existance wink_o.gif.

Okay, I'll need to know a little more detail about what you are trying to do/why you are doing it (why write to file?).

But until then, here is the general formula I use when trying to capture keystrokes with Fwatch. The main trick is you use the @ command to make the script wait until the Fwatch 'getkeys' function returns the values you are looking for:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">


@call {_k = call loadfile ":input getkeys"; ({_x in _k} count ["0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"]) != 0}

...do stuff...


goto "Top"

This example will wait until any of the number keys are pressed (0-9), then it will do something, then it will wait again for those keys. There is a slight delay to allow time for the player's finger to come off the keyboard.

Note that the "call" command will run whatever code is in the { }, and will return the last value that is found in that code. So in this example, the "count" command is the last command in the 'call' code. Count returns a true or false value, so that is returned to the "call" command, which returns it to the @ command.

I've never used Fwatch's mouse functions, but they should work following a similar method.

Again, give some more specifics and we can figure out exactly what you are going to need.

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