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Experimental City Island

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Thanks stelz for finding the light..at least by just deleting the light, it would be easier to get ingame.

Delta, you will need to put the placement mission included in the pack inorder to see the buildings. Put the mission in your ofp user mission folder, open up mission editor, go to Economic city and see the 'island mission layout'. It was done this way in spirit of the post:- total freedom for you to place city and farms if you dont like the provided layout and to select only certain areas to play by copying paste and save as another mission to cut down on lag on low end systems like mine 2gig processor with sis agp graphics..sigh.

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Sorry, there was a probleme with my addons...

I activated Sinai Island, Ofrp packs, LSR packs, BMi blackops, and all BAS addons...and your city rofl.gif

When I tryed open the missions there was a message:

"addons needed: Pc_embassady2, Pc capitol etc..."

So, there was lot of addons. OFP couldn't activate all addons. I remember I had this probleme with FX HMMWV.

Your island is very urbanised,OFP needs some addons like that.. I loove this, good job! notworthy.gif And now, we will be able to use swat addons in OFP. And Only 17Mo.


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great job phil been mixing the castle sqripts with the embassy to create a decenta hostlile takeover misshion. any way what i want to know is were can you get the hunting sqript i reaal y want that sqript. and in the arms depot can you change the vieacles with ou dpbo it? good job any way

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Thanks, if you need any script, ofpec has some of the best scripts around, or if u have my tiger addon in your addon folder, just name the enemy as avehicle, you as hunted,then in a trigger just select activitated by west or east and write:-

[avehicle, hunted] exec {\PCTiger\scripts\hunted.sqs}

-a terrifying script if use by the right enemy.

To change the vehicles or equipment in the arms shop:-

1. depbo the PCarmsdealer pbo.

2. Look for the door script

3. change any vehicle in the line

acargo = "xxx addon" createvehicle pos1.

where xxx is the classname of your fave addon.

4. Pbo it back and voila!  - yer addon in the shop.

** aircraft works better outdoors instead of inside shop.

This armshop concept is experimental, and pretty small..future updates would be bigger with more space..if i can find the time...

Edit:- if u dont wanna depbo it, another way is to find a large hanger and place your stuff inside it from editor. For soldiers, you can camcreate a soldier and place a trigger near him to 'recruit' troops,eg- "soldierwb" createunit [getpos player, player, "recruit1 = this", 0.5, PRIVATE] for your missions. The armshop addon concept was meant to replace the tedious mission editing effort for each mission.

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Nope, those in the pic here are just my lousy attempts at creating textures on my own with a graphic software. However there are others buildings that uses free photorealistic textures not shown in the pic. wink_o.gif

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