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Mapfact.net releases DAC

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Perhaps try making the zones bigger, or test them in more open terrain first.

Thank you... Will check it immediatly tonight... im in love with that damn Island smile_o.gifsmile_o.gif

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on this island I have not tried DAC yet.

I think, with some adaptation in the Config for waypoints,

if something else can be optimized.

How does it run then if you generate only infantry?

Since in principle waypoints should be generated for infantry easily.

If this functions, you activate as the next vehicle units.

How does it run under these conditions?

Here the first small adaptation must occur under circumstances.

Then the camps and Helikopte. For this type DAC must pursue most expenditure. It must suit not only the vegetation in immediate nearness, but it must also show the area a suitable form.

But also with this waypoint types one more adaptation can be carried out. I will test the island during the next days in connection with DAC smile_o.gif



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(If infantry generation works well) Alternativly you can use Game logic waypoints method for camps / vehicles, where waypoints are not generated (and checked if there is a good place) but you can choose them by yourself. If you choose 30 places it would be the same as you would generate them in a matter of randomness.

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this is also correct of course what Shinbusan says smile_o.gif

This could function. Thanks for the tip tounge2.gif

But is there a possibility to get only the island, and the pbo files they are needed for it?

Any more I do not need for a test icon_rolleyes.gif



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Great tips, thanks both Silola and Shinbusan!

I'll take the things under consideration.. I am at the moment in the middle of a live test online on the island.. Lets see smile_o.gif

About the package with the Island... I could make it for you, but reading the forums, also few posts in the Unsung thread about the island, I am uncertain if I should/could/may...

If you want I will try to get in contact to ask about it?

ps.. it is worthwhile, especially when you love nam smile_o.gif

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Btw.. I was just thinking.. doesnt dac cache the units and blow them up in the water, where as there is no or little water in the PGI IA Drang?

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It should have nothing to do with it, with water.

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DAC uses only simple OFP commands like "setovercast" and "setfog" to change the weather dynamically.

to realize a dynamic weather with "NIM Dynamic Weather", you must develop your own script, that then steers the weather changes.



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@ June 06 2006,23:40)]I don't know if this has been mentioned here(probably has, I checked a few pages, didn't see this in it) but is there a way to remove those sounds when soldiers spawn? I'm making this sneaky mission using Unsung islands and well the thick jungle doesn't help when you can hear them spawn even when it's set to 1000ms away, you just know they are here and that kinda ruins it.

I do not understand what noise... Did they shout something? If yes, you can turn it off in DAC/DAC_Behaviour.sqs

If it is something different, then I do not know what you talking about, mate, as I do not use EAX and do not hear things for such distances (only engines of spanwed not moving MGs and ZSUs, but it was solved somewhere by Silola).

By the way, as this forums are very unpractical in a matter of searching solutions, could you consider Silola some kind of WIKI page (like WGL5 one) for DAC? This is very complex and huge script where one can make a lot, but he needs info to not break open doors.

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hi [TheOne],

I am not sure also whether I have understood your problem.

If in the distance a tank is generated, you hear this tank

drive off. This is correct. This cannot be deactivated or suppressed.

Or the AI would have to get out and push her vehicle to the operational area tounge2.gif

But, it could also be that you hear a tank which has inserted a small break

and now again drives off to reach his next waypoint wink_o.gif

What you are able to do is, the camps in their new vehicles are generated

to place far away from the mission area.

Maybe the background noise can be reduced with it something.

Or you deactivate completely the vehicle Respawn.



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I meant with the infantry, when they spawn you can hear the weapons clining and a shout in russian, kinda takes away the whole stealth thing, heh.

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For 1000meters ? O_O

Turn off this EAX thing smile_o.gif

About shouting, you can erase it in script DAC/DAC_Config_Behavoiur.sqs by changing

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_setSay = [[],["rus6","rus10","rus18"],["rus2","rus15"],["13"],["rus11","rus14","rus19"]]


<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_setSay = []

But it is crucial to erease it in the behavoiur of specific number you used for zone. Or at least in every behaviour in a file.

Check out readme for Behaviour.

About sounds of respawned infantry, there is no easy way. The only one is to changing inside DAC script to make more time between creating unit (close to Dummy) and moving it into spawning waypoint.

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It does not seem that DAC has any settings to prevent respawning from occurring within view of players (either with global or local respawn). Is this true?

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It does not seem that DAC has any settings to prevent respawning from occurring within view of players (either with global or local respawn). Is this true?

For what I have seen... this is true. But I think it should not be a hard change to change that... Altough i'm unsure yet how... If noone else comes up with something, i'll invest some time it myself aswell... Cause that's totally a bad thing smile_o.gif .. Spawning enemies near the player smile_o.gif)

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Very good idea. I wander which solutions is better. To check out if generated WP is too close to any element in DAC_Player element, to just to check if first WP for a unit is too close... But then it could happen that there would be no WP far enough from players, so it is going to be complicated...

If someone will work on it, please make distance from players a global variable (DAC_spawn_distance or something) to make it easy to customize.

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When it is time for a group to respawn, a check should be made for the distance between the spawn point(WP or camp) and all player units. If the distance is too small, then try the next spawn point in the pool. Only two options required, one for the minimum spawn distance, and a switch that determines whether to force a respawn at the furthest possible spawn point if all possible points are too close to the players.

These two variables should be appended to the DAC_KI_Spawn array in the DAC_Config_Creator.

I have enough scripting knowledge to make these changes, however, the DAC code is so compact, with so many variables defined on the fly with call format statements, it is hard to decipher. It is incredible to me what DAC does using the OFP scripting engine, but the code is completely uncommented and undocumented.

Edit: Okay, I need one crucial piece of info that I have not been able to glean from the DAC docs. Do global spawns still require spawn camps? Is the global spawn pool a list of all wp + spawncamps? notworthy.gif

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Question for Silola:

in DAC_Waiting_for_End.sqs<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">if(((_rCamp select _rdmcamp) select 5) == 0) then {_temparray1 = _temparray1 - [_rdmcamp];goto {checkid}}

Why is it not:<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">if(((_rCamp select _rdmcamp) select 5) == 0) then {_temparray1 = _temparray1 - [_rdmcamp];_temparray2 = _temparray2 - [_rdmcamp];goto {checkid}}

Also, if no camps have any respawns left will the script get hung in a loop around #checkid?

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Okay. Here is my first untested attempt:

In DAC_Waiting_for_End.sqs (in both KI_0 and KI_1) add the following lines just before #checkid:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_i = 0


if (({((_rCamp select _i) distance _x) < (DAC_KI_Spawn select 4)} count DAC_Players) > 0) then {_temparray1 = _temparray1 - [_i];_temparray2 = _temparray2 - [_i]}

_i = _i + 1

if (_i < count _rCamp) then {goto {checkdist}}

You must assign a fifth variable to DAC_KI_Spawn that is the minimum distance from player units enemy can spawn. If the players are too close to all possible spawn points, then no spawn takes place and that group will never again respawn. Having a second option that forces a respawn at the furthest spawnpoint would require a double loop over all players and spawnpoints, which would be slower.

I would be obliged if someone could test this change... notworthy.gif

Edit: on second thought, it would be easy to adapt so that if spawn attempt fails, script waits and then tries again...

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well investigates Mr. Peanut, you have really discovered a mistake wink_o.gif

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">if(((_rCamp select _rdmcamp) select 5) == 0) then {_temparray1 = _temparray1 - [_rdmcamp];goto {checkid}}

as follows it is correct:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">if(((_rCamp select _rdmcamp) select 5) == 0) then {if(_temptyp == 0) then {_temparray1 = _temparray1 - [_rdmcamp];_temparray2 = _temparray2 - [_rdmcamp];goto {checkid}} else {if(_temptyp == 1) then {_temparray1 = _temparray1 - [_rdmcamp];goto {checkid}} else {_temparray2 = _temparray2 - [_rdmcamp]};goto {checkid}}}

Here the complete segment including the distance query:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#checkid


if(_groupid < 2) then {if(count _temparray1 == 0) then {deletevehicle _dummyman;exit} else {_rdmcamp = _temparray1 select (random ((count _temparray1) - 1))}} else {if(count _temparray2 == 0) then {deletevehicle _dummyman;exit} else {_rdmcamp = _temparray2 select (random ((count _temparray2) - 1))}}

if(((_rCamp select _rdmcamp) select 5) == 0) then {if(_temptyp == 0) then {_temparray1 = _temparray1 - [_rdmcamp];_temparray2 = _temparray2 - [_rdmcamp];goto {checkid}} else {if(_temptyp == 1) then {_temparray1 = _temparray1 - [_rdmcamp];goto {checkid}} else {_temparray2 = _temparray2 - [_rdmcamp]};goto {checkid}}}

_camp = ((_rCamp select _rdmcamp) select 0);_building = ((_rCamp select _rdmcamp) select 1);_shet = ((_rCamp select _rdmcamp) select 2);_spawnpro = ((_rCamp select _rdmcamp) select 3);_spawncount = ((_rCamp select _rdmcamp) select 4)

?(({(((_x distance _building) < (DAC_KI_Spawn select 4)) && (alive _x))} count DAC_Players) > 0):goto "checkid"

_t = random 100

?(_t > _spawnpro):deletevehicle _dummyman;exit

(_rCamp select _rdmcamp) set [5,(((_rCamp select _rdmcamp) select 5) - 1)]


?(({(((_x distance _building) < (DAC_KI_Spawn select 4)) && (alive _x))} count DAC_Players) > 0):(_rCamp select _rdmcamp) set [5,(((_rCamp select _rdmcamp) select 5) + 1)];goto "checkid"

?(!(_building in DAC_Camps_InUse)) && (!(DAC_InSpawn)):goto "dospawn"

~(1 + random 1)

goto "waitforspawn"

Maybe that helps you something smile_o.gif



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Maybe you can publish it as a patch as DAC 1.01? smile_o.gif

And what about DAC wiki page idea?

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hi smile_o.gif

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Maybe you can publish it as a patch as DAC 1.01?

A small patch will come. However, tonight I go for 2 weeks to Italy to recover with my family from OFP wink_o.gif

Then I implement everything what till present here in the forum was discussed and was changed and still some other little things, in that patch.

I hope, you can be patient a little bit confused_o.gif

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">And what about DAC wiki page idea?

This is anyway a good idea.

Unfortunately, I have no possibility to build up such a thing. sorry confused_o.gif



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A small patch will come. However, tonight I go for 2 weeks to Italy to recover with my family from OFP wink_o.gif

Then I implement everything what till present here in the forum was discussed and was changed and still some other little things, in that patch.



Wow Silola... Have fun.. kick back and relax... U deserved it! (Altough, to be honest... I Wish you were already back from Italy... implementing changes hehe...)

Tonight i'll check the spawn camp thing... Major Thanks to mr Peanut smile_o.gif ... It's a bit annoying .. killing enemies all around and then those chaps spawning right in front of you at the camps smile_o.gif

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Rest Silola with you family. Good jorney smile_o.gif And we are patient and will wait as long as needed. Don't worry. I am just gl;ad that you are going to publish patch, I did not know that you gonna do it (I was thinking that you think about DAC 2.0 only now smile_o.gif )

About wiki page, how come? What is a problem. How we can help?

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