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el Gringo Loco

Military Humor

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Mods, this thread is going nowhere and really is just wasting board space. I call for the mods to unsticky it.

Really, at this point in time there is no longer a need to keep it stickied.

Most of these stickies are taking too much room of the first page but this one is completely unneccessary.

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no discussion of how the forum will be moderated will be put on here.

anyways, from Nightline interview of Iraqi translator working for US force:(from top of my memory)

Narator: the food was not helping, especially for two translatos. The military meals are known as MREs.

Translator: MREs are really bad. Just slightly better than starving.


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no discussion of how the forum will be moderated will be put on here.

anyways, from Nightline interview of Iraqi translator working for US force:(from top of my memory)

Narator: the food was not helping, especially for two translatos. The military meals are known as MREs.

Translator: MREs are really bad. Just slightly better than starving.


Who needs food anyway!

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Quote[/b] ]Who needs food anyway!

*Sniper, pulls out a cookie and starts munching*

*Dark, looks at Sniper,*


Hand over that cookie before accidents happen, young man!

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Quote[/b] ]Who needs food anyway!

*Sniper, pulls out a cookie and starts munching*

*Dark, looks at Sniper,*


Hand over that cookie before accidents happen, young man!

*Sniper, hands over cookie.* mad_o.gif

*Sniper, turns around.*

*Sniper, pulls last cookie out pocket and chows down/*

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Hmm where is the humor in your conversation ?

Pls keep the topic spamfree.


"Germans!" tounge_o.gif


Heheh imagine someone pulling the trigger while that guy is sitting on his shotgun... i bet that'd be a nice surprise tounge_o.gif

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Some militaries use trained dolphins with sensors that they use to spy on submarines, ports, ect.

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Lol spy dolphins, What next, Suicide Tuna :P Killer Whales with Torpedo lauchers or maybe a Whale with a Nuke Stuck u its bottom smile_o.gif

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