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New LVTP7 and 5 demo missions by PedagneMOD

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Hi, today i have just released the second version of LVTP7 (completely remodelled and retextured), some upgrade of the PedagneTotalPack and, at the end, the following new five demo missions of PedagneMOD.

The missions are only in English text and do not rappresent (at the moment) parts of PedagneMOD Campaign.

The missions was created by BEN MORGAN for the great ULOTC Campaign. This Campaign is particular for the military professional approach used by the author.

Arremba San Zorzo, have only adapted (with the permission of the author) the missions with the units and the Island of the PedagneMOD.

So, if you like this missions you must say "tanks" to BEN MORGAN and not to Arremba San Zorzo.

In the mission you will find also the original music traces by SKYWISE (www.skywise.it). All right reserved, but the SKYWISE allow the free use NO PROFIT in MODs of Operation Flashpoint; needed only an e-mail to [email protected] and the credits in the readme files.


Arremba San Zorzo

Here two images of the new LVTP7




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Here's the links:

LVTP7v2 (7 MBs)


TotalPack 1.1 (118 MBs)


Neededaddons (22.7 Mbs)


G8Vehicles (17 MBs)


Pedagne island (30 MBs)


More info about the missions and the addons needed to play 'em go here:




For those wo want to try the LVTP7 only:if you've already have the 1.0 version of the total pack installed you don't need to download the version 1.1, but only the .pbo with the new version of the vehicle.

Instead for those wo wants to take a look at the various changes feaured in the 1.1 version of the pack, the new lvtp is already included in it.

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