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Hilarious stuff smile_o.gif Certainly should not have anything to do with any scripted recoils...

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Then explain why it would jolt backwards evertime I fired? huh.gif

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Really funny, but this is just OFP stuff. And what are you talking about, you didn't fire a single shot in the video... huh.gif

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Quote[/b] ]It has said so since 1.2, figure the math

well since ive downloaded the pack now which is excellent by the way and i cant find any more campaigns i persume no unless its seperate somewhere ?

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Really funny, but this is just OFP stuff. And what are you talking about, you didn't fire a single shot in the video... huh.gif

Sorry, didn't realise it was a general OFP bug.

Also, it may not seem that I fired any shot, but it was actually the fire key I was pressing to make it move (which leads me to think it was recoil that made it move). Watch it again and you will see I turn on manual fire. You can't actually fire the gun when you are upside down and you can press it as many times as you like.

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Really funny, but this is just OFP stuff. And what are you talking about, you didn't fire a single shot in the video... huh.gif

Sorry, didn't realise it was a general OFP bug.

Also, it may not seem that I fired any shot, but it was actually the fire key I was pressing to make it move (which leads me to think it was recoil that made it move). Watch it again and you will see I turn on manual fire. You can't actually fire the gun when you are upside down and you can press it as many times as you like.

I thought that had fixed that bug by just making it impossible to fire upside down. Which version of OFP are you running?

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Latest. I couldn't fire upside down, that's my point.

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This is an OFP bug. If you use default resistance and flip your tank upside down, you can hold down the firing button and you fly backwards (without actually firing).

So basically, it's in vanilla OFP.

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Ding Dong

Just creating a coop and wanted to implement some russian bombers that will drop of the 6 men in cargo and then bomb the finnish defense lines.

Problem is: After inesrting three of them ungrouped, already airbourne with only 2 waypoints the map lags so much that it just stutters like hell.

I replaced the bombers with fighter planes to see if it´s the amount of units, but the problem only occurs when using the bombers.

Is that model so demanding ?

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Ding Dong

Just creating a coop and wanted to implement some russian bombers that will drop of the 6 men in cargo and then bomb the finnish defense lines.

Problem is: After inesrting three of them ungrouped, already airbourne with only 2 waypoints the map lags so much that it just stutters like hell.

I replaced the bombers with fighter planes to see if it´s the amount of units, but the problem only occurs when using the bombers.

Is that model so demanding ?

I think I know the problem here, its a slight 'limitation' with OFP, the config value "irScanRange" sets how far the radar see's on the island, and since the new FDF ww2 island is so extremely populated, it sort of loads ALL of the objects within its range (And the DB-3 has a range of 4000 so thats ALOT of objects). You'd get a similar stutter effect if you put a modern jet plane on that island aswell, because of the longer radar range.

The solution? The FDF team should reduce the irScanRange value on the DB-3 (or change it to IRscanmin and IRscanmax with + or - 500 on each value, that seems to work too) in the next patch, I tried it myself by playing with the config and it worked wonders.

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the mod is awesome but one problem i do no hear certains sounds like ww2 tanks, explosions etc. using the fdf 1.4.......im using fdf 1.3 and 1.4 as separate mod folders........the ww2 soldiers do have their weapon sounds atleast

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the mod is awesome but one problem i do no hear certains sounds like ww2 tanks, explosions etc. using the fdf 1.4.......im using fdf 1.3 and 1.4 as separate mod folders........the ww2 soldiers do have their weapon sounds atleast

Arr, the FDF 1.4 is an update package, you should NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES INSTALL IT IN A SEPARATE FOLDER.

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Quote[/b] ]I think I know the problem here, its a slight 'limitation' with OFP, the config value "irScanRange" sets how far the radar see's on the island, and since the new FDF ww2 island is so extremely populated, it sort of loads ALL of the objects within its range (And the DB-3 has a range of 4000 so thats ALOT of objects). You'd get a similar stutter effect if you put a modern jet plane on that island aswell, because of the longer radar range.

The solution? The FDF team should reduce the irScanRange value on the DB-3 (or change it to IRscanmin and IRscanmax with + or - 500 on each value, that seems to work too) in the next patch, I tried it myself by playing with the config and it worked wonders.

Thx for the explanation. Now it´s clear why the whole game is slowed down that much. I hope there will be a fix soon, along with the other issues like the offcentered visor of the Panzerschreck and stuff like that.

Too bad you can´t really use the DB 3 on the new islands sad_o.gif

BTW, their bomber performance is *cough* very poor, even when set to highest skill. Maybe an addition to ai can do something about that. Like an embedded carpet bombing script that would fix the plane on height and direction and put a straight flightpath over the designated target area. This should be more effective than the current low attitude approach to the target as the DB 3 really needs ages to take turns and the bomb run itself is most of the times very unprecise due to the planes bulkyness.

A carpet bomb script could do something really good if implemented in the addon itself. A call from a script or trigger should send the plane on a stable route over the target zone and have his bombs released. After the release the plane could take a turn in a distance and rerun the flightpath from the opposite direction unless it runs out of bombs. Just my 2 cents.

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Now have been playing the Mod for whole two days and really very nice. It seems you got a talent map maker and model maker in your team. T-34-85 is very awesome and I really like it very much. But I wonder whether you could let soldiers ride on it just like BE45's T-34? In WW2, Soviet army always took such way in battle...

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is it possible to extract the smoke script which makes smoke come from tanks and all that and keeps the smoke hanging about like a small smoke grenade but isnt one

If your not sure what i mean open up Everon put some T80's + t72's on the map with lots of west infantry and an M60 tank or two and change the time to early at morning and play after a while there should be lots of thick smoke all over the place acting like a real battleground

could i take that script out of FDF and use it in one of my own missions Please and if so which addon is it under and the name of the script would be much apreciated

also im loving this mod love the WW2 addons and missions and also the effects great mod

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You guys really made many new awesome stuff for WW2 soivets, such as the very realistic helmet, tank pack and etc...

I also made some WW2 43' russian with new shoulder boards, just for reference as the below... ( the head used Llauma and offtime's head pack)




Every thing from you is nice except the cap of Soviet officer and collar of 43' russian, the cap of officer should be like the following...


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I think I found another issue. There is a modern russian soldier in the Red Bridge coop mission. Those time travelling bastards!

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What did you think they built in Kreml all those years before the Union collapsed, a tractor? Well that too, but it's not what I ment. After you have went past the space fighters, turn left at the cyborgs and the time machine is there. Be sure to take some Vodka just in case you meet any guards.

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Just wanted to thank you FDF guys for the awesome update. Smooth gameplay, lots of fresh new ideas, splendid atmosphere, no errors found yet - I am delighted! yay.gif

Special thanks for the WW2 buildings and objects. smile_o.gif

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Did they fix the Campaign which, in their attempt to make in "more challenging", was screwed in version 1.3huh.gif (previous versions of the campaign using default RES units worked fine though)

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Yes, the old campaign should work properly now, it's been playtested few times all the way through and no serious hicups should occur  smile_o.gif

Some missions were also altered for more challenge so it might be worth playing all over again...

EDIT: I've heard some people complain about the layout of the defensive line running across the Rukajärvi island. It's is NOT supposed to represent the real-life Mannerheim-line or any other defensive line that spanned over Karelian Isthmus during the war. What the line represents is in mission designer's imagination. The casemate-object is also fictional and similiarities with real-life casemates are coincidential.

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Also remember that you can create new defensive lines the way you want, as all the objects like barbwire fences, tank traps, trenches and bunkers can be placed freely in the editor by mission makers. smile_o.gif

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Whether the bunks and trenches could be really workable for AI soldiers?

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