hamis 0 Posted February 1, 2006 Hi.I have replaced resistance t-54 with RHS T-55 AM2.There are scripts for ramdom numbers in EECP,but they don't work then the tank is on resistance side.Could someone make working script? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hamis 0 Posted February 6, 2006 Here is EECP_RAE_init.sqs: _path = "\RHS_T55Pack_Scripts\" _tank = _this select 0 _line = "T55" ? format ["%1", RHS_T55_NoScripts] == "scalar bool array string 0xfcffffef": RHS_T55_NoScripts = false ? format ["%1", RHS_NoScripts] == "scalar bool array string 0xfcffffef": RHS_NoScripts = false ? RHS_T55_NoScripts || RHS_NoScripts: exit ? format ["%1", RHS_smokeOff] == "scalar bool array string 0xfcffffef": RAE_smokeOff = false ? format ["%1", RAE_serverCount] == "scalar bool array string 0xfcffffef": RAE_serverCount = 0 ? format ["%1", RHS_T55_FctLoad] == "scalar bool array string 0xfcffffef": RHS_T55_FctLoad = false thisIsServer = true thisIsMP = false ~(random 0.5) + 0.5 #afterMPCheck ? ! RHS_T55_FctLoad: RHS_FctLoad = true; RHS_T55_Numbers = loadFile format ["%1RAE_T55_Numbers.sqf", _path]; RHS_T55_MPN = loadFile format ["%1RAE_T55_MPN.sqf", _path]; RHS_countedCargo = loadFile format ["%1RAE_countCargo.sqf", _path]; RHS_T55_MPNumberFct = loadFile format ["%1RAE_T55_MPNumbers.sqf", _path]; RHS_TriggFct = loadFile format ["%1RAE_TriggerFct.sqf", _path] RHS_T55_throwOff = objNull RHS_T55sWithNormalNumbers = [""]; RHS_ExportT55sGDR = [""]; RHS_ExportT55sCz = [""]; RHS_ExportT55sChina = [""]; RHS_ExportT55sIraq = [""] RHS_T55sWithResiNumbers = [""] RHS_T55sWithResiSpecials = [""] RHS_T55sWithoutCargoProxies = [""] RHS_T55s_Possible_Gvards = ["russ", "czech", "finn", "gdr", "none", "resi"] RHS_T55s_Possible_Embs = ["random", "emb1", "emb2", "none"] ? ! (typeOf _tank in RHS_T55sWithoutCargoProxies): _tank exec format ["%1RAE_T55_check.sqs", _path] ? typeOf _tank in RHS_T55sWithNormalNumbers: _array = [_tank, "randomNormal", "random", ["russ", 3]] ? typeOf _tank in RHS_ExportT55sGDR: _array = [_tank, "randomNormal", "none", ["gdr"]] ? typeOf _tank in RHS_ExportT55sCz: _array = [_tank, "randomNormal", "none", ["czech"]] ? typeOf _tank in RHS_ExportT55sChina: _array = [_tank, "randomNormal", "none", ["none"]] ? typeOf _tank in RHS_ExportT55sIraq: _array = [_tank, "randomArabic", "none", ["none"]] ? typeOf _tank in RHS_T55sWithResiNumbers: _array = [_tank, "randomResi", "none", ["none"]] ? ! thisIsMP: _array call RHS_T55_Numbers; goTo "loop" #loop ? isNull _tank: exit ? format ["%1", RHS_T55_throwOff] == format ["%1", _tank]: [_tank] exec format ["%1RAE_T55_throwOff.sqs", _path] ~0.5 goTo "loop" I'm sure someone can edit it to make it work! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hamis 0 Posted February 7, 2006 Here is RAE_numbers.sqf: private["_path", "_pathNum", "_tank", "_name1", "_name2", "_name3", "_type", "_typeBeg", "_var", "_num1", "_num2", "_num3", "_gvardA", "_emb", "_gvard", "_rnd", "_leaves", "_net1", "_net2", "_typeBeg"]; _path = "\RHS_T55Pack_Scripts\"; _pathNum = "\SIG_T55\Nums\"; _tank = _this select 0; _type = _this select 1; _name1 = "n"; _name2 = "in_"; _name3 = "g"; _typeBeg = "none"; if (_type == "random") then { _typeBeg = "random"; _var = random 1; if (_var >= 0.5) then { _type = "randomArabic" } else { _type = "randomNormal" } }; if (_type == "randomNormal") then { _typeBeg = "random"; _type = "normal"; _num1 = random 9; _var = _num1 mod 1; if (_var >= 0.5) then { _num1 = (_num1 - _var) + 1 } else { _num1 = _num1 - _var }; _num2 = random 9; _var = _num2 mod 1; if (_var >= 0.5) then { _num2 = (_num2 - _var) + 1 } else { _num2 = _num2 - _var }; _num3 = random 9; _var = _num3 mod 1; if (_var >= 0.5) then { _num3 = (_num3 - _var) + 1 } else { _num3 = _num3 - _var }; _emb = _this select 2; _gvardA = _this select 3; }; if (_type == "randomArabic") then { _typeBeg = "random"; _type = "arabic"; _num1 = random 9; _var = _num1 mod 1; if (_var >= 0.5) then { _num1 = (_num1 - _var) + 1 } else { _num1 = _num1 - _var }; _num2 = random 9; _var = _num2 mod 1; if (_var >= 0.5) then { _num2 = (_num2 - _var) + 1 } else { _num2 = _num2 - _var }; _num3 = random 9; _var = _num3 mod 1; if (_var >= 0.5) then { _num3 = (_num3 - _var) + 1 } else { _num3 = _num3 - _var }; _emb = _this select 2; _gvardA = _this select 3; }; if (_type == "randomResi") then { _typeBeg = "random"; _type = "resi"; _num1 = random 9; _var = _num1 mod 1; if (_var >= 0.5) then { _num1 = (_num1 - _var) + 1 } else { _num1 = _num1 - _var }; _num2 = random 9; _var = _num2 mod 1; if (_var >= 0.5) then { _num2 = (_num2 - _var) + 1 } else { _num2 = _num2 - _var; }; _emb = _this select 2; _gvardA = _this select 3; }; if (_type == "none" || _typeBeg != "random") then { _num1 = (_this select 2) select 0; _num2 = (_this select 2) select 1; if (_type != "resi") then { _num3 = (_this select 2) select 2 }; _emb = _this select 3; _gvardA = _this select 4 }; if (_emb == "random") then { _rnd = random 3; if (_rnd < 1) then { _emb = "emb1" }; if (_rnd >= 1) then { _emb = "emb2" }; if (_rnd >= 2) then { _emb = "none" } }; if (_emb == "none") then { _emb = format ["%1no.paa", _pathNum] } else { _emb = format ["%1%2.paa", _pathNum, _emb] }; _gvard = _gvardA select 0; if (count _gvardA != 1) then { if (random 10 > (_gvardA select 1)) then { _gvard = "none" } }; if (! (format ["%1", _gvard] in RHS_T55s_Possible_Gvards)) then { _gvard = format ["%1.paa", _gvard] } else { if (_gvard == "none") then { _gvard = format ["%1no.paa", _pathNum] } else { _gvard = format ["%1%2.paa", _pathNum, _gvard] } }; if (typeOf _tank in RHS_T55sWithResiSpecials) then { _var = random 2; if (_var < 1) then { _leaves = "\o\tree\borovice01.pac" } else { _leaves = format ["%1no.paa", _pathNum] }; _var = random 2; if (_var < 1) then { _net1 = "\data\mask_sit_2x1_ridka.paa" } else { _net1 = format ["%1no.paa", _pathNum] }; _var = random 2; if (_var < 1) then { _net2 = "\data\mask_sit_2x1_ridka.paa" } else { _net2 = format ["%1no.paa", _pathNum] }; _tank setObjectTexture [2, _leaves]; _tank setObjectTexture [3, _net1]; _tank setObjectTexture [4, _net2] } else { _tank setObjectTexture [3, _emb]; _tank setObjectTexture [4, _gvard] }; if (_type == "normal") then { _tank setObjectTexture [0, format ["%1%2%3.paa", _pathNum, _name1, _num1]]; _tank setObjectTexture [1, format ["%1%2%3.paa", _pathNum, _name1, _num2]]; _tank setObjectTexture [2, format ["%1%2%3.paa", _pathNum, _name1, _num3]]; } else { if (_type == "arabic") then { _tank setObjectTexture [0, format ["%1%2%3.paa", _pathNum, _name2, _num1]]; _tank setObjectTexture [1, format ["%1%2%3.paa", _pathNum, _name2, _num2]]; _tank setObjectTexture [2, format ["%1%2%3.paa", _pathNum, _name2, _num3]]; } else { if (_type == "resi") then { _tank setObjectTexture [0, format ["%1%2%3.paa", _pathNum, _name3, _num1]]; _tank setObjectTexture [1, format ["%1%2%3.paa", _pathNum, _name3, _num2]]; } } }; Could someone try to make it work? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
456820 0 Posted February 8, 2006 well i dont think this should be hear but anyway, could you tell us a bit more about the problem what exactly should work and what is happening. Does the same problem occur with different addons or just that one. What have you already tried to fix this problem so we dont tell you once youve already tried. Things like that will help peopel understand your question more and be able to provide an answer. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hamis 0 Posted February 9, 2006 Well,then you play with this addon on east side,there is numbers and unit marking on the turret.I have replaced original T-54 with this tank and numbering does not work because it is on resistance side.I don't know much about scripts,so i need instructions to make it work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hamis 0 Posted February 17, 2006 Where are all the talented scripters then you need one? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites