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f-18 anyone?

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just about every u.s aircraft has been made.. has anyone thought about re making the navy/marine f-18? Hudson and peenywise one was great, but it is so out dated... plus with the id4 and sci-fi mods coming out.. the f-18 is used in all the movies!

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yeah i was thinking the same thing a couple weeks ago; IkaR's f-14 was pretty cool, it would be nice to see him do an f-18.

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ya I had the exact same person in mind..lol... his website was in a different language so i didnt even email him. His f-14's are great, and i am currently in the process of redoing footmunches f-15c textures.. I Just want a good old f-18 along with my f-14,f-16,and f-15. Cause i have been drawing up some good ideas for ID4 missions, and if someone makes the tripod...some war of the worlds missions...

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We've had a F-18 in progress for a while now, but it's largely untextured. I haven't got any screenshots on hand right now, but if you drop me a line I could link you up with it.

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Quote[/b] ]

Is that an Mi-28 on your sig?

A very, very, very low quality one. But, it does pack some good characteristics!

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does your team havea a texture artist? because those textures are so poor...

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Yeah we do but he's been pretty busy lately. We've all been slacking off on way too many projects.

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Is that an Mi-28 on your sig? wow_o.gif

Do you realise there is already an MI-28 available?

Is that an RAH-66 I see on your site, Franze?

Yes I do, but... confused_o.gif

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Gotta agree, it does seem pointless re-making the Mi-28 and RAH-66.

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Is that an Mi-28 on your sig? wow_o.gif

Do you realise there is already an MI-28 available?


What's your point?

Do you realise there's a C-130 available? wink_o.gif

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My point: I was making sure they knew of the DKM one, the only MI-28 (to my knowledge) released, so if they wanted a Havoc, they could use that one until Franzes came out. But no, I'm probably wrong to do that, as it would be wrong for me to point out the already available F/A-18s incase the topic creator didn't know of them. That was my point. I know on this forum actually trying to help people is frowned upon. icon_rolleyes.gif

Do you know there are no British, Dutch, Swedish, French, Canadian, Australian, etc C-130s? I had not said or implied that Franze should not work on his MI-28s, and I don't think that just because there are around 3 or so C-130s that Rockape and I should not make ours. It's not just about releasing addons.

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Yeah we do but he's been pretty busy lately. We've all been slacking off on way too many projects.

You guys are trying to do WAY too many projects at once lol. That one picture you posted with all of your projects was crazy. Whatever happened to your Kiowa? I was looking forward that, along with your blackhawk and chinook. We need those more than a new Havoc, DKM's is still pretty much up to standard with other current addons.

Oh yeah back on topic, Ive always hoped Footmunch would do an F/A-18. Hudon and Pennywise's was great back in the day, but outdated now, especially since it only has one weapon on each version.

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Yeah, with all the advances that have been made regarding multiple types of missiles on the aircraft and other scripts the F/A-18 would be a nice revisit. Always thought it was one of the nicest looking planes available.

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Looking good mate biggrin_o.gif

Are they basically retextures of H and P's F-18?

Just checking before we all get happy and jolly and all that stuff, do you have permission to be passing these out?

Either way, looks brilliant. First shot looks very VBS.

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Hi mate,

To answer your question, yes they are the textures provided with the origianal model. All I've done is use a number of real life photographs and placed the relevant sections over the top and then blended them in for maximum effect. I have several versions of the same model (I think about 3 Marine squardons and 7 Navy squadrons) available. They've been sitting on my harddrive for quiet some time now. I've tried contacting Hudon and Pennywise's but they haven't/wont reply to my emails....... I dont even know if they're still contactable. If I am unable to release their plane (due to premission problems) then I might see if Footmuch would be interested in my textures (they've been totally changed. The only thing they have in common is the order they appear on the canvas and even this can be changed!wink_o.gif.

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Hi mate,

To answer your question, yes they are the textures provided with the origianal model. All I've done is use a number of real life photographs and placed the relevant sections over the top and then blended them in for maximum effect. I have several versions of the same model (I think about 3 Marine squardons and 7 Navy squadrons) available. They've been sitting on my harddrive for quiet some time now. I've tried contacting Hudon and Pennywise's but they haven't/wont reply to my emails....... I dont even know if they're still contactable. If I am unable to release their plane (due to premission problems) then I might see if Footmuch would be interested in my textures (they've been totally changed. The only thing they have in common is the order they appear on the canvas and even this can be changed!wink_o.gif.

Isn't there an understanding within the community that if you cannot reasonably get ahold of the original author you can release the addon so long as you give proper credit?huh.gif

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Let me clear up a couple things:

- The Havoc you see in my sig is *not* a new, full blown addon. It consists of 1183 faces and serves as a simple low detail adversarial aircraft or for AI use.

- DKMM's Mi-28 remains one of the best addons availible in OFP to this day, but keep in mind that it was designed to work alongside BIS vehicles. It gets annoying having to blow 3-4 ATGMs on a single tank.

I've already dragged this off topic, so if you have any questions regarding this, you can PM me or contact us on our forums.

F-18: What about the F-18 that was part of a mod released a few months ago? It was based on Hudson and Pennywise F-18 but it looked pretty polished.

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Hudson and penny wises f-18 would be better if i can compare to waht we have today... not months ago.. the afterburners, missles, cockpit fixes, all this stuff makes the gameing better. not just give me a obsulete, f18 model with nice out side textures, that can cross a map in 2 seconds, in a shitty cockpit, with a nice hud. get waht i mean?

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Then you'd better start looking for tutorials and downloading Oxygen, because it sounds like you want things done in a specific way.

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Yeah we do but he's been pretty busy lately. We've all been slacking off on way too many projects.

You guys are trying to do WAY too many projects at once lol. That one picture you posted with all of your projects was crazy. Whatever happened to your Kiowa? I was looking forward that, along with your blackhawk and chinook. We need those more than a new Havoc, DKM's is still pretty much up to standard with other current addons.

Oh yeah back on topic, Ive always hoped Footmunch would do an F/A-18. Hudon and Pennywise's was great back in the day, but outdated now, especially since it only has one weapon on each version.

The Kiowa is still sitting on my drive,I guess we just cut out from it,for that time being,The blackhawk is still in testing phases as I'm still testing different texture idea/methods,sometimes I can't believe how odd the stuff comes out to look. The 'new' Mi-28 is not designed for the eye candy or anything real heavy,I'm not quite sure of what Franze's idea for it is but heres a kind of idea I would use an an example- Okay say you want to play a mission,with lots and lots of units with very little lag,well thats basicly what these are for,one or a few high detailed models and the rest are low detailed,that way you can place hundreds of them on the maps.

The other projects are still as well,sitting on my hard drive,the chinook hasn't even been modelled yet,Franze I guess is still toying with that idea...its just that basicly we've been out of the 'game' for awhile,lost interest for a time being. I'v been working on some new texture stuff so that I don't make the mistake I made with the longbow.

If anyone is wondering there is a new texture for the Mi-28 in his sig however it is not fully finished,A woodlandish camo was used,I didn't go into heavy detail because its not needed,three texture maps per vehicle and fairly small sizes at that,now the Kiowa is going to keep the same textures it had before,some projects will probably be dropped while others aren't,I cannot say for certain which ones will be.

The biggest reason I could understand Franze for making the F-18 is so that it will have the dynamic weapons like what the AH-64 he released has.

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