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Quote[/b] ]Tuesday, 22 November 2005, 08:27 GMT, BBC news

Japan party backs charter reform  

Mr Koizumi wants Japanese forces to be more active abroad

Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) has marked its 50th anniversary by formally proposing changes to the country's pacifist constitution.

The proposals, unveiled last month, would let Japanese troops take part in peacekeeping operations while retaining a 60-year-old ban on waging war.

The move is likely to concern South Korea and China, correspondents say.

Both countries are worried by what they see as a increasingly nationalistic stance from some Japanese politicians.

Japan's constitution was drawn up by the US at the end of World War II and prohibits it from using military force abroad or even maintaining a regular army.


Japan's constitution currently renounces the use of force

This has been stretched to allow self-defence troops

1992 law allowed troops to join UN and relief work overseas

2003 law said troops could go to non-combat zones in Iraq

PM Koizumi wants to give Japan even greater powers

Despite these restrictions, Japan's defence budget is the third-largest in the world and its navy the most sophisticated in Asia.

The US now wants Tokyo take on more regional security duties.

Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi told his party it was time for change.

"We need to take up the challenges of strife and conflict that may face international society over the next 50 years," he said.

According to the BBC's Jonathan Head in Tokyo, the LDP is a party with almost miraculous instincts for survival - an unwieldy coalition of bureaucrats, business leaders and small-town politicians that has bounced back from the verge of destruction several times.

Mr Koizumi fought a general election this year, taking on the conservative wing of his own party, and won a resounding victory.

it is strange as this acturaly makes me thinking of that bloody game, and got a thought that if somehow there is a WWIII, THIS would be one of the reason/element of starting it

i have to say that i am quite subjective on this topic, since the war 60 years ago is just burned too deep into history, and when i heard of how they ignore that part of history, cover it, and even start praise it like they never did wrong i always get pissed as the same rate of how those f##ks talks about june 4th.

i didnt hate this country, and infact there is things that i liked about this country, and there is a good chance that we might be good neighbors to each other, but somehow this kind of crap always pop up in the middle

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Zeh Gérmanz ahve zroops bing zeployt ins Afghanistan... doing SF operations somewhere in Tora Bora...

So why not the Japanese?

Besides, they already have massive amounts of money invested in the military... why not use them (for a "good" cause)?

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The japanese don't have the means to invade anything anymore. Good enough?

You know, it's not like some clause on a paper is going to stop them from doing bad things.

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At this very moment, somewhere in the world, a future dictator's father isn't using a condom.

EiZei is right, a clause on a piece of paper isn't going to stop anything. Besides, unlike some nations, they haven't done anything bad in the last 60 years.

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At this very moment, somewhere in the world, a future dictator's father isn't using a condom.

EiZei is right, a clause on a piece of paper isn't going to stop anything. Besides, unlike some nations, they haven't done anything bad in the last 60 years.

yep, b4 911 who else would think of some 15 men would hijack 4 plane and crash them into buildings? b4 june 4th which student on that place would think of a tank drive right up to them? and b4 1942, who would think of a plane with a big round red circle printed on it would fly over you and drop a bomb right above your head, same shits happens

really a clause doesnt mean anything, but whats important is that the ways those papers being burned.

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At this very moment, somewhere in the world, a future dictator's father isn't using a condom.

EiZei is right, a clause on a piece of paper isn't going to stop anything. Besides, unlike some nations, they haven't done anything bad in the last 60 years.

yep, b4 911 who else would think of some 15 men would hijack 4 plane and crash them into buildings? b4 june 4th which student on that place would think of a tank drive right up to them? and b4 1942, who would think of a plane with a big round red circle printed on it would fly over you and drop a bomb right above your head, same shits happens

Those actions really have no real strategic significance, in the large scale of things even the worst terrorist/suicide attacks are merely an inconvinience, especially when the perpetrator has a return address so to speak.

Japan has no aircraft carriers, it's ships are pretty much screwed outside the reach of their airfields.

The japanese people are comfortable with their way of life, live in an open society, have demonstrated reasonably responsible behaviour for the last 60 years and are hardly that fanatic anymore. A war would mean going pretty much 3rd world since they are utterly dependant on importing goods overseas.

Quote[/b] ]

really a clause doesnt mean anything, but whats important is that the ways those papers being burned.

Saying that peacekeeping is ok does not seem too aggressive to me.

And for sake of everything good in this world start writing proper english on forums, deciphering stuff like "b4 911" is really tiresome.

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I'd say that the Japanese are too smart to ever want to go to war again, or to appear as an agressor at any rate. If they want to be engaged in some form of conflict which falls outside the scope of their constitution for the greater good, then by all means the international community should welcome their help in pro-active peacekeeping.

As to China and South Korea's concerns; China in any scenario is going to be the likely agressor, and Japan's constitutional restrictions would then be void - therefore they're talking out their rear-end. The Chinese are obviously trying to downplay their own massive military in light of a supposed Japanese threat. If anything Japan should be afraid of China, not the other way round. As to South Korea, its military is basically a U.S. puppet, and Seoul will no doubt listen to the Washington line. Japan will never invade Korea again; and Seoul should recognise that and welcome a Japanese military which could come to its aid should North Korea go mad again.

If Koizumi wants to spend even more money on the military and peacekeeping when the economy isn't exactly vibrant, good for him. But that's a matter for the Japanese people, not us.

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Quote[/b] ]At this very moment, somewhere in the world, a future dictator's father isn't using a condom.

That's a good quote, but so true.

Even if Japan did have the means to invade somewhere, I think the people would greatly object to it. A lot has changed in the past 60 years. They've revived themselves and grown a population where the majority of them are peace-loving citizens. I'm sure there would be widespread demonstrations in most Japanese Towns/Cities against it. Besides, can anyone tell me where there is left to invade without NATO or the UN or some other faction stepping in to dissolve it?

And I agree with harley, the Japanese people are too smart to do anything as foolish as that.

If I was PM Koizumi, I would create a space programme. I think the Japanese have the ability to create a better and quicker one than China/America combined.

Just my veiwpoint though.

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Besides, can anyone tell me where there is left to invade without NATO or the UN or some other faction stepping in to dissolve it?

Umm.. Iraq and Afghanistan? tounge2.gif

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When Japan conquers north america and assumes benign dictatorship of the world i would like it recorded that i for one would welcome our new asiatic overlords and their superior stick based methods of conveying food to the mouth. welcome.gif

I think this is broadly An Ok Thing, possibly even A Good Thing. As long as the taking on of military commitments is in no way linked to the kind of hyper nationalism exhibited by a few of the nutjobs who still cling to the idea of an imperial Japan then it seems like a sensible development in the normalisation of postwar japan.

I can see how it might make Chinese people feel a little wary but its not exactly like they're going to go invading Manchuria or something smile_o.gif . But if they do and the end result is an extinction level nuclear holocaust then i admit ill feel silly. wow_o.gif

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